Do you think obese people should qualify for handicapped parking spots?

Originally Posted by msDUNKtastic

Na b.I don't think people in wheel chairs should either.Them @!#+%%@ aint even gotta walk.Thats some bull !+$%.If you cant walk a extra 50ft your *%% shouldnt be driving.Word to these 80 year old geezers that cant walk straight driving on the highway.

its not just for drivers but passengers as well. and handicap spots have extra room to be able to help them open the doors and get their wheel chairs out ofthe car or what have you. 80 might be pushing it but my grandpa is a great driver at 77, cutting him off would be a huge shot at his quality of life.
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Whether or not you think somebody brought it upon themselves, carrying around so much extra weight to the point where it becomes a physical burden for you could be a legitimate disability couldn't it?
The most reasonable and overlooked answer in this thread

i feel bad for those people that need those electric carts in a grocery to only find out its some obese person with a plate of pizza and chicken..(yes ive seenit before)
I say yes. I dont need some fat guy trying to squeeze between my car and the car next to mine, !##$%* up my mirrors and @*%%.
naw, unless they have some kind of disorder, they're obese because they're lazy...why reward them for their laziness by making it easier for them to belazy...

at giving fat people any way possible to get out of exercising
to all you people saying they only deserve it if its a medical condition; if someone survived trying to commit suicide, would they not deserve medicalassistance just because they inflicted it on themselves? do cigarette smokers not deserve treatment for lung diseases? enh...and to those who say they arentreally handicapped, well, thats not true. they are handicapped. thats the definition of being handicapped.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Not only should chunkies park the farthest, but supermarket managers should position ALL junk food at the very back of the store.

On a platform reachable by ladder.

that would be damn embarrassing to have to ask an employee to get that super sized bag of doritos for you.


there should be a size limit. If you are 5'5 and 400 lbs, you need a sticker.
If you are 5'8 and like...230 (which is still considered obese) then absolutely not. walk, fat !!*, walk.
Originally Posted by upstateboibeats

Originally Posted by Nash

They need to qualify for 50% off Slim Fast instead
dammit u just made me laugh out loud in class


im glad i wasnt in class when i read this.
or i definitely would have been dying out loud.
NO they should have their own the very back of the parking lot.

Make the fatties get some exercise.
Wait? Let me get this straight. NT has a homosexual defense team but no Overweight defense team? Mmmh intolerant racist.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Wait? Let me get this straight. NT has a homosexual defense team but no Overweight defense team? Mmmh intolerant racist.
why should people defend those who are overweight. eating is a choice, being gay is not. People allow themselves to become obese, people dontallow themselves to become gay.
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