doomsday preppers... crazy or smart?

Mar 9, 2012
anyone watched doomsday preppers on natgeo channel?
for those of you that have seen the show do you guys think these people are nuts or smart for what they are doing? 

if something does happend its gonna be sad when i gotta trade my sneaker heat for food to feed the fam lol 
Anything could happen 
If it's doomsday we're all $!%$*%.

You're stupid little shaq in the backyard isn't gonna save you if it all goes down.

To answer your question.. No never seen it.
*Puts tinfoil hat on

I've seen several episodes. Some of these dudes do seem crazy and ******ed though. Most are overweight and one guy even thought his cargo container could take bullets, but used some weak .22 rifle to test it
. Son would be murked if someone came around with some 7.62.
I have lived through a billion end of the worlds so I'm straight 
as long as I have beer then let's make it a party 
Crazy. I'm all for preparing for an emergency situation but people on that show are way OD. 
i watched a couple episodes my fav part is at the end when their "experts" tell them how the stuff isnt gonna work
Haven't seen it,but i'm gonna go ahead and answer anyway...


I only watched it once and this guy had full camouflage SUITS with the leaves and branches attached to the suit in every color for every season (fall, spring, winter) Then he had underground tunnels built in his backyard to where he would hide out and pop out to shoot people as they "came over the hills to steal his food".
crazy. Alot of those guys are super old or out of shape. in a post apocalyptic world, those who are in much better shape have a huge leg up. Anybody can get a gun, but if somebody is going to chase you on foot for a few miles, you gotta be in shape. What happens when it comes down to hand to hand combat?
Those people are crazy. think some old shipping container is going to protect them from a nuke
Doomsday could happen, but at the same time, the things those people put their family through is just over the top and above ridiculous.
when doomsday comes I'll probably be fapping or something and die instantly from being so scared, no use peppering my angus for that.
Better to be prepared for disaster and look like a fool when nothing happens than die a pompous +%! on the crapper when disaster does happen.

To be clear, preparing to keep yourself if where you lived is attacked/invaded/natural disaster is smart but preparing for something like the end of days is just crazy.
I saw an episode and just think its crazy.

If there were really a "doomsday" would you really want to survive such a global catastrophe?

If things go to hell I don't want to survive it and I don't want to spend all of my life preparing rather than just enjoying life and making the best of it.
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

If it's doomsday we're all $!%$*%.

You're stupid little shaq in the backyard isn't gonna save you if it all goes down.

To answer your question.. No never seen it.
^not to mention the wrong usage of you're

the only reason they are crazy is going on tv and showing all the stuff they have. means when the SHTF the zombies will come to their doorstep expecting to be fed.

The architects=smart
people paying architects for 2012 bunkers= not smart

everybody living in bunkers is probably gonna be smushed to death if something does happen.

At this point, something is def gonna go down on that day because so many people are focusing on something happening at that specified time. Whether it be man made, or natural or a mixture we have yet to see...
Originally Posted by rocathajordans23

If there were really a "doomsday" would you really want to survive such a global catastrophe?
Yes. My chances for ruling the new world skyrocket exponentially.
Some people are definitely ODing. You cant live your life in fear.

I do agree with at least an emergency supply of canned goods and whatnot, not necessarily for the "end of the world" but for say something like that east coast blackout a few years ago.
I'm watching the first episode right now. had no idea a show like this existed, but it's easily become one of my favorite shows. you all have gotten spoiled if you think they are nuts. it's a real shame to NOT be self-reliant in this world. i'm jealous of the $$ they have saved and invested in their projects. I know I would f____. Even if doomsday never happened, again I'd rather be self-sustaining. It's fun and challenging; there is no fear in gaining this knowledge. I was homeless for a lil bit and lost so much weight from going hungry many days smh... it's not a joke when the ish hits the fan. You invest in shoes, they invest in food. Idk, know what you are getting yourself into in this life. It could all be gone tomorrow! 

i dont have a TV, so I found at least the first episode off youtube. 

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