Does milk really help you grow?

Aug 9, 2008
i'm 5'7, and i still want to grow some more
so if milk helps one grow, i'm going to start drinking a lot of it
No it doesn't help you grow. Growth is mainly genetic. Plus a lot of "experts" are saying milk isn't that good for you.
I'm gonna be 17 this year, and they say that the age at which you stop growing is 21 right?
Dude, even if milk does help you grow, its only going to effect you during your developement stages as a kid. Once your body stops growing, its done.

Originally Posted by enrique23

I'm gonna be 17 this year, and they say that the age at which you stop growing is 21 right?

Don't know who "they" are, but I've never heard anyone give an exact age for when your body stops growing. Everyone is different, everyonestops developement at a different time. Myself, I haven't grown an inch taller since I was 16. For most people, you're going to go through life thesame height that you were in highschool. Exceptions occur, but rarely. But even so, starting to drink a lot of milk at age 17 is not going to cause a growthspurt.
Originally Posted by enrique23

I'm gonna be 17 this year, and they say that the age at which you stop growing is 21 right?

welp i guess im gonna max out at 6'1"
an xray can give you some insight into how much more youre gonna grow.
when i was in 8th grade (late 2000/early 2001 !$!) i broke my arm and had to get xrays.
i was about 5'6 at the time and after getting the results back the doctor was amazed at what he called my "growth plates"
he said that i still had alot of growing to do at that time and that i could expect to be an above average height.
im 6'6" now.
and im lactose intolerant so i wasnt heavy on the milk at all.
milk can help strengthen your bones but i doubt it makes them grow.

the word i.s.h. is censored? what the feezy?
height is all genetic... the only way to be taller by 1/2-1inch is improving your posture and stretching ALOT
I believe so... All the males in my family are no taller than 5'9... My cousin who drank milk religiously as a kid and still does is 6'4....
my brother has been drinking a tall glass of milk for about all of his life right before he goes to sleep and he is 6'5 now.
no one else in my family is tall.
Originally Posted by cangn

height is all genetic... the only way to be taller by 1/2-1inch is improving your posture and stretching ALOT

Now this is what I need!! Im always slouching haha. I hope I get to be 6 or 6'1.

Being 19 n 5'10 1/2 is eh
by "they" i meant that doctors say that boys stop growing when theyre 21
i've seen on some webpages that it is medically proven
The person who said stretch, is correct.

Being active will help you grow. Active bodies = Healthy Bones
Originally Posted by enrique23

by "they" i meant that doctors say that boys stop growing when theyre 21
i've seen on some webpages that it is medically proven
I'm pretty sure what "they" mean is that after 21 you're as tall as you're going to get, but they aren't saying thateveryone will continue to grow until they are 21. Big difference.
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