dogs are only okay.

Oh the joys of dog ownership. Right before heading off to bed last night:


Oh the joys of dog ownership. Right before heading off to bed last night:



I crated my most recent rescue whenever I left the crib. She decided to sh*t in the crib and the walk and lay down in it.

I had to make a jacket out of big trash bag, pick her up and walk her to the bath tub. So foul.
I crated my most recent rescue whenever I left the crib. She decided to sh*t in the crib and the walk and lay down in it.

I had to make a jacket out of big trash bag, pick her up and walk her to the bath tub. So foul.
Reminds me of the time my dog (maybe 6 months at the time) crapped all over her crate at 3am. She’s a very quiet dog but she was whining the loudest I’ve ever heard and chewing on the crate. My girl said she’s fine she probably just wants to play. My tired self knew something was wrong but went back to sleep. Dog goes quiet for a couple minutes then starts whining again. I get up, open the bedroom door and immediately smell ****. She’s covered in it. Had to give her a bath at 4am, clean the tub, then take a shower to get to work on time...

We had gotten her pretty housetrained at that point. We definitely know now if she’s whining she probably has to go out.
^ looks like a welsh corgi....i swear my next dog gotta be a smart one, i'm thinking about a border collie
My two frenchies are literally the funniest duo. They play hide and seek with each other but they are also like two little bowling balls rolling around my whole house. Our shiba looks them like these freaking peasants.
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