Dr. Shaquille O'Neal....yup, dude graduated w/ doctoral degree over the weekend.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I call #!%$##!%.

I'm sorry, but Shaq, a doctorates degree? Going to law school? As long as he is apart of TNT I'm done with that. I don't need Shaq to remind me that he has two, three, four, however many phony degrees. I have done more work than his clownass in one year of undergraduate work than I'm sure he's done in his entire collegiate career.

I don't buy it.

Get a degree in nursing or biology or physics or math, then maybe I'd believe it.
I'm w/ 1,000%... but I would have never said it.
That can only come off one way: haterific.
Call it hating if you want, but knowing how hard a lot of people work just to get a bachelors? This dude got a doctoral degree in his spare time?

(I know you aren't saying I'm hating, but people would view it as hating).

I just know what I go through as a Molecular Biology major, compared to just other peers of mine, I know the level of work needed to get a degree. Dis degrees don't mean anything to me, yet he'll continue to sound unintelligent and think he'll sound smart because he'll ask for everyone to refer to him as Dr. Shaq, or whatever, but it's so phony.

Just once I want to see a dude graduate from UC Berkeley with a degree in Astrophysics, or see someone go to Harvard Law.

Shaq would fail out of Calculus I after the first exam. Hell, probably fail out of pre-Algebra before he got the chance to get to Calculus.

I don't mean to pull the "Athletes are stupid," excuse, but it stems from me being envious knowing how hard people work to become doctors, nurses, lawyers, etc. I'm not saying these cats don't deserve recognition for all the hard work they put in at the gym, but my physician isn't trying to make the summer roster for the LA Lakers either.

My main beef is that he gloats like he's one of the more intelligent athletes around.

One of the brightest dudes I've heard of is Craig Breslow. 34 on the MCAT, went to Yale. Biophysics and Biochemistry. THAT is impressive.

But looking up a dude like Grant Hill or Alex Smith? History and Econ majors? Nah, I don't buy it. Sorry.
Originally Posted by ShoeHead117


Am I the only one that thinks he probably didn't do his own research and had someone do it for him?

I'll take that degree with a grain of salt.
To go w/ a 3.83 GPA? with his kind of schedule? 

It is Barry University though
And it's not a race thing either. I think Jeremy Lin's status of going to Harvard is the most overblown $%%$+$+* too. I'm a certified Lin-hater though, so take that with a grain of salt. A 3.1 in Econ is not hard, especially as an undergraduate. Did he get into Harvard as an athlete or as a scholar? That's where I end my argument.

Maybe I'm just filled with hate, but very rarely do I buy into this intelligence nonsense that media likes to spin on us sometimes. Especially during the draft man.... "He graduated with a 3.8 at Stanford!"

Doing what exactly? Oh, playing basketball? Got it..

I'm sure there are exceptions of guys who really are bright.

Shaq though? Give me a break.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I call #!%$##!%.

I'm sorry, but Shaq, a doctorates degree? Going to law school? As long as he is apart of TNT I'm done with that. I don't need Shaq to remind me that he has two, three, four, however many phony degrees. I have done more work than his clownass in one year of undergraduate work than I'm sure he's done in his entire collegiate career.

I don't buy it.

Get a degree in nursing or biology or physics or math, then maybe I'd believe it.
I'm w/ 1,000%... but I would have never said it.
That can only come off one way: haterific.

Y'all just wanna feel superior to him but like it or not....he did the work and  now he's a doctor and you're not. Maybe if yall didnt have over 20,000 posts on a sneaker message board, y'all could be doctors too...... He a rich, famous, athletic doctor

^ He did the work required for a prominent celebrity athlete to get a degree, yes.
If Shaq ends up being a professor teaching something worthwhile? Sure.

I'm not talking about no seminars where people will flock to go see it just because he's Shaq and he'll try to be funny.

“One, I promised my parents I would[follow my passion for education]. Two, I wanted to continue my education and three, I wanted to challenge myself,
I don't care about any athletes GPA/major because theyll always have longer due dates, extra time on tests, different tests, etc.

But i do agree with everything JA said. There are exceptions though.
I would love to read his dissertation. Barry University? Never heard of it. I'm very skeptical to say the least. Heck, Gaddafi's son (Saif al-Islam) basically bought a Ph.D degree from the London School of Economics a few years back. THE London School of Economics!

