Does Anyone Know Where I Can Get A "Models Love Cake" T-Shirt? (Pics)

Jul 11, 2006
The shirts an old print (4-5 years now...) but for a while I was the only shirt the brand was making and seemed to be everywhere.  I'm worried the company may have gone out of business, but I'm almost certain I stumbled across the shirt somewhere as recently as 3 months ago, but now I can't find it anywhere.

And even weirder, the brand website, and the url's to all the online stores that were selling it are dead.

Anyone have any idea where/if I can still find this shirt?




SU08041Ac.jpg, chances are its out of stock and they havent updated their inventory on the site.....but lets hope not.
...through my search i see the shirt was re-released in 2008 as well.
Yeah, it's a birthday gift for a friend who's been looking for the shirt for months. I randomly stumbled on it at a no name street wear store back in March but didn't have the means to pay for it at the time, went back and it was gone. Haven't seen it since.
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