dogs are only okay.

Best boy.
I have 3 dogs.

Bagel, Cheese, and Roni.


Bagel is the brown one. I got him when he was a baby. He is 18 months old. He is intentionally half pit pull and half boxer. He is my quarterback. We do yoga every morning. He can wrestle and fight. He can be nice and he can be mean. He is fair. We live in a canyon in the country in TX. We go for long walks around the neighborhood, in the park, and in the mountains. He and all of my dogs eat mostly vegan... like myself. He is really funny. He is like my best friend. A better description of bagel is in the picture below...


Cheese is the puppy on the top right. We had him and Roni for about a year. They were left on the street. We adopted them... and their brother Mac. Mac passed away. One day Cheese got through a hole in our backyard fence... and came back with a gunshot wound in his shoulder. I never found out who did it. To be fair to whoever shot my dog... there are some wild animals in the canyon that we live in... so someone might have mistaken him for a wild animal... or might not even have seen him. Nobody I spoke to in my neighborhood told me that they did it. I am just grateful that he is ok. When it happened... my girl took him to the vet. They wanted to amputate his arm. I told her to bring him home. We gave him oil, had him rest for weeks, did yoga with him. Eventually the swelling went down. He is now able to walk and run... with a light limp. There was no need to amputate his arm. Cheese is very strong and so loving, and I am very proud of him.



Roni is my running back. He is tough. He is with all of the smoke at all times on sight. He is all bark and all bite. He barks at every dog in the neighborhood. He challenges this really big Great Dane through the fence on the way to the park every morning. Him and Bagel wrestle all of the time. He loses... but he gets his too. He is the first to eat at all times. He controls the food and the emotion in the house. Sometimes he tries to eat Bagels food. Sometimes Bagel lets him. Sometimes they growl at each other... and Bagel reminds him that he is still top dog. Roni is next to me the most... only because i am the one that feeds him.



All of us


I am thinking about buying a modified van that would let us all sleep in it comfortably. I would love to drive them everywhere, have them meet other dogs, and show them cool places. They are really my best friends.
Does having a dog make you a dog person? Like you go to dog parks and make friends / meet up other dog owners similar to how motorcycle riders get together? Or do most of you just do your normal life + walk them everyday and not get that involved.
My dog is running around and farting like a grown man and it’s so loud it’s scaring him.

He’s also spraying liquid 💩 in the yard every few hours.

Has anybody fed their dog strictly rice for that?

He’s old, on special food and steroids so that probably isn’t helping.
A spoon or 2 of plain pumpkin purée with their meal is good when their stomachs are messed up

That with some boiled chicken and white rice. I’ve definitely noticed the pumpkin helps a lot
Who do you guys have for pet insurance? I’ve had nationwide for like a year now and they’ve covered maybe 20% of my bills. They covered $29 of a 1k+ neutering bill when I specifically signed up for them for that..Tired of it now I’m trying to find something new
Nothing, I feel like it’s pretty much all a scam after we had it and same story. It covered nothing.
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