Do you think that more people have tried WEED than not tried it?

in the past 4 years with weed in my life i can onestlty say that i wish i never got into it....ive quit b4 and it felt great but i would still smoke everynowand then last year i started it up again but it hasnt been the same since the first 2 years of smoking years 09 i vowed to quit 4ever i lasted a monthand half and bam i started it but lately ive been stressed out so bad about smoking it i know i got a problem and i know ima quit soon man if nottoday i just gotta stop problem is that almost all my boys smoke our agenda kinda revolves around smoking and playing games....i not a bum though iwork 40 hours a week i trow moneys to my moms to help with bills and stuff i guess thats my only problem in life rite now
I've come across a lot of different types of people who burn or who have tried it that really surprised me. Since I started, there were periods where Iburned every month, to every weekend to almost every day now. Personally, I feel like I don't get addicted to stuff easily but there's no doubt I wouldbe effected in some way if I tried to quit trees. As far as gaining weight goes, I've been virtually unaffected with my superfast metabolism. I don'tspend unnecessary money on weed. When I smoke, 95% of the time I'm chipping $5 on a dub on 2-3 heads so I get bang for the buck and I stopped buyingmunchies and started eating at home.

I used to smoke cigarettes after blazing and have no type of urgency to go buy a pack because they still disgust me. I'll probably still have one from timeto time while drunk or high but I could not smoke one for the rest of my life if I had to.

In the big picture as long as I keep it under control and don't let it effect my future I don't see it as a problem. I know when I'm slacking andif I see myself slacking I know weed isn't worth it. I've seen people move onto coke, H and prescription drugs so it depends on the person as well...
I've never tried it
but isn't there numerous and countless in kids in Africa that haven't tried it and out-numbers the ones that have tried it here?
I have never tried it but I know how it feels it is the worst feeling in my life(I got Hi in a different way)
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

In the big picture as long as I keep it under control and don't let it effect my future I don't see it as a problem. I know when I'm slacking and if I see myself slacking I know weed isn't worth it. I've seen people move onto coke, H and prescription drugs so it depends on the person as well...
Exactly how I feel. I promised myself if it affected my grades I would slow down and I would never let it be a gateway drug to others. So far sogood and I only smoke on the weekends now instead of daily.
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

in the past 4 years with weed in my life i can onestlty say that i wish i never got into it....ive quit b4 and it felt great but i would still smoke everynow and then last year i started it up again but it hasnt been the same since the first 2 years of smoking years 09 i vowed to quit 4ever i lasted a month and half and bam i started it but lately ive been stressed out so bad about smoking it i know i got a problem and i know ima quit soon man if not today i just gotta stop problem is that almost all my boys smoke our agenda kinda revolves around smoking and playing games....i not a bum though i work 40 hours a week i trow moneys to my moms to help with bills and stuff i guess thats my only problem in life rite now
i feel u (nh)
Originally Posted by JaYzNyAyAlLdAy

StaXX wrote:

I'm a college freshman and I've never tried it and never will. & ALL of my friends do it at school.
oh you'll try it. you're still in that little goody two shoes phase, but eventually a sexy $@$#+ is going to come outta nowhere like "hey big man, you wanna smoke with me tomorrow?" and assuming you have a penis you'll say "no doubt".

and i cosign on those comments about it being on the individual person and being able to control it and what not.. building tolerance for tree aint kooneither, used to burn 8ths days on end

and ive been seein hella weed related threads lately man i needa stay away from these topics. swisher appreciation threads and what not.
#!!*% gettin to my head
I never have, never will. It depends a lot on where you live but I highly doubt more than 50% of people have tried it.
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