DOM KENNEDY "Locals Only" Official Video

Yo I'm confused, what's the name of the French duo that sings that song playing in the beginning?
Yo I'm confused, what's the name of the French duo that sings that song playing in the beginning?
Video was dope as he'll
Ending was ice cold
very good work...really like the video. Extra verse was

One of my Fav Dom tracks, whenever I hear it I cant help but bob my head.

Waiting for some new stuff Dom!
very good work...really like the video. Extra verse was

One of my Fav Dom tracks, whenever I hear it I cant help but bob my head.

Waiting for some new stuff Dom!
Song is smooth as hell

I aint heard much of dudes work but between this vid and menace beach the quality in the music and video direction is evident. If there's a record coming out i'd buy it and trust me i dont be buying too many cd's

Only thing i can knock is the subtitles part on the train. Not that i understand french but its had to pick the yellow words up on the overlay, i couldnt read some of it. That and the young lady reminded of 'the one that got away' so my feelings was done after watching that
Song is smooth as hell

I aint heard much of dudes work but between this vid and menace beach the quality in the music and video direction is evident. If there's a record coming out i'd buy it and trust me i dont be buying too many cd's

Only thing i can knock is the subtitles part on the train. Not that i understand french but its had to pick the yellow words up on the overlay, i couldnt read some of it. That and the young lady reminded of 'the one that got away' so my feelings was done after watching that
Extra verse was ill, especially with no dums so those chords could shine through more so and set the tone. Loved the cinematic score style change ups in the intro / middle.

There wasn't as much as the 1997 video, that was a really dope visual (understatement i know) but i felt this @#$% here aswell
Extra verse was ill, especially with no dums so those chords could shine through more so and set the tone. Loved the cinematic score style change ups in the intro / middle.

There wasn't as much as the 1997 video, that was a really dope visual (understatement i know) but i felt this @#$% here aswell
Props to dom to making something that challenges the usual visual asthetic these days of green screens and studio backlots. Its crazy how once you see a GOOD visual, how much more you're able to connect with it and draw a deeper meaning from it. Dom is really preserving what this Hip-Hop thing is with this video. I'm VERY impressed. This is easily one of my favorite videos this year.
Props to dom to making something that challenges the usual visual asthetic these days of green screens and studio backlots. Its crazy how once you see a GOOD visual, how much more you're able to connect with it and draw a deeper meaning from it. Dom is really preserving what this Hip-Hop thing is with this video. I'm VERY impressed. This is easily one of my favorite videos this year.
Yeah, that's the jacket from the Gap, y'all just now seeing that?

Come on Warrengod, you're better than that.

Video was stuuuuuuupid clean. Props sir.
Yeah, that's the jacket from the Gap, y'all just now seeing that?

Come on Warrengod, you're better than that.

Video was stuuuuuuupid clean. Props sir.
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