Does a woman expect a man to have her on his mind 24/7?

but the question LADIES that are in a relationship think about their boyfriends a lot like how dudes do with their girlfriend? well SOME dudes....
I'm come to the conclusion that women are a walking contradiction. But VA757VA sums it up.
Originally Posted by city gLamour

Originally Posted by Agthekid

What I do is just leave I love you on her myspace every other day. And send text messages like "I'm on my way to class and was just thinking about you". Trust me my dude it works wonders.

I hope you're doing it out of the sincerity of your heart and not just because it gets you extra brownie points in her book. But anyway, we do like to know that you're thinking about us because somehow, you're always lingering in the back of our minds. No matter what she may say, she's almost always thinking about you. The cute little text messages and phone calls just to "check in" makes us feel special and gives us something to brag about to our friends lol.

I first it was out of sincerity, but after I found out how much itmeant to her I started to do it to just soften her up. But I try not to do it too much just because one I don't want to look like a herb and also it willstart to seem like I don't care at all.
I hear you W2E... on the flip side, sometimes I wish I could get a lil more reassurance every once in a while. Ya'll like to act like we don'tappreciate a thought or 2 every now and then. I hate feeling like I'm sweating a chick harder than she's sweating me. Pride can be a !*+!* like that..
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