Dogs & Regular Food

Apr 11, 2006
I'm living with two dogs and I want to know why it's bad to give dogs regular food. I actually always wanted to know that with pets. I just gave this terrier a little piece of turkey breast, my mother gives the dogs Swiss Cheese, McDonald's Nuggets, and Nasty Chicken Breast. I'm always eating my food in front of the dogs because I don't want them to get sick
The worst was when my parents gave my dog (when he was still a pup) table food and now all he does when we gather at the table is beg. Hes 3 now and cant get him out the habit at all, most times have to put him in the cage when its dinner time. 

Your vet says it and so does every book on caring for your dog: Don't feed your dog table scraps. The dog food you regularly feed your pet should meet nearly all of his dietary needs.

But the fact is, it's almost impossible to refuse your dog a treat from the table now and then. As long as you offer table scraps in moderation, and avoid giving your dog certain foods altogether, the occasional treat of "people food" can actually enhance your dog's health. As a rule, table scraps should be less than 10% of his diet.

Good Treats

Vegetables: Some dog nutritionists recommend that you occasionally add vegetables to your dog's diet. Veggies good for your dog include carrots, broccoli, cooked squash, zucchini and potatoes.

Fruits: Peeled apples, melons and berries are good fresh fruits to give your dog.

Grains: Rice and plain pasta make healthy dog snacks.

Meats/Dairy: Your dog's inner carnivore will adore you for sharing bites of your steak, chicken, turkey, hamburger or hot dog-all of which are good for him in small amounts. (Consider using these meaty treats as a training tool to motivate your dog to learn basic commands.) Plain yogurt is another healthy treat he'll enjoy.

Bad Treats

Certain people foods can be harmful to your dog. Some are downright dangerous to him, while other foods are best avoided because they can lead to obesity and a variety of health problems.

Toxic Foods: Never give your dog chocolate, onions, macadamia nuts, grapes or raisins. If he accidentally ingests a lot of either, take him to your vet immediately.

Sweets: Dogs have a highly developed sweet tooth. But treats of candy, pie or ice cream can cause cavities in dogs, as well as obesity.

Fatty/Greasy foods: In addition to most sweets, some varieties of meats are too fatty to give to your dog. Avoid feeding him duck, pork, veal or venison. And don't offer him any fried foods.

Small Bones: Never offer fish, chicken or turkey bones to your pet. He might choke on small, soft bones, or suffer throat damage from brittle bones.

Uncooked or Undercooked Meats: Bacteria in raw fish and chicken, and in raw bones, can make your dog sick. Never feed him scraps from the garbage; the food may have spoiled.

Spicy Foods: Highly spiced foods will probably give your dog an upset stomach.

Use Your Common Sense

If you're unsure whether or not a certain food is good for your dog, don't offer it. Dogs deserve a treat now and then just as much as we humans do, but they'll be happier and healthier if the treats you give supplement rather than sabotage their diets.
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I used to give my dogs apples, grapes, burritos, chicken, chips, pretty much everything. Not too often though...
It's bad if you do it all the time because they get fat. We have "fat camps" for pets in America because people don't know how to take care of their pets (or themselves sometimes). Let this sink in...

It's not just a people problem: Growing rates of obesity in pets have led to the emergence of fat farms offering "pawlates," "doga" and "Barko Polo," doggie versions of Pilates, yoga and Marco Polo to help slim down man's best friend.

In the U.S., 53 percent of dogs are overweight or obese, up from 45 percent four years ago. In cats, the figure is almost 58 percent, said Dr. Ernie Ward, a veterinarian and founder of the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention in Calabash, North Carolina. Overweight pets can suffer diabetes, joint problems, heart disease and decreased life expectancy, just like obese people, he said.

I love dogs but they are stupid and give attention to whoever feeds them the most. The occasional treat is ok but you have to be disciplined with your pet if you don't want them to get fat.
I give my dog table scraps...but i'm a pretty lean/healthy eater.

Most of my diet consists of greens, lean protein, and maybe a bit of rice.

I always kick my dog back a little piece of protein and a piece of veggie after i'm done.
grapes are poisonous to dogs.

If you want to give your dogs real food, you can give them a raw diet, such as raw beef or lamb. You can go to a butcher and get turkey neck since the bones are softer and give that to your dogs. I also give my dogs boiled chicken from time to time. No seasoning whatsoever.

Brb, dog eats better than me.
i give my dogs bananas, strawberries, pieces of chicken.

sometimes when i make a smoothie i even let them have a little bowl of it.

grapes are pretty much laxatives, BAD IDEA.

i wouldnt even give a human chicken nuggets, let alone my pets..

thats going to significantly affect their lifespan along with all the other garbage you are feeding them.

once in a while i will let them have small pieces of carne asada from my tacos.

i like giving my dog the peanut butter jar when its almost empty lol
 My dog is treated like royalty 

Whatever I eat, I'll usually give him some or let him try 
Repped xxpizzo :smokin

A lot of people just feed dogs table food without knowing if they can eat it.

My dog loves apples, it's hysterical when he chews on it :lol:
I think the most important thing for dogs and even cats is to keep them hydrated. Even with a balance of bad food and water, a dog can be pretty healthy.
I give my dog chicken and cheese, pretty much it. I do let her eat the floor that falls on the floor though :lol:
 I hate eating around my dog because he always just watches me waiting for some. And I feel bad rejecting him.

Are cheez-its cool? I have some in the cabinet i might give him. Asiago flavor too
If I cook, I usually try to save a small portion and place my plate on the floor for him to eat. Makes washing dishes easier too.
All of you that feed your pets human food are savages. If im ever over yall house and that little flea bag start begging imma kick the hell out of it. DOGS ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO.EAT HUMAN FOOD. How hard is that to understand. No just alittle treat here and there NO. They make dog food for a reason. Yall wonder why yall come home and garbage tore up. Smh savages. Sorry this is a bad subject for me. I left my girls of 3 years cause she keep feeding her damn dog out of her plate. One thing I cant stand is a begging dog or coming home to tore up garbage or leaving my plate to go poop coming back to that flea bag licking my plate.
All of you that feed your pets human food are savages. If im ever over yall house and that little flea bag start begging imma kick the hell out of it. DOGS ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO.EAT HUMAN FOOD. How hard is that to understand. No just alittle treat here and there NO. They make dog food for a reason. Yall wonder why yall come home and garbage tore up. Smh savages. Sorry this is a bad subject for me. I left my girls of 3 years cause she keep feeding her damn dog out of her plate. One thing I cant stand is a begging dog or coming home to tore up garbage or leaving my plate to go poop coming back to that flea bag licking my plate.
goodness gracious...

That escalated rather quickly
All of you that feed your pets human food are savages. If im ever over yall house and that little flea bag start begging imma kick the hell out of it. DOGS ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO.EAT HUMAN FOOD. How hard is that to understand. No just alittle treat here and there NO. They make dog food for a reason. Yall wonder why yall come home and garbage tore up. Smh savages. Sorry this is a bad subject for me. I left my girls of 3 years cause she keep feeding her damn dog out of her plate. One thing I cant stand is a begging dog or coming home to tore up garbage or leaving my plate to go poop coming back to that flea bag licking my plate.

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My entire fam is from the islands. Damn near everyone there owns a dog and the only thing I ever saw them feed them was table scraps.

And they were all healthy and lived to old ages besides the one that got hit by a car. Happened right on front of me too

There's nothing wrong with it, you just have to be careful what you give them because they can't eat everything we can.
 PERFECT execution

Dude really broke up with his girl over a dog
His girl for 3 ******* years and he leaves her over something so trivial.
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