Does Proactiv really work?

Nov 29, 2008
I need to get rid of these damn black marks on my face. Popping pimples FTL.
just wanted to know if this stuff works for some people before spending 50bucks on it. I know someone here has to have tried it. Any help will be appreciated.
Not really.

I still get little pimples but not like before when I used to get big pimples filled with white stuff.

It's more controlled with Proactiv but not completely gone.

Might work different for you, I eat fast food almost every other day so that might be the reason
Yes it works. Kind of makes your skin feel weird though. Better than acne though.
Works while you use it, once you stop, it'll go back to how it was.
my girl just ordered that new Murad acne complex thing.....does anyone know if it works?

she tried Proactiv and hated it cuz it had benzoyl peroxide which irritated her face

she's really got her heart set on Murad
like some people said it works while you are using it but it also might not be effective at all.

you can find all the acne info you need here:

if your acne isn't that bad you should try their regimen when washing your face.
Hey just go to a dermatologist the doctor gave me these acne pills u take at night and the morning and cream you put on at night it works 100% and it stillworks even after you stop. Just warning you at first you might break out after about 1-2 weeks you be normal and after a month u will barely even need to useit
It works for me.

Different answers, different opinions.

People have different types of skin so it varies I suppose.
i ordered freaking 3 of these, well actually they schedule every 90 days to ship you more of this stuff, SMH! Well, it works and you can see the differenceafter a couple weeks use. Whats annoying is you gotta apply 3 different types of this stuff and twice a day, everyday, which i forget to do sometimes. Inoticed the difference but i also notice i still kinda get some pimples showing up again. So its eh.......
Proactiv never worked for me. I returned the empty bottles so I could get my cheese back. Only thing that worked for me was Accutane. It dried the *@% outof my face but I haven't had a breakout in years. Stops the production of oil in your skin or something to that effect.

A lot of my friends have had success with Proactiv though...
some dude in my speech class gave a speech on it and how to correctly apply it, he said he swears by it and uses it all the time. however dudes face washorrible, so i doubt it works that good.
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