Do you pay attention to IMDB when it comes to movies?

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

seems like the people that rate movies over there are serious when it comes to scoring a movie. Alot of movies out now dont get over a 7 or 6, when it comes to an upcoming movie that you are thinking about seeing do you pay attention to IMDB ratings?

I prefer rotten tomatoes but don't use either really to make a decision on a movie unless the number is really low like <30%.

I usually use it to confirm my thoughts. Green Latern looked terrible and it's 27% rating confirmed my thoughts. They have Tower Heist at 69%. Never planned to see it in the theatre but may have to check it out on redbox.

I trust the compilation of ratings versus friends who have wildly varying tastes
as a rough baseline to see if a movie is worth my time...but they do tend to overrate imo. Gran Turino in the top 250? c'mon now....
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by HankMoody

You seem to have all the time in the world. Congratulations.

Because the guy likes movies? You realize someone could take a look at either one of our post counts and say the same thing.

You're right. I don't read thread titles. I just close my eyes and randomly click on threads and read them thoroughly, in hopes the content is to my liking. If it's not, the next one that is will surely be even more worth it.

My bad, I'll admit I missed you're completely nonsensical point. He said he tries to stay away from reviews and ratings. It's not like he said he doesn't watch trailers or averts his eyes from movie posters. A lot of people stay away from reviews, it doesn't mean they have more time than anybody else.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Because the guy likes movies? You realize someone could take a look at either one of our post counts and say the same thing.

You're right. I don't read thread titles. I just close my eyes and randomly click on threads and read them thoroughly, in hopes the content is to my liking. If it's not, the next one that is will surely be even more worth it.

My bad, I'll admit I missed you're completely nonsensical point. He said he tries to stay away from reviews and ratings. It's not like he said he doesn't watch trailers or averts his eyes from movie posters. A lot of people stay away from reviews, it doesn't mean they have more time than anybody else.

Good point. Still find it ridiculous.
The only time I go on IMDB is after a movie when I see a really hot chick I don't recognize
I just use imbd for info on movies. I don't pay attention to it or rotten tomatoes for ratings though, rotten tomatoes has Home Alone 2 rated with like 25 percent and I love that movie. If I don't want to go to the movies it's because I don't want to spend the money not because someone said it was bad.
Originally Posted by 2o6

go there a lot to check facts and ##+* haha. i watch a ton of movies so sometimes when im real bored i look up the errors and goofs and ##+* and see if i can spot em in the movie lol

you and me both

sometimes it ends up as a wikipedia type thing where i start looking at one actor, then everything they've ever been in, then random facts, then if theres a prequel, etc etc lol
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Rotten Tomatoes is my go-to. I should check out IMDB more often but critics and user ratings are still just a suggestion for me. I'll see a movie with low reviews if I feel strongly about it.


Although if im pumped for the movie i'll check it out anyway
I look at both IMDB and Rottentomatoes scores. When it comes to reviews of movies or games, I never look at single reviews. But an average score of many reviews is better because then you don't rely on a single individual who either loved or hated the movie.

With that said, I think that some of the movies with high grade averages are garbage that doesn't interest me at all, while some of my favorite movies have mediocre rating averages.
all day everyday. i dont attempt to "acquire" movies that are under 7. luckily my "source" shows the imdb rating and rotten tomatoes rating in the post. sometimes the ratings can differ from eachother but if one is at least a seven ill maybe watch it if bored or if it was something i was looking forward to. for the most part they are about the same.

watching anything under 7 would 19 times out of 20 be meh and you will probably forget that you watched after a while. thats 1h:30m that you will never get back, that you didnt learn anything or didnt have a certain emotion spark or appreciate the art director/writer in some way to make the hour worth your time.

i go with 7 cause its mixed up with regular opinions and the avg folk tend to over exaggerate (superbad, inception). i never following ratings from any site that shows theatre times cause genpop would give 9.7 to some twilight garbage.
Originally Posted by wcghost

yes, if it gets a 7 and above then i watch the movie.

rotten tomatoes on the other hand is terrible. they gave Drive a 92%. SMFH.

yep me too, only watch if its like 7.2 or more.
i also go every friday to see all new movie releases.

then look for that .tor
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