Downtown S.F + Sister takes car + Robbed. :*(

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Sorry but if you think a car packed with valuables isnt a target thats on you. I at least hope you understand material wealth is nothing and your sister is ok
His sister didn't get robbed. She left the car unattended and when she returned all of his *#*% was gone.
i feel you.. me and my roomies got robbed while we were in class. they got me for about 5g's in electronics alone in and overall about 12g's betweenthe 4 of us.
Originally Posted by Praise The X I

I moved out my dorms and put all my stuff in the car. My sis is here on vacation so I lent her the car and she went to Downtown S.F... I wake up to everyone talking about how many shoes I own etc, etc. Turns out people broke my back window and ran through all my stuff.
I cant even remember how much stuff I had in their because I basically moved my whole dorm into my backseat and trunk. They left my Aquas in the back so their not so smart but I still gotta remember everything they took.
Bad Morning.
oh the irony
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Sorry but if you think a car packed with valuables isnt a target thats on you. I at least hope you understand material wealth is nothing and your sister is ok
@ dudes makin jokes and postin .gifs for laughs...

Keep ya head up my dude, hopefully you'll get some of the money back for ya stuff
Good luck bro, hope everything's okay, try not to keep your valuables where it can be seen, and if you have it in your trunk, lock your trunk if you can.
i hope you find your stuff guy. i have had things stolen before and its one of the worst felling i have had.
It might've been better if they had taken all of your shoes, that way you'd have a reason to leave NT.

I'm just playing, sorry to hear that. Can't really blame your sister though, IMO, unless she had done something like leave the trunk open or put up asign that said, "Merry Christmas, take anything you want".
Why would you leave stuff in your car knowing that you sister is going to be taking it downtown? I mean what did you think was going to happen?
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