Does anyone else prefer Youtube videos over TV?

Nov 21, 2012
Does anyone else on NT like to watch Youtube videos instead of TV atleast for the most part? 

If so name no more than 3 of your favorite Youtubers mine are Chris Smoove, Modernwarnegro, and myself :wink: check me out below..

nah, never..

youtube is only good for a couple things. (Vice and random old songs that i don't have)
That was the best possible video you could have chosen to make your case

are we laughing at how stupid it was, because I stopped watching after a few seconds. did I miss something lol
Like ServedChill said, I like old movies that are on youtube, or the old TV show clips.
I laughed.

- Rob Dahm

- LifeAccordingToJimmy

- AmanJohnX & AmanJohnK

I mostly use YouTube to watch interviews of people I admire. 
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Nah. Has the youtube app been buggy on anyone's phone or tablet? Seems to only work half of the time. It usually lags real bad or playback isn't available.
have you guys ventured into the dark side of youtube?

uncensored child births, breast feeding with orangutan *******, just some nasty stuff?
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