Does anyone else feel that things are handed to them alot?

Oct 11, 2006
My fiance and I were talking last night and she got upset because she felt that I get alot of things handed to me like: jobs, help with school projects,general things in life. For example she had to go through interviews to get the job she has and she works hard and is close to getting a management position,but the other day I went in to see her and the manager offered the management position to me and I have never applied there. Im not some spoiled person whoalways gets my way, but I do seem to be given opportunities for things when others dont. Does anyone else feel this?
well consider yoursef lucky because nothing was never handed to me without it being snatched back
Yup... my gf tells me the exact and same thing and tries to get mad at me like its my fault or something. I have gotten jobs easily, internships, scholarships,future job offers once I graduate. She gets mad though because she says im not taking advantage. I guess this comes from the fact that she hasnt had an easylife and has had to wrk extremely hard for everthing she has
if you know people , its gonna be kinda easy.I had to work for all I have

"sometimes its not what you know, but who know"... my manager told me that and its so true because thats how I have been so fortunate.
Originally Posted by pawley410

My fiance and I were talking last night and she got upset because she felt that I get alot of things handed to me like: jobs, help with school projects, general things in life. For example she had to go through interviews to get the job she has and she works hard and is close to getting a management position, but the other day I went in to see her and the manager offered the management position to me and I have never applied there. Im not some spoiled person who always gets my way, but I do seem to be given opportunities for things when others dont. Does anyone else feel this?

Hate to say it, but Im calling ductakles until you can explain how this is possible.
I get alot of stuff but it is only after patience and some effort on my part. My ex was a settler what ever she got she just stuck with it. She did not want towork for anything. She only moves on when she is made to move on. She had a cushy job working for my pops and she messed that up. Now she sells electricitydoor to door. I have made considerable improvements since or break up.
Life has always dealt me a good hand. And many times at the last moment and I never stress over anything because I EXPECT good things to happen for me. lol Lawof Attraction! (<- look it up!)
Little things seem to be given to me a lot, I believe in Karma and I try to help people out whenever I can so I guess it's just coming back at me.
that does sound MAD odd that the manager just offered a random person a management position. it almost sounds like the plot off of a sitcom. what industry isshe in?

and on topic, when i was younger, yes, things were often handed to me, and it has taken a toll on my work ethic. but now, no i work for pretty much everything.
My girl comes at me like that, and to a degree she's right. But she could NEVER understand how tough it is grinding up through the bottom. She's alwaysbeen kinda semi-suburban. So I could point out all the things she's never had to go through, but I just laugh at her ignorance. I let her rantabout how her life is so much harder and stuff... It's too cute and innocent to get mad at
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

My girl comes at me like that, and to a degree she's right. But she could NEVER understand how tough it is grinding up through the bottom. She's always been kinda semi-suburban. So I could point out all the things she's never had to go through, but I just laugh at her ignorance. I let her rant about how her life is so much harder and stuff... It's too cute and innocent to get mad at

Whats good with your girl's tat?
Did she ever decide on anything?
lol i do mainly because of my parents and who they know. but all that does is get me in the door
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

My girl comes at me like that, and to a degree she's right. But she could NEVER understand how tough it is grinding up through the bottom. She's always been kinda semi-suburban. So I could point out all the things she's never had to go through, but I just laugh at her ignorance. I let her rant about how her life is so much harder and stuff... It's too cute and innocent to get mad at

Whats good with your girl's tat?
Did she ever decide on anything?
She's been looking at some designs and stuff but I think I'm just gonna end up drawing it. I got a little bit ofskill so I might just lay down like a blueprint and let somebody with a tighter pen game go over it and upgrade it or whatever. I'll be going down therelike monday so I guess I better get on it huh
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

nothings ever been handed to me..
same here but every once and 13 months so big break comes along so ill take what i can get but when i have kids i want as much handed to them aspossible but trust me they will do slave work in the house so they no what its like to work hard
Originally Posted by 10453

well consider yoursef lucky because nothing was never handed to me without it being snatched back

Same here. I have never gotten things handed to me. I wish someone would just give me a job.
wow, usually it's the other way around. girls getting things easy. and no I've never felt like that and have often been salty at others for gettingthings easy. but now I'm old and don't give a crap. I'd rather work for mine
getting things through hard work > handed to ya
Yea a lot.. but I ain't mad. I've been through a lot of crap so this can temporarily cause me satisfaction for the time being.. but I still put in myall and take advantage of all my opportunities.
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