Going to the point KHUFU KHUFU is making with this thread. DJ bana had her fans but she would get roasted too.
All women deal with sexism, misogyny, we know this. But from what I see on this site? White women have it easier than Black women, as it is all around the world.
White women have it easier than Black women
all over the world, that’s definitely true. but some of the white women have been roasted real badly on here. worse than any of the black women. bana, and the girl that wore ben’s chain, and i’m sorry but to this day, i still remember how hard i laughed when dude called this one member menace 5 chins. nt was way more ruthless back then.
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The problem is that men, damned near all men actually, think that they hold the keys to a woman self esteem. When a dude decides to call a woman attractive, men think that a woman is supposed to automatically capitulate, lie prostrate, then inviting the man to her. I saw this the other day where this sister was sharp, pulled together, exceptionally well dressed. This dude who looked like he was homeless tried to pick her up, told her that she was attractive, and she ignored him. Then the dude yelled out GOD BLESS YOU! WE know why he did this, because most people who try this are actually hoping that this pitiful god is going to put HER in her place, so that he can try and control her feelings, accepting his compliments, acknowledging him.

Unfortunately, she said thank you. I was disappointed, because I was hoping that she would continue to ignore this bummy mofo, and his puny god.
I consider myself to be a virtuous misogynist. I have met some amazing, stand-up women that should be held in high regard. However, I let my resentment for my mother lead me to treating the majority of women similar to how my father treated my mother - dealt with her then left.

I typically tell women what kind of dude that I am (even the ones in which I have no interest) in the early stages, thus I don't feel too bad ghosting and/or cutting contact out of nowhere because they still chose to deal with me. She knew what it was. At this point, a woman in my life will likely either be mistreated (cut contact out of nowhere, possibly without notice) or just avoided altogether. I'd rather go with the latter.
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