Does The Bible Need To Be Updated?

Oct 13, 2001
Not trying to disrespect anyone first and foremost. Not trying to start a war, just want to gather some opinions.

Was just talking to a couple of my boys about this. Do you think the bible is outdated in certain aspects? And if so, which aspects would those be?
It doesn't need to be updated but people need to stop taking it literal.
Nah, I don't think it's outdated. Everything bad that goes on in the world is still powered by the basic elements of human nature.

We don't need to add anything for technology or anything like that. The Bible isn't a rulebook, it's a guide for living life.
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

It doesn't need to be updated but people need to stop taking it literal.
What are some examples of this?

I will share some of the conversation.

Basically one of my dudes was with one of his females and she said, "I can't find _ _ _ _ to wear to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ church"
He said: Why are you cursing while talking about church
Her: You don't even GO to church
Him: I don't have to go to church to know that you shouldn't be talking like that LOL.
Her: Attitude........

Then from there we talked about how she doesn't "live" the life of someone and essentially going to church for her isn't really anything other than getting brownie points. Just to say, "I went."

From there we talked about how things like pre-marital sex, cursing, and other things that were looked down upon way back when are just the norm now and have lost their meanings.

So we concluded that the bible for THOSE TIMES isn't the same bible that is meant to be used for THESE times.

More was said but that was the basically it.
Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

We don't need to add anything for technology or anything like that. The Bible isn't a rulebook, it's a guide for living life.
Funny I asked them would stealing media and/or folks wireless connections should be considered "stealing."

I mean it IS stealing, but we do it so frequently that we don't even think twice about it. I doubt anyone would consider themselves a bad person for doing either one of those things.

So I think technology should be addressed.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

From there we talked about how things like pre-marital sex, cursing, and other things that were looked down upon way back when are just the norm now and have lost their meanings.
Even if it is the norm now, that does not make it acceptable in all circles of society.
It may be more acceptable to us or the groups of friends that we have, but we cant go ahead and speak for everyone, as there are still many people who try to live by those basic principles. 

People either believe in the bible or they dont. There are no needs for updates on something that may or may not be true.
If it's going to be updated, who's going to actually do it?  When it comes to the actual process of doing so, who says they're not going to input their own bias views?

Because you know all the royalties, dictators, religious leaders and translators got to add their own little verse and a few lines here and there when they translated their version of the bible.

Chances are, there's no way that 50% of what you're reading right now is the same as the original

i may be wrong, but its definitely plausible considering the bible's dominance and huge religious following, it's an amazing tool to use to control the masses
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

It doesn't need to be updated but people need to stop taking it literal.

Exactly. you should take the lessons and morals from the Bible, but u cant take ALL of it literally.

Like "cursing"... how can you even determine what curse words are... the words we use today weren't around then, so who's to say what should, and shouldnt be said.

We all kno the Bible was written by a bunch of different ppl... Shakespeare included... so it wouldnt be fair to yourself to take it all literally.
We should make the body of christ a Samoa girl scout cookie. Jesus is way too dry and doesn't taste good.

If i were jesus i would want my body to be tasty. Lets start a petition. Id be eating jesus all the time
Originally Posted by kien

If it's going to be updated, who's going to actually do it?  When it comes to the actual process of doing so, who says they're not going to input their own bias views?

Because you know all the royalties, dictators, religious leaders and translators got to add their own little verse and a few lines here and there when they translated their version of the bible.

Chances are, there's no way that 50% of what you're reading right now is the same as the original

i may be wrong, but its definitely plausible considering the bible's dominance and huge religious following, it's an amazing tool to use to control the masses
Who the hell knows. I doubt anyone is able to honestly without getting flack for it. What would even make someone worthy enough to be the one who does it.

It was more so a rhetorical/hypothetical conversation than us thinking SOMEONE needs to update it.

My thoughts on CURSING are similar to Traps

Cursing was considered wishing evil on someone, not using "bad words." If I hit my foot on a chair and I say _ _ _ _, is that forbidden?
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

It doesn't need to be updated but people need to stop taking it literal.

That's exactly what needs to be added. There needs to be a section addressing that issue. Most of the churches I've gone to have been strictly "Follow the Word". Basically, I feel like a lot of people don't even consider being true Christians because they feel like they can't follow every law in the Bible. If it was adressed the Bible is more of a guide than what you should and should not do, I think there would be more people involved.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

We should make the body of christ a Samoa girl scout cookie. Jesus is way too dry and doesn't taste good.

If i were jesus i would want my body to be tasty. Lets start a petition. Id be eating jesus all the time

the hell?
Originally Posted by Jking0821

We should make the body of christ a Samoa girl scout cookie. Jesus is way too dry and doesn't taste good.

If i were jesus i would want my body to be tasty. Lets start a petition. Id be eating jesus all the time

Blasphemous AYO!
There's always new translations of it being made to make it an easy read for ppl

So exactly what aspect needs to be updated? Cuz the cornerstones and bluntness won't be covered up with an "update"
yeh, much like the "we are the world" remake, it needs to incorporate the hiphop community. maybe it can include the inception of the autotune as well.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by blackngold1z

It doesn't need to be updated but people need to stop taking it literal.
What are some examples of this?

I will share some of the conversation.

Basically one of my dudes was with one of his females and she said, "I can't find _ _ _ _ to wear to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ church"
He said: Why are you cursing while talking about church
Her: You don't even GO to church
Him: I don't have to go to church to know that you shouldn't be talking like that LOL.
Her: Attitude........

Then from there we talked about how she doesn't "live" the life of someone and essentially going to church for her isn't really anything other than getting brownie points. Just to say, "I went."

From there we talked about how things like pre-marital sex, cursing, and other things that were looked down upon way back when are just the norm now and have lost their meanings.

So we concluded that the bible for THOSE TIMES isn't the same bible that is meant to be used for THESE times.

More was said but that was the basically it.
church isnt for perfect people
It does need a remake. People (especially bible thumpers) make so many interpretations of the bible it takes away from what god really meant. Also that old school here yee here yee thall shall talk can be confusing and annoying.
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