Does anyone know if Creatine Ethyl Ester can cause hair loss?

Feb 16, 2005
Started taking creatine ehtyl ester (neovar) about 3 and a half weeks ago. Cannot use monohydrate, as the cramping gets so bad that I can barely stand up. Have noticed size and strength increase, so I am happy with the product. But my friend was telling me that since creatine increases testosterone levels that it ultimately leads to hair loss. I haven't noticed this, but if it is true then I will immediately stop using. I don't have a receding hairline at all, but certainly do not want one at age 21. Not a good look 
Have noticed size and strength increase
Get out! Placebo effect

and CEE tastes nasty man
Ive experimented on lots of supps when I was still competing (sports) and CEE was the worst of all time.
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

Have noticed size and strength increase
Get out! Placebo effect

and CEE tastes nasty man
Ive experimented on lots of supps when I was still competing (sports) and CEE was the worst of all time.

Can't speak on creatine ethyl ester, but creatine monohydrate does increase size and strength. The increase in size is mostly water retention, which is minimal. Increase in strength is true. 
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

Have noticed size and strength increase
Get out! Placebo effect

and CEE tastes nasty man
Ive experimented on lots of supps when I was still competing (sports) and CEE was the worst of all time.

u serious dawg? if anything, the strength increase is much more noticeable than the size increase IMO. and yeah it doesn't taste the best, but monohydrate isn't for me
Originally Posted by Duckness

CEE is scientifically proven to do nothing. Search pubmed.

You seriously expect these dudes, who are asking if CEE causes hairloss, to do a search on a legitimate website for peer reviewed primary literature for sources? You should have just posted a blog post or YouTube video for info. Anyways, I haven't actually read this article so I am not going to standby the data or conclusions, but for convenience here is a link to a pubmed article on the subject:
From Article:
In conclusion, when compared to creatine monohydrate, creatine ethyl ester was not as effective at increasing serum and muscle creatine levels or in improving body composition, muscle mass, strength, and power. Therefore, the improvements in these variables can most likely be attributed to the training protocol itself, rather than the supplementation regimen.
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