Do you let people borrow your car?

kids.dont even drive here, they take subway. its stupid to lend your car out because of liability and risk. whats next? asking if ull cosign a loan with someone. come on.
[quote name="seandon23"][QUOTE name="DarthSka"]All made perfect sense... until the last line. I'm not letting ANYONE I don't know drive my car.

No way.[/QUOTE]lol that last part was meant to be a joke :lol  but yeah nobody driving my car besides me[/quote]Gotcha. :lol
Don't lend your car out people. Nobody takes care of your car like it is their car.

My man lost his car in 2 weeks .. Brought a BMW ... lent it out. Dude really had a suspended license (but didn't tell him). Ran through a stop sign, hit somebody, then took off. It was a wrap after that ....

PLEASE do not lend out your car. Dudes aren't avoiding potholes and all that .. They whippin' that ***** like a rental.
i have before and have borrowed friends/roomates cars
dont think its that big of a deal as long as you know theyll take care of it and treat it like their own
I barrowed a friends car in high school one day for lunch back in 08. While im in line at Wendy's some old man comes through like "is anybody driving a silver honda accord"

I realized it was my friends car.

I go outside and see the entire front bumper is ripped off halfway across the parking lot. the guy hit ithe bumper with HIS barrowed van and dragged it while trying to maneuver.

:{ it wasnt even my fault, i was just tryna get some food but atleast the old man was honest.

i think my friend got some insurance money from it after a while.
After listening to Serial .... F dat!
Did Jay do it?

When I had a stick shift I didn't have to worry about this :lol

:lol I'm in that boat, only drive stick and lucky for me only one of my friends can drive stick. He actually taught me when I bought my first car. He is responsible and if he needed to borrow I will let him. He's never asked, so its safe to say I'm good. Other than him just wifey, but she can't drive it, and refuses to learn.

I don't feel bad either because I don't ask people to borrow their cars. I don't want to be responsible for anything that may go wrong.
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Haha hardly any of my friends can drive stick. Just sucks when you're out somewhere far or tipsy and ur girl don't know how to drive manual.

Off topic but I think it's really weird that people don't know or don't want to learn how to drive manual. I think it makes you a more cautious driver. Not a better driver, but more in tuned with the road/car. I think it'll make you appreciate driving more. Idk, just sayin'.
Why is it weird that most people don't know, or don't care to know, how to drive something that isn't the predominant style of driving? If you know how, cool but to say it is weird that people don't desire to know is just funny
Yeah, they don't care so don't want to know - they just want a box that will get them from A to B.

A bit like most people don't know any computer programming but happily sit online all day.
it's personal preference. i understand. but some people are so quick to say no to learning manual. idk, i just see too many people texting or talking on the phone while driving, and all that non sense. i feel as if they had to manually drive the car they would focus more on the road? leading to less accidents? idk i'm just sayin'.
Since I can't drive but love driving (NYC life 
) I stay asking to drive my friends' cars when we go places but I know that when I get my car I'm never lending nobody except maybe my parents my car.
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