Dom Kennedy, if you're out there....

Come on dom, you're killin me. I got $#*% to do today but don't wanna get in the car till this is downloaded, and burned. If my cable gets shutoff....
Damn gettin back from class and still no link? I need this before i leave for my job interview C'mon Dom
Spoke to him a few hours ago and he said he's in the process of putting it up.

It's not up to him, its his "people".

taking my first listen right now

watermelon sundae was on repeat the whole summer
as a matter of fact, 25th hour was on constant rotation
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Spoke to him a few hours ago and he said he's in the process of putting it up.

It's not up to him, its his "people".


Damn...Dom doin big things...even has his "people"
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