Do you think that man will ever be able to go anywhere past our solar system?

Jan 14, 2008
^^ What the title says ...

Right now I am watching a show on space on the History channel and that question popped in my head.
I personally think that it will never happen. But how amazing and mind boggling would it be if one day you turn the tv on and the news man says that we wentpast Pluto? Or that we reached a place outside of our galaxy never imaginable.

Crazy stuff if you put thought to it.

What do you guys think?
There's plenty of time before the sun dies and humans cease to exist on the planet, so at the technological pace that humankind has experienced over theyears, I would say it is definitely a good possibility.
with the technology and the equipment the govt. or nasa is hiding theres no doubt about it.. prolly will be in some our lifetimes that they do
We'll be somewhere walking on the undiscovered 10th planet past Pluto by 2500...word to K-Pax
Originally Posted by Razorsharp510

with the technology and the equipment the govt. or nasa is hiding theres no doubt about it.. prolly will be in some our lifetimes that they do

thats a stretch
History Channel
man i don't care if we go past the universe. i just hope our species exists somehow someway. it bothers me when i think about when the suns gets to explodeand what not and our entire species...planet...everything disappears
I personally believe that before our species makes the next great leap that we will have to overcome something tremendous first. Whether it be an asteroid orglobal warming, whatever. As it is NASA gets little funding and it costs a lot of money to produce antimatter particles which I remember hearing were atheoretical source for fuel.

It's a sad thing to think that if we don't make it the accumulation of humanity and civilization is lost forever never to be known again.
Topics like this have always intrigued me. I've thought about things like this many times before. But, I just don't think it's remotely possible toget out of the solar system. By some AMAZING technological advancements that may possibly come along in the next several hundred years, even if man was able toget out of the solar system, he would not be able to get back to Earth.
NASA building a spacship that'll travel at least a lightyear?

^Never happen. so thats not possible, prolly'll never even reach Pluto.
Originally Posted by NYVictory45

I personally believe that before our species makes the next great leap that we will have to overcome something tremendous first. Whether it be an asteroid or global warming, whatever. As it is NASA gets little funding and it costs a lot of money to produce antimatter particles which I remember hearing were a theoretical source for fuel.

It's a sad thing to think that if we don't make it the accumulation of humanity and civilization is lost forever never to be known again.
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