I just can't get past how idiotic he sounds on a SPORTS SHOW. Sports shows aren't exactly chock full of intellectuals yet Shaq's inadequacies stand out.

There is no way I can give this guy the benefit of the doubt after watching Inside the NBA this season.
LOL @ JA going in. I know where you're coming from though.

I still need to find out how Andrew Luck managed to make it through the architecture program at Stanford and play football at the same time. I'm sorry, I don't care how much of a genius he might be there is no way in hell to excel at both of those things at the same time unless you just don't sleep.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

I would love to read his dissertation. Barry University? Never heard of it. I'm very skeptical to say the least. Heck, Gaddafi's son (Saif al-Islam) basically bought a Ph.D degree from the London School of Economics a few years back. THE London School of Economics!

I just can't get past how idiotic he sounds on a SPORTS SHOW. Sports shows aren't exactly chock full of intellectuals yet Shaq's inadequacies stand out.

There is no way I can give this guy the benefit of the doubt after watching Inside the NBA this season.
That's exactly my point. No benefit of the doubts can be given to this dude. I know you don't have to sound intelligent and speak elegantly to be smart, but there's a difference when you sound both ignorant and pompous at the same time.

He talked more about his degrees this year than basketball.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by HankMoody

I would love to read his dissertation. Barry University? Never heard of it. I'm very skeptical to say the least. Heck, Gaddafi's son (Saif al-Islam) basically bought a Ph.D degree from the London School of Economics a few years back. THE London School of Economics!

I just can't get past how idiotic he sounds on a SPORTS SHOW. Sports shows aren't exactly chock full of intellectuals yet Shaq's inadequacies stand out.

There is no way I can give this guy the benefit of the doubt after watching Inside the NBA this season.
That's exactly my point. No benefit of the doubts can be given to this dude. I know you don't have to sound intelligent and speak elegantly to be smart, but there's a difference when you sound both ignorant and pompous at the same time.

He talked more about his degrees this year than basketball.

I'm sayin. Dude spent most of his life playing basketball and he can't even offer any worthwhile insight or intelligent analysis about it. How are we supposed to believe he is competent enough to "earn" all these degrees in non-related fields? I bet the only legit degree he has is the deodorant in his bathroom. 
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

And it's not a race thing either. I think Jeremy Lin's status of going to Harvard is the most overblown #%@%#%@* too. I'm a certified Lin-hater though, so take that with a grain of salt. A 3.1 in Econ is not hard, especially as an undergraduate. Did he get into Harvard as an athlete or as a scholar? That's where I end my argument.

Maybe I'm just filled with hate, but very rarely do I buy into this intelligence nonsense that media likes to spin on us sometimes. Especially during the draft man.... "He graduated with a 3.8 at Stanford!"

Doing what exactly? Oh, playing basketball? Got it..

I'm sure there are exceptions of guys who really are bright.

Shaq though? Give me a break.

man, you're talking down on a 3.1 in Econ from Harvard? You're sounding like a blatant hater right now. Shaq definitely seem like the sharpest tool in the shed, nor do I really believe that he wrote his dissertation on his own, but considering that basketball is basically a full-time job in college and he was going to Harvard as well I can't talk down on Lin's grades. Just from seeing my boys here at Columbia having to commit so much time to being an athlete and taking a full academic load I can't knock them. Ivy's don't give athletic scholarships, and a lot of these professors could give 2 @!*!* about you being an athlete.
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

And it's not a race thing either. I think Jeremy Lin's status of going to Harvard is the most overblown #%@%#%@* too. I'm a certified Lin-hater though, so take that with a grain of salt. A 3.1 in Econ is not hard, especially as an undergraduate. Did he get into Harvard as an athlete or as a scholar? That's where I end my argument.

Maybe I'm just filled with hate, but very rarely do I buy into this intelligence nonsense that media likes to spin on us sometimes. Especially during the draft man.... "He graduated with a 3.8 at Stanford!"

Doing what exactly? Oh, playing basketball? Got it..

I'm sure there are exceptions of guys who really are bright.

Shaq though? Give me a break.
man, you're talking down on a 3.1 in Econ from Harvard? You're sounding like a blatant hater right now. Shaq definitely seem like the sharpest tool in the shed, nor do I really believe that he wrote his dissertation on his own, but considering that basketball is basically a full-time job in college and he was going to Harvard as well I can't talk down on Lin's grades. Just from seeing my boys here at Columbia having to commit so much time to being an athlete and taking a full academic load I can't knock them. Ivy's don't give athletic scholarships, and a lot of these professors could give 2 @!*!* about you being an athlete.
Maybe I'm just wrong, but the dudes that I've known that went on to the NFL/NBA, nah man... Then again none of them went to an Ivy league, you're right, but still.

