do you think jr. smith can turn into a ray allen type of player

I'm recently a big fan of the guy, but no. JR Smith isn't really a specialist like Ray is at this age and he's not quite the consistent all-around star that Ray was in his prime either. He definitely has a niche of being a spark guy and a streaky shooter, but it would be hard for him to take a whole other step up to be something even more.
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Jr is one of my favorite players and this statement should not have even been made. Sorry homie.
its too late man. He is who he is which actually sad.  The kid had All-Star talent.
its too late man. He is who he is which actually sad.  The kid had All-Star talent.
Always felt like he should've went to carolina after he committed cause I feel like he would've listened and respected what Roy had to say about his game, but on the other hand look at nick young he went to college and still makes horrible decisions.
Looking at Roys track record.....I don't think he would've helped.

Dude has played for Byron Scott, George Karl, D'antoni, and Mike Woodson. and in China.  He's just not a guy who is interested in getting the most out of his ability. No matter where he plays or who he plays for
Ray Allen is pretty much a once in a decade type player/shooter in his own right.

so no.... JR Smith is not that type of player
like errbod said, he is who he is. Can't use the potential word for him. See him as a spark off the bench who can space the floor.
He has every bit the tool Ray Allen

Ray just knew how to play basketball when he entered the league.

When ray was in his prime whewww he was everything. driver and stupid Jump shooter.

JR might have really benefited from playing a couple years in college and Learning the game.

Ray Allen is pretty much a once in a decade type player/shooter in his own right.

Ray in Milwaukee/Seattle was just downright SICK
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What separates Ray from a lot of players is his elite bball iq (i.e. timing, running without the ball, coming off screens, etc).

JR is probably more athletic but bball iq is what puts Ray in a class with top tier players (when he was in his prime)
He has every bit the tool Ray Allen

Ray in Milwaukee/Seattle was just downright SICK

Plus Ray was/is a class act on and off the court. You cant really say the same about JR Smith.

Just a quick little story on the matter....

My GF bought tickets online to catch a Sonics game back in 2006 as a anniversary gift and it ended up being the game that Ray broke the single season record for 3 pointers made. He was on fire and we had a great time. Then a couple weeks pass and I get an envelope in the mail from the Sonics with a letter from Ray Allen inside thanking us fans for the support this season and being there on his special night and inside were two free Sonics tickets as a token of his appreciation. It was pretty awesome, he must have sent them out to everyone that the box office had an address to.

I'll admit I wasn't his biggest fan when he arrived in Seattle as Gary Payton is my all-time favorite player and Desmond Mason was a fan favorite and we lost them in the trade for Allen (wasnt his fault, I know) but I'll alway be a fan of Ray because of that classy move.
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I think at this point in his career JR is who he is... He'll be a streaky scorer who will bring in some big plays & highlights.

The comparison to Ray is tough because Ray is a specialist at what he does. He's able to hit that 3 consistently & has been throughout his career. Then in his prime, he was able to mix that in with getting to the basket.
The difference between JR and Ray is what Ray has between his ears.
one on one? jr smith would beat the brakes off ray allen

I think Ray would hold is own against JR. JR is flashier so you would think that one on one he'd have the advantage.

and as much as i love JR, he jumpshot is no where near as deadly as Allen's.
Hell no. Dude has a rock for a brain.

This is disrespectful to the great Ray Allen.
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