Donald Glover > Aubrey Graham Vol. Camp > Take Care

Apr 22, 2008
So I gave both albums a listen through and I have to say Camp is an amazing album. I thought it'd be fair to compare to Drake since they have similar styles (hard punch lines, singing, the occasional simping). I can listen to Camp all the way through and not skip a track, can't say the same for for Take Care.

The album is so versatile it's crazy, and Gambino does every style perfectly. And he does most of his production, which is exceptional. What do y'all think?
How come whenever someone on here decides they really like an artist they feel the need to try and compare them to everyone and convince all of NT to feel the same.

You like Childish Gambino. Cool story bro...
Albums released on the same day. They're in the same genre. They were #1 and #2 on iTunes. Why not compare the two?

It be fun to know the ages of people responding pro-Drake
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick


Gambino is corny. He should stick to rapping on Communi....Oh wait.

word, b just like how that high-yellow dude in Canada should stick to rapping in Degras.... Oh wait.
Spoiler [+]
Well, Gambino is basically a variation of Drake (who's a variation of Wayne), so I wouldn't be surprised if
any of it is similar to Take Care, especially the way he sounds as far as his flow/delivery.
More people would agree had this not been NT. Listening to Camp and Take Care and still calling Drake a better rapper makes no sense at all.
ScottHallWithAPick wrote:
This is hot to yall?

Wow...that opening 30 seconds is the majority of Take Care and TML in a nutshell. And if you ignore the trans-techno crap beat
that kicks in after that, I could picture Drake rapping/singing the rest of that track verbatim. alex2182 was right
Drake stans ride hard in NT. To say Donald Glover is not as good a rapper as Drake is hilarious. Both talk about their fame and getting in the rap game and bonin' chicks and both have clever punchlines. Glover's voice might be a little higher pitched but both know how to rhyme. I'll give Drake the nod on making bigger radio hits and being a better singer but only by a little. But it's definitely a fair comparison. Drake will have the numbers but Donald could definitely hold his own rapping against Drake and Camp is equally as good as Take Care and not anywhere near as bloated. 
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