Are your boys from Columbia guys who are on scholarships?

I just ain't ever heard from a University athlete where he had BAD grades. Seems like every scholar-athlete that is in professional sports today had a 3.0. Tell me I'm wrong,

Maybe my hatred for Lin is too deep, but for most of these dudes at USC, UNC, Duke, etc., I don't buy their grades. You want to count Harvard as the exception, fine, but Lin wasn't accepted for his scholastic abilities, I know that.
More than likely he didnt do as much work as a normal person but at least he did something. He definitely didnt have to.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

And it's not a race thing either. I think Jeremy Lin's status of going to Harvard is the most overblown $%%$+$+* too. I'm a certified Lin-hater though, so take that with a grain of salt. A 3.1 in Econ is not hard, especially as an undergraduate. Did he get into Harvard as an athlete or as a scholar? That's where I end my argument.

Maybe I'm just filled with hate, but very rarely do I buy into this intelligence nonsense that media likes to spin on us sometimes. Especially during the draft man.... "He graduated with a 3.8 at Stanford!"

Doing what exactly? Oh, playing basketball? Got it..

I'm sure there are exceptions of guys who really are bright.

Shaq though? Give me a break.

Pretty sure Lin didn't get into Harvard on a athletic scholarship, but he may have gotten one after the first year.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I call #!%$##!%.

I'm sorry, but Shaq, a doctorates degree? Going to law school? As long as he is apart of TNT I'm done with that. I don't need Shaq to remind me that he has two, three, four, however many phony degrees. I have done more work than his clownass in one year of undergraduate work than I'm sure he's done in his entire collegiate career.

I don't buy it.

Get a degree in nursing or biology or physics or math, then maybe I'd believe it.
I'm w/ 1,000%... but I would have never said it.
That can only come off one way: haterific.
Call it hating if you want, but knowing how hard a lot of people work just to get a bachelors? This dude got a doctoral degree in his spare time?

(I know you aren't saying I'm hating, but people would view it as hating).

I just know what I go through as a Molecular Biology major, compared to just other peers of mine, I know the level of work needed to get a degree. Dis degrees don't mean anything to me, yet he'll continue to sound unintelligent and think he'll sound smart because he'll ask for everyone to refer to him as Dr. Shaq, or whatever, but it's so phony.

Just once I want to see a dude graduate from UC Berkeley with a degree in Astrophysics, or see someone go to Harvard Law.

Shaq would fail out of Calculus I after the first exam. Hell, probably fail out of pre-Algebra before he got the chance to get to Calculus.

I don't mean to pull the "Athletes are stupid," excuse, but it stems from me being envious knowing how hard people work to become doctors, nurses, lawyers, etc. I'm not saying these cats don't deserve recognition for all the hard work they put in at the gym, but my physician isn't trying to make the summer roster for the LA Lakers either.

My main beef is that he gloats like he's one of the more intelligent athletes around.

One of the brightest dudes I've heard of is Craig Breslow. 34 on the MCAT, went to Yale. Biophysics and Biochemistry. THAT is impressive.

But looking up a dude like Grant Hill or Alex Smith? History and Econ majors? Nah, I don't buy it. Sorry.

 Dude....Why do most people go to college for in today's society?

To make money!

Nobody told you take molecular biology. If its a bunch of work and its not gonna get you paid as much somebody else who's taking an easy major than why do it? Especially why would you come on here and complain how hard is?

I hate it when people pull the intellectual card because it really doesn't matter.....There's some dumb @#$$#$%ers in the world that are making more bank then me and running the world but its whatever, I'm not gonna hate on them, I'm just try to keep it moving and try to well for myself.
Originally Posted by presequel

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

And it's not a race thing either. I think Jeremy Lin's status of going to Harvard is the most overblown $%%$+$+* too. I'm a certified Lin-hater though, so take that with a grain of salt. A 3.1 in Econ is not hard, especially as an undergraduate. Did he get into Harvard as an athlete or as a scholar? That's where I end my argument.

Maybe I'm just filled with hate, but very rarely do I buy into this intelligence nonsense that media likes to spin on us sometimes. Especially during the draft man.... "He graduated with a 3.8 at Stanford!"

