Does NT have an address? How can we help the homeless and needy?

Oct 8, 2008
Yes thats right I want to organize something for the homeless and needyfor this holiday season. I hop that everyone is down to contribute. If NT has an address we can send our stuff that we don't need or that we don't useto the NT address and it'll make for a great donation to those who are less fortunate. I know that alot of you cats have 10 pairs plus and probably have afew decent beaters. I got this idea from Corgi a fellow NTer. He posted a few pics of some white and cement 4s he gave to a homeless guy and a few TheHundreds stuff as well. So what do you say... Lets get in the holiday spirit and get something going.
sounds like a good idea.. you might want to coordinate with the mods though..
I'd def send some stuff I don't need anymore

as long as the homeless people pay for shipping.

well get some mods over here guys idk how to do that... how do i contact mods? and no it isn't a scam we are sending it to an NT address (If they have one)
I don't know maybe we can get some media coverage for this. It'll get everybody in the holiday spirit.
Why not just hook up your local bums?So where ever this NT adress is is the only city thats gonna be getting all this gear.When you can just all spread it outin your own citys.Kinda dumb
yea i guess i'll do it just locally. But i did want to help other countries too. If you think about it our bums out here live a thousand times better then3rd world countries so I wanted to extend an arm out to those 3rd world countries
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