does it bother you when people who never talk to you wish you happy birthday on facebook

Doesn't upset me at all. I think its nice of anyone who doesn't know it's my birthday or anyone who I normally don't talk to to go out of there way to wish me a happy birthday. I use Facebook to try and keep in touch with people I normally wouldn't have too much social interaction with. People I never really had big relationships with in hs & %%@+ ill randomly comment on posts I find interesting..even if I feel like were not tight in person.Don't look too much into it though... Happy Birthday!
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by Jking0821

"Thanks to all my friends for the birthday wishes, everyone else....nice to know once a year you acknowledge my existence"


Doesn't upset me at all. I think its nice of anyone who doesn't know it's my birthday or anyone who I normally don't talk to to go out of there way to wish me a happy birthday. I use Facebook to try and keep in touch with people I normally wouldn't have too much social interaction with. People I never really had big relationships with in hs & %%@+ ill randomly comment on posts I find interesting..even if I feel like were not tight in person.Don't look too much into it though... Happy Birthday!
If you say that then you just sound salty that they dont talk to you the other 364 days out of the year.

You could always remove your bday from your profile.
Or you could remove those "fake friends" from your profile.

If not, then you have no choice but to accept that fb bday wishes is serious business (thats how you do sarcasm btw).

HBD though.
If you say that then you just sound salty that they dont talk to you the other 364 days out of the year.

You could always remove your bday from your profile.
Or you could remove those "fake friends" from your profile.

If not, then you have no choice but to accept that fb bday wishes is serious business (thats how you do sarcasm btw).

HBD though.
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

They're just being polite stop being a %£@#$ about it.

word...if its that much of a problem just delete them as FB friends...
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

They're just being polite stop being a %£@#$ about it.

word...if its that much of a problem just delete them as FB friends...
very clever way of making your own bday thread.

My birthday is hidden on facebook for this very reason, but thanks to people get notified when the few people who remember write on my wall, so my cover was blown this year.
very clever way of making your own bday thread.

My birthday is hidden on facebook for this very reason, but thanks to people get notified when the few people who remember write on my wall, so my cover was blown this year.

would you feel worse if the people you always talk too didnt say it?

would you feel worse if the people you always talk too didnt say it?
But you never talk to these people on NT and they are wishing you happy bday? Are you sitting in a corner crying right now? Stop being a lil +%+%%....

Happy bday
But you never talk to these people on NT and they are wishing you happy bday? Are you sitting in a corner crying right now? Stop being a lil +%+%%....

Happy bday
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