Do you get along with your girls parents?

Nope not at all

Im black-her parents are dominican. Yall know how that goes . Met her moms but if she sees me its like we never met.

Never met her pops
They used to like me now they hate me lol. They make her sad when I'm around by telling thing after thing then when she starts crying they say see what hedoes to you....its mostly her dad we've came close to fist fighting but my girl always steps in an stops us.
Girls mom used to hate me w/ a passion when we first started talkin. Once we became coo she told me it was because she aint want me takin her first baby awayfrom her
Now I'm apart of the fam. Mom dukes be makin them bangin ribs and crab legs makin sure I get some. Gmom always hookin up the stuffed bellpeppers and what not. Long road but I fought through the nonsense
Her mother and I used to talk, but after the incident (which some of you may already know) we don't talk much.

Her oldest sister loves me, her older sister is always keeping her "eyes" on me as if I'm going to cheat.
Nope. They told her they'd disown her if she were to get with me..needless to say what happened next.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Naw Pops know Im tearing his little girl to shreds, and Mommadukes wants a piece of the brotha for herself.

Do you really talk like that in actual conversations with real human beings?
Originally Posted by Paco305

yes its not that hard to vibe with them
just crack some jokes and set the mood
That's the thing, I get along with everybody and I'm always the guy that everybody wants to be around. But when I get around her parentsit's like they try and make me feel unwelcome. I try to crack a joke and they sit there with the
. I think it's just that me and heralways "hang out" and I'm hardly ever around her parents. It's either that or they are closet racists because I'm black and they'reall white.
My girl family is cool. I don't talk to her dad that much cause he a lil loopy but he does like me though so it's cool.
At the first 1 1/2 years, it was difficult... But after sometime, things got better.
I always got along with all my ex's parents, my recent girlfriends were all Hispanic and all their moms treated me like a family member.
Im always around my girls family because 50% of the time Im there. They love me and my parents love her.
Yo, some of you dudes are lucky. I wish my girls family would like me. Granted, they don't really know about us, but her parents know of me and from whatthey've seen I can tell they don't like me already.
When I met my girls parents originally we were just friends and they were really cool. Her mom still is and always asks about me and how I'm doing whenshe's on the phone when I'm around. Her old man tho is ex-military and tried to intimidate me the last time I saw him by telling me how he was going tolet me make it this time and how he never forgets a face. Mind you I'm meeting him to get his daughters computer and take it back to her at school becauseI was in the area doing a show the night before. Either way I think it's funny because my old man is by far the most intimidating person I've ever metin life so he'd have to put in a lot of work to make me even think about being affraid. Not today I don't understand why he's protective of hisdaughter or lack respect in anyway... But I certainly don't fear him...
I have always been cool with my girls parents. My wife now was the easiest, her mom left her when she was little so I didnt have to impress her, and her dadwas the one preasuring us to get married. Then again we did have a kid but he was a super nice man. RIP
i got it good with my girls parents. Drinking with the dad is major cool points. This dude tells me to make sure i strap up when i
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