Dong Feng 21D - We cut weapon funding China invest in weapons.

Dec 20, 2000
The United States cuts funding for weapons, and China keeps inventing. 
I introduce to you the Aircraft Carrier Killer, Dong Fend 21D


Am I the only person that believes weapons funding is something that should never be cut? Or at least put limits on spending nothing crazily outrageous like F-22 funding.

Oh and here is the article:

The United States is still by far the most superior armed forces in the world, despite the cuts in arms funding. The rest of the world has a LOT of catching up to do.
The United States is still by far the most superior armed forces in the world, despite the cuts in arms funding. The rest of the world has a LOT of catching up to do.
Originally Posted by AG PenniePacker

The United States is still by far the most superior armed forces in the world, despite the cuts in arms funding. The rest of the world has a LOT of catching up to do.
We keep saying that.
Originally Posted by AG PenniePacker

The United States is still by far the most superior armed forces in the world, despite the cuts in arms funding. The rest of the world has a LOT of catching up to do.
We keep saying that.
talked a little about this in class. had to find an article.
china overproducing and the economy will fall liek Japan did. what are the effects on the world?.....

cliff notes if you dont read the article:

china's economy growing 10% per year (India only 6% a year and Latin America as a whole only grew 10% total per year)
widening gap between income and a larger middle class (growing gap between skilled and unskilled workers)
2005-China is now the third-largest global trader (n 1978, when reform began, China’s total trade was about $20 billion and it was the 30th-largest global trader)
In 2007 China will overtake the U.S. in terms of exports, and in 2007 or 2008 China is expected to become the second-largest trading economy.
The bottom line is that China has the potential to continue to grow for the next 5-10 years, with complicated implications.

2005+7 years is 2012
talked a little about this in class. had to find an article.
china overproducing and the economy will fall liek Japan did. what are the effects on the world?.....

cliff notes if you dont read the article:

china's economy growing 10% per year (India only 6% a year and Latin America as a whole only grew 10% total per year)
widening gap between income and a larger middle class (growing gap between skilled and unskilled workers)
2005-China is now the third-largest global trader (n 1978, when reform began, China’s total trade was about $20 billion and it was the 30th-largest global trader)
In 2007 China will overtake the U.S. in terms of exports, and in 2007 or 2008 China is expected to become the second-largest trading economy.
The bottom line is that China has the potential to continue to grow for the next 5-10 years, with complicated implications.

2005+7 years is 2012
Originally Posted by AG PenniePacker

Originally Posted by jumpman247

Originally Posted by AG PenniePacker

The United States is still by far the most superior armed forces in the world, despite the cuts in arms funding. The rest of the world has a LOT of catching up to do.
We keep saying that.
Now I'll show you. 

Sources for information:
  • The Economist, “…and Wars
Originally Posted by AG PenniePacker

Originally Posted by jumpman247

Originally Posted by AG PenniePacker

The United States is still by far the most superior armed forces in the world, despite the cuts in arms funding. The rest of the world has a LOT of catching up to do.
We keep saying that.
Now I'll show you. 

Sources for information:
  • The Economist, “…and Wars
Research and Development funding should never be kept. China is only going to increase their research tenfold and if we do the exact opposite it will be a very equal playing field.
Research and Development funding should never be kept. China is only going to increase their research tenfold and if we do the exact opposite it will be a very equal playing field.
I think all bring up valid points but it simply comes down to execution! We are currently the only nation in the world to successfully use mass 
weapons of destruction in a war type setting. Think of the pressure China would be under to execute properly, the US test, re-test and then

test some more. We have to most active military training in the world hands down. I think we could invade China with no problem, would 

we have issues, yes! Conceptualize China trying to invade Compton, ha not happening!  
I think all bring up valid points but it simply comes down to execution! We are currently the only nation in the world to successfully use mass 
weapons of destruction in a war type setting. Think of the pressure China would be under to execute properly, the US test, re-test and then

test some more. We have to most active military training in the world hands down. I think we could invade China with no problem, would 

we have issues, yes! Conceptualize China trying to invade Compton, ha not happening!  
Originally Posted by jumpman247

The United States cuts funding for weapons, and China keeps inventing. 
I introduce to you the Aircraft Carrier Killer, Dong Fend 21D

The US has 11 active Aircraft Carriers... China has how many? Zero?  That by itself should tell you how far ahead the US is military technology wise. 
Originally Posted by jumpman247

The United States cuts funding for weapons, and China keeps inventing. 
I introduce to you the Aircraft Carrier Killer, Dong Fend 21D

The US has 11 active Aircraft Carriers... China has how many? Zero?  That by itself should tell you how far ahead the US is military technology wise. 
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