Do you give bums money when they ask for it?

Money, no. But if I have time, I'll always buy food to give them instead.
stopped giving em money, used to though. sometimes might give one food if they start asking and I ordered a little more than I should have :lol
I see dudes bringing their whole family to stand outside of a supermarket every week asking for money. 
99% of the time, no. There's this dude around my way who's always begging, I tell him no all the time, but one time he caught me in the sub shop mad late and I just caved and gave him a buck cause it was pretty late and I figured he was tryna get a slice. Now, this dude looks at me like he's entitled whenever I see him, he actually saw me and crossed the street the other to ask for money but I said no. Ever since I been cursing myself for caving cause I never give beggars ****. If I do, it's for one of those late night bums at 7-11, and all I give them is my coins... Minus the quarters tho cause I need those.
^actually now that you bring it up the exception for me is the bum on my block. ok guy, doesn't even ask 9 times out of 10, just tells me whats up and occasionally mght start up a convo. cant even get mad at that :lol
I hate the ones with their dogs. I see bums everyday in NYC so its whatever but those dogs look so pitiful :{
I hate the ones with their dogs. I see bums everyday in NYC so its whatever but those dogs look so pitiful :{

Reminds me of the homeless dude with the pitbull that was having a seizure a few years ago in NYC and the pitbull wouldn't let anyone near him and a cop ended shooting the dog right in the head in a crowded street.

Dog somehow survived and lost an eye. I tried to find any current updates on the dog, her name is Star but I believe they've changed her name since, but it's tough to find without it leading to some kill shelter Facebook page and I refuse to look at those and mess up my day.

Off topic but there's been a lot of dog shootings since. Maybe cops should take lessons from mailmen and carry dog treats. Just a thought that will probably work.
Depends.. I usually talk to them, ask some questions, sniff them out and then I make my decision.

Levitcus19:15 Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour.

Always do.  Although I don't know what they'll use it for, I know no human being enjoys begging and must have some type of desperation to resort to begging.  Regardless, I'm sure karma doesn't care what they spend it on, as long as you give genuinely from the heart. (Yea I know it's sappy but that's how I feel).  
People here in Houston are hard core with the panhandling. I've seen people posted up on the corner holding up signs with their children sitting around in the area
Yea i see that alot outside of walmart street entry and exits. I had a fist full of money one day and smoothly put my hand out my window on the door and flashed my bills to the mexican women.She smiled and i waved like come on, she was going o come until the man caught on and they started yelling in spanish.. I still LOL everytime i think of that time
Couldn't have said it any better bro, it's important to give back. I've been thinking about donating some of my shoes to goodwill but I know some dudes go their for steals smh.
Alot of cheap rich or well of folks shop at goodwill
Nope to many bums out in here in these Center City Streets who get money and go right for the drugs.

The ones who i think are clean and seem to be trying to get help i offer them dunkin donuts or something similar but never will i give a bum money.
If they're in front of a food establishment I usually bring something out for them, chips/fruit/juice but never money

A) I was probably going to buy drugs with it

B) whether they faking or not, they out there pan handling, and that sucks. I do like the ones that'll give you a song though.

I saw two bums I had given money a few weeks ago, different occasions, fighting on the street. I was kind of amused. Fight you bums. Fight!
I do it by myself, but when I'm with my mom or pops, they tell me to keep moving, and I feel bad

A) I was probably going to buy drugs with it

B) whether they faking or not, they out there pan handling, and that sucks. I do like the ones that'll give you a song though.

I saw two bums I had given money a few weeks ago, different occasions, fighting on the street. I was kind of amused. Fight you bums. Fight!
I used to watch bum fights on youtube all the time 

If I'm in my own town on Long Island I try to hook up the few homeless people that are around.  One dude hangs out by the bottle deposit spot at the beer distributor I go to, so best believe all of the money I get back from my empties goes right to him.

If I'm out visiting friends in NYC: forget it.  The amount of homeless people near Penn Station and throughout Midtown is ridiculous.  No one has the money, let alone the time or the energy, to stop and hook them all up with a dollar or some spare change.
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It's funny you say that. Here in Kc we have like twenty homeless folks you see around on the reg. very low homeless population, and people just fought city hall so that we can continue to give the homeless food without a permit. In DC, they were there but I imagine in NYC it's crazy. I've been there a few times but they seem to keep the homeless outta the tourist areas, I can't blame New Yorkers for not giving everytime, it'd get ridiculous.
If I keep growing out my beard I'm going to hit the streets with a sign saying...

Buried in a 22k student loan. Please Help...

And see if anyone wants to give me a couple bucks.
Have y'all ever given a bag of cans or bottles wherever there's a recycling program?
I don't frequent the big cities that much (I live in a rural area) so I hardly ever come across bums but I usually offer them some food or water, not cash.

Only gave cash once but it was an exceptional moment. I was visiting London and was on my way to go back home and came across this beggar with a starved looking dog on a bridge before my train back to Belgium. Can't exchange coins back to Euros so I gave him all the coins I had left on me.

I'd say it was about 20 british pounds and he just started crying tears of joy.

Generally I don't give cash though, just food and/or water to prevent possible abuse of the money.
95% of this site doesnt even tip you think they will give money out to the homeless?



i was in a terrible place in my life 2 years ago, i was a junkie ,

but since i wasnt living on the streets and looked presentable, people like you wouldnt know i was probably worse than these "bums" you see begging for money..

i was at rite aid trying to pan handle with my junkie home girl, we looked like an attractive couple who just needed money for gas because our belongings had been stolen.

THAT WAS A LIE, we didnt get much but then this dude who was homeless gave me some of his money he had pan handled..

it made me feel terrible, but i took that ish anyway.

i saw the guy on x-mas a year after that, i spent it alone in a hotel room in the worst part of town smoking heroin all day.

i went to the pizza hut across the street and saw that same guy who gave me doe, he was so polite and asked if i had anything to spare, but i said nah.

i came out and gave the dude plates, half of my pizza and like 15 bucks, he was so happy, i explained to him how he had given me doe a year earlier and that i was a piece of crap junkie bum.

he told me how terrible things have gotten for him and how his addiction led to his life on the street.

i walked to my room and just felt like dying.

that same guy i saw later that year and he saw me walking and offered me his one day bus pass, i told him i was near my house but thanks.

i told him that i talked to him x-mas and he didnt even remember me, this guy was just being a nice guy.

doubt he knew i was even the same person all those times i met him, i've been clean for 2 years but i always try to help when i can.

even when i was a junkie i would hook homeless people up when i got my paycheck. 
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