Doing what exactly? Oh, playing basketball? Got it..

I'm sure there are exceptions of guys who really are bright.

Shaq though? Give me a break.
Pretty sure Lin didn't get into Harvard on a athletic scholarship, but he may have gotten one after the first year.
You're partially right. Ivy leagues don't hand out athletic scholarships, and I may be wrong on him getting the good grades, but I don't know man, I'm just sketched out.

My point was, he was accepted for his basketball skills, not his brain.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by presequel

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

And it's not a race thing either. I think Jeremy Lin's status of going to Harvard is the most overblown $%%$+$+* too. I'm a certified Lin-hater though, so take that with a grain of salt. A 3.1 in Econ is not hard, especially as an undergraduate. Did he get into Harvard as an athlete or as a scholar? That's where I end my argument.

Maybe I'm just filled with hate, but very rarely do I buy into this intelligence nonsense that media likes to spin on us sometimes. Especially during the draft man.... "He graduated with a 3.8 at Stanford!"

Doing what exactly? Oh, playing basketball? Got it..

I'm sure there are exceptions of guys who really are bright.

Shaq though? Give me a break.
Pretty sure Lin didn't get into Harvard on a athletic scholarship, but he may have gotten one after the first year.
You're partially right. Ivy leagues don't hand out athletic scholarships, and I may be wrong on him getting the good grades, but I don't know man, I'm just sketched out.

My point was, he was accepted for his basketball skills, not his brain.

Still not sure that's entirely accurate. His gpa in high school was pretty high, and he was no sure thing in the eyes of the coach really. He was basically a walk on. I would say everything about Shaq is probably accurate, but everything we know about Lin, your point isn't really adding up. His gpa while at Harvard isn't too impressive, but him being there and getting in is not solely based on his skills, because if it was, he wouldn't have had much trouble getting accepted elsewhere. 99% of people don't get a 4.2 in high school and 99% of people cannot get into Harvard. I have no idea if he is actually smart or not, but I also don't value gpa's in college. It only matters when applying for graduate degrees. What we do know is his gpa does not matter right now.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by presequel

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

And it's not a race thing either. I think Jeremy Lin's status of going to Harvard is the most overblown $%%$+$+* too. I'm a certified Lin-hater though, so take that with a grain of salt. A 3.1 in Econ is not hard, especially as an undergraduate. Did he get into Harvard as an athlete or as a scholar? That's where I end my argument.

Maybe I'm just filled with hate, but very rarely do I buy into this intelligence nonsense that media likes to spin on us sometimes. Especially during the draft man.... "He graduated with a 3.8 at Stanford!"

Doing what exactly? Oh, playing basketball? Got it..

I'm sure there are exceptions of guys who really are bright.

Shaq though? Give me a break.
Pretty sure Lin didn't get into Harvard on a athletic scholarship, but he may have gotten one after the first year.
You're partially right. Ivy leagues don't hand out athletic scholarships, and I may be wrong on him getting the good grades, but I don't know man, I'm just sketched out.

My point was, he was accepted for his basketball skills, not his brain.
I agree w/ everything said about Shaq but cmon man! 
3.1 in Econ at Harvard would land you a great job anywhere. I don't think that's anything to
 at. And I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the resources at Harvard in tutoring and helping out athletes isn't comparable to a 5-star recruit getting study "help" from Kentucky or something
So maybe Lin did do all of his work and earned his grades. Who really knows...

And since Ivy League's don't hand out scholarships, Lin still had to make baseline on his grades in HS just to get qualify and get accepted into Harvard. Marcellus Wiley probably had the grades to make it to Columbia too.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Maybe my hatred for Lin is too deep, but for most of these dudes at USC, UNC, Duke, etc., I don't buy their grades. You want to count Harvard as the exception, fine, but Lin wasn't accepted for his scholastic abilities, I know that.
He had a 4.2 GPA in high school though
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I call #!%$##!%.

I'm sorry, but Shaq, a doctorates degree? Going to law school? As long as he is apart of TNT I'm done with that. I don't need Shaq to remind me that he has two, three, four, however many phony degrees. I have done more work than his clownass in one year of undergraduate work than I'm sure he's done in his entire collegiate career.

I don't buy it.

Get a degree in nursing or biology or physics or math, then maybe I'd believe it.
This. I dont believe for one second he put in work for his degree. I never thought of Shaq as a smart thoughtful person anyway.
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