Do you look younger or older than you are?

Aug 8, 2007
I was at Bloomingdales today and when I handed the lady my I.D. she was like "You aren't even 21 yet
?" I was like no
why how old didyou think I was 22?

She goes "No 25/26"... Facial hair FTL

So do people usually think you are older or younger than you are?
It depends. For the most part older, though. I just turned 20 and when I was 19 people thought I was at least 21/22.
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

It depends. For the most part older, though. I just turned 20 and when I was 19 people thought I was at least 21/22.

I would have guessed 22
young. actually, to be more accurate...YOUNG!

i was at best buy trying to get my phone fixed, and the girl was like "you have your own cell phone plan?!?!" all surprised...

i'm like "of course...i'm 20 years old..."

i'm almost 21, and i'd say i look like 15-16.
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