Does anyone besides me only listen to classic +%*+?

Sep 1, 2009
does anyone else out there just hate recent music?
I know i'm not the only one who still regularly listens to 2pac, biggie, NWA, snoop, dre and cube.
I can stand lil wayne, but I don't really like his music all that much.
the only current rapper that I like is the game, but I don't listen to his stuff all that much.

Who else is in the same boat as me?
As far as hiphop goes I definatly listen a lot more to the "classics" than the newer stuff, probably the first sign im getting old
I think there is soooooo much material... and what is getting sweated these days blinds most fans from whats good/great or suck/over hyped.

But there is plenty of really great music these days plenty of it... i think artists are just holding themsleves back and doing what they know will get themsweated and hyped up.

Also a lot of exec's are picking the wrong singles and stuff to put on albums..
you also can checkout the web rappers, its soooo much good **** out, you jus gotta find your speed.
Originally Posted by cartune

If by classic you mean older stuff then no I listen to everything.

Yea, I listen to good music. It could be Nina Simone, Gucci, Jose Jose, Dro, Zeppelin, Biggie, or Audio Two any day of the week. There are times when Idon't really check for Top 40 music, lately I only listen to that type of music if it's catchy to me. I haven't been keeping up with new musiclately, I'm going to have to go back and find songs I like pretty soon before it's too late.
Originally Posted by 13saldana13

Originally Posted by cartune

If by classic you mean older stuff then no I listen to everything.

Yea, I listen to good music. It could be Nina Simone, Gucci, Jose Jose, Dro, Zeppelin, Biggie, or Audio Two any day of the week. There are times when I don't really check for Top 40 music, lately I only listen to that type of music if it's catchy to me. I haven't been keeping up with new music lately, I'm going to have to go back and find songs I like pretty soon before it's too late.

Co - **+*++% - sign

Gucci to The Roots, Nasir to Zion I, Daft Punk, Al Green, Stevie Wonder, to Jimi Hendrix. I'm addicted to good music. And in the ten years that I'veseriously started to analyze and comprehend music, I've realized that there's an endless supply of it out there.
I feel you OP. I can't listen to most of today's music. Music today does not sound half as good as music from the back in the day. I listen to Pac,Biggie, Bone, and even old school Kilo. Today's music sucks. I mean there are some hits but mostly misses.
90% of what I listen to is old 80's and 90's classics.
@*%! no.

Expand your mind, music grows, changes there is good music out there, music as good as it was back then, the only difference is you have to find it.
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