
And there you have it.

Eh....that's fine. That's actually my main reason for not wanting a dog right now anyways. Don't want to commit to a total lifestyle change all on account of a pet. The worst are those dog owners that love dogs and get rid of them when they are to much to deal with. My cousin has gone through like 4 dogs and she still keeps getting more as if the next one will be easier then the others. I'll get a dog when I have kids.
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Having a cat is like having a 10 pound schizophrenic living with you.
And there you have it.

Eh....that's fine. That's actually my main reason for not wanting a dog right now anyways. Don't want to commit to a total lifestyle change all on account of a pet. The worst are those dog owners that love dogs and get rid of them when they are to much to deal with. My cousin has gone through like 4 dogs and she still keeps getting more as if the next one will be easier then the others. I'll get a dog when I have kids.

:lol: Those are the people who look at a dog like an accessory and not as a walking, living, breathing companion. They expect the dog to come pre programmed and to not bark, pee, and **** everywhere :smh:

I know a few people like that.

Those are the types of people who can't have kids. They look at children like toys, and once they have one its way more than they expected.

My cousin has cats and a dog. She loves them all. Her dog just died not too long ago though. I don't think she would have been as effected by the death of her cat.

Not because its a cat, but because human bonding with dogs is just.... Different...
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The dogs driving 

And there you have it.
Eh....that's fine. That's actually my main reason for not wanting a dog right now anyways. Don't want to commit to a total lifestyle change all on account of a pet. The worst are those dog owners that love dogs and get rid of them when they are to much to deal with. My cousin has gone through like 4 dogs and she still keeps getting more as if the next one will be easier then the others. I'll get a dog when I have kids.
Those are the people who look at a dog like an accessory and not as a walking, living, breathing companion. They expect the dog to come pre programmed and to not bark, pee, and **** everywhere

I know a few people like that.

Those are the types of people who can't have kids. They look at children like toys, and once they have one its way more than they expected.

My cousin has cats and a dog. She loves them all. Her dog just died not too long ago though. I don't think she would have been as effected by the death of her cat.

Not because its a cat, but because human bonding with dogs is just.... Different...
couldn't have said it better myself
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we need a female forum so that the cat lovers have a place to post.


I am here just trying to voice that side just cause I have what I have but at least I don't tote around thinking it isn't odd having a cat. I'll tell some folks about my cat sometimes and they give me the stank eye and I just laugh saying "yeah, I know".

But I have to disagree on the bonding thing. I think pets are made how you raise them (of course not all pets). Granted my cat is 3 years old but he recently got sick beginning of the year. Went through tons of surgeries from some internal issues and I just felt bad seeing him all jacked up with tubes going through him. Any other person would have just euthanize their pet but every time I'd go visit him at the vet, doctors would tell me how crazy he is and how he scratch everyone up. I'd go with my girl and people would advise me to wear some gloves but even after being drugged an all, he recognized me and jumped in my arms and acted all normal. I think it is one of those animal instincts that was distilled in him from birth. He looks at me like I am his mother or something.

I know...this belongs in the female forum.
Cant speak on why people kiss their dog in the mouth like that dude but in dog-world typically the reason they lick their owners mouth is a sign of submission in that the person is the Alpha.

I am here just trying to voice that side just cause I have what I have but at least I don't tote around thinking it isn't odd having a cat. I'll tell some folks about my cat sometimes and they give me the stank eye and I just laugh saying "yeah, I know".

But I have to disagree on the bonding thing. I think pets are made how you raise them (of course not all pets). Granted my cat is 3 years old but he recently got sick beginning of the year. Went through tons of surgeries from some internal issues and I just felt bad seeing him all jacked up with tubes going through him. Any other person would have just euthanize their pet but every time I'd go visit him at the vet, doctors would tell me how crazy he is and how he scratch everyone up. I'd go with my girl and people would advise me to wear some gloves but even after being drugged an all, he recognized me and jumped in my arms and acted all normal. I think it is one of those animal instincts that was distilled in him from birth. He looks at me like I am his mother or something.

I know...this belongs in the female forum.
I will say, my gfs cat has been the only cat that's been cool. She gave it a TON of attention when it was younger and it still is extremely sociable. So, there you go. 
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Awesome video, looks like they're just enjoying life :pimp: .

Life would be so great to have my dog drive me around :lol: :pimp: .

Man, this would be so awesome. Pork chop would pick me up from somewhere when I'm ****faced and be like "man, again?" Then he would drive me to ihop where I would buy both of us some food. If I throw up my best buddy pork chop would have no problem licking it all up for me. :pimp:

Next day I would buy him a bone from an jan, just to watch him go bury it somewhere in the backyard. Paw5 for all our furry bros.
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