Does anyone still rollerblade?

Originally Posted by Mo Greene

who remembers Airborne?�


Mitchell was that dude... (too much of a punk tho)
i still have my rollerblades in my garage, use to love wearing them with my visor backwords thinking i was doing it
never the less it was the good ol' days
i still have my rollerblades in my garage, use to love wearing them with my visor backwords thinking i was doing it
never the less it was the good ol' days
Airborne was hands down the dopest rollerblading movie out there, Brink was right behind it. Man I want to go watch both those movies right now, damn.
Airborne was hands down the dopest rollerblading movie out there, Brink was right behind it. Man I want to go watch both those movies right now, damn.
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