personally, I am enjoying the "recession" . My forecast is more pain, sometimes you got to throw up to feel better. A fundamental shift in the wayAmerican approach their finances is needed.
I think what causes people so much confusion on the issue is the lack of simplistic information.

Banks give out a bunch of loans.

The banks want to make their money back quickly, so they sell the loans.

These people who buy the loans do it with the idea that the people will repay the loans and the interest acquired.

People aren't paying the money back because the job market is in shambles.

Less buyers want to buy loans.

Banks are stuck with bad loans that they should never have given out in the first place.

Banks use your money to make money. When the bank has no money, you have no money.

The government has to supply the banks with money to insure your money isn't lost, and to generate some sort of expenditures so they can give out loansto those who can actually pay them back.
People aren't paying back the loans for numerous reasons, though. People weren't paying back loans when the job market was stable.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

People aren't paying back the loans for numerous reasons, though. People weren't paying back loans when the job market was stable.
That's partially true. You will always have that margin designated for defaults, however the adjustable rate made it nearly impossible forpeople who were in fact paying their loans back on time. Most of these banks, along with the mortgage industry all took advantage of people who had no businessin a $400,000+ loan in the first place. This doesn't take fault away from the people who signed their name (cough cough life) on the contract.A majority of them were under the impression the party would never end and they could keep re-financing. A lot of people were viewing the home as an asset,when in reality a house is always a liability.
Originally Posted by greasy

Everybodys complaining about [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]are[/color] economy going down hill ,and we need a bailout plan to help save the economy from going into a [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]ressecion[/color], that some say we are already [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]inn[/color] , but my [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]qeustion[/color] is this, how are we in a [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]resssecion[/color] when every other person i see with a car has $2000 rims and $1000 sound system and all this.not to mention a car that they cant afford with a years salary.
not to mention the stupid money that we give to athletes ,and all the churches that we have today is alot of stuff. So im tryin to figure out why we need a bailout plan ,and all this stuff. Seems to me that the goverment did its job of goverment [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]sevices[/color], the people messed up with their [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]redicolous,exccesive[/color] spending on non[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]e[/color] needed items for their cars.
, its a lot to say , but i wont [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]waist[/color] my time
damn I know this is a message board, but son just the English language.
Originally Posted by notoriousPAT

i thought i read in the rules that newbs werent allowed to have opinions and/or voice them...
This would make the board a whole lot better
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by greasy

Everybodys complaining about [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]are[/color] economy going down hill ,and we need a bailout plan to help save the economy from going into a [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]ressecion[/color], that some say we are already [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]inn[/color] , but my [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]qeustion[/color] is this, how are we in a [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]resssecion[/color] when every other person i see with a car has $2000 rims and $1000 sound system and all this.not to mention a car that they cant afford with a years salary.
not to mention the stupid money that we give to athletes ,and all the churches that we have today is alot of stuff. So im tryin to figure out why we need a bailout plan ,and all this stuff. Seems to me that the goverment did its job of goverment [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]sevices[/color], the people messed up with their [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]redicolous,exccesive[/color] spending on non[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]e[/color] needed items for their cars.
, its a lot to say , but i wont [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]waist[/color] my time
damn I know this is a message board, but son just the English language.

Missed a few
Originally Posted by greasy

Everybodys complaining about are economy going down hill ,and we need a bailout plan to help save the economy from going into a ressecion, that some say we are already inn , but my qeustion is this, how are we in a resssecion when every other person i see with a car has $2000 rims and $1000 sound system and all this.not to mention a car that they cant afford with a years salary.
not to mention the stupid money that we give to athletes ,and all the churches that we have today is redicolous, alot of stuff. So im tryin to figure out why we need a bailout plan ,and all this stuff. Seems to me that the goverment did its job of goverment sevices, the people messed up with their exccesive spending on none needed items for their cars.
, its a lot to say , but i wont waist my time

I hate the bailout. The American people didn't want it, but we got it anyways. And we don't get a damn thing.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Ghenges

because we're gonna be socialists now....DUH
actually, we'll be getting $*%+## more than them, like them....

well, more like Kim K, since, it is a BLACK mans fault....

(yes, still sarcasm)

at this second guy trying to make a joke by"confusing" socialists with socialites

Originally Posted by greasy

first of all barack was not poor ,that guy went to harvard before he was persident so look it up,

just stop it. he paid off his student loans very recently during his time in the senate
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