Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

then why are they doing it? 

Draw Muhammad day is the provocation towards Muslim extremists to prove that we aren't afraid of them, and basically saying "bring it on". I can't really pick a side of whether I'm for this sort of action or against it because of what could potentially happen. I understand that some may feel if we don't flex our muscles we will appear weak, but is it worth the risk in the end? I know all parties participating in this act would feel terrible if someone's death was actually due to Draw Muhammad day. An analogy made by someone on this topic was:

"bring it on?" it's understood that America isn't "afraid" of them, but there a lot of other issues at this point that Americans could tackle, the failed bombing in NY a couple weeks ago just seems to have inflamed these anti-Muslim thoughts. Realistically, how many terrorist attacks have happened in America since 2001? just this failed one, if i recall, so there is nothing to be afraid of - we all know that there have been many attacks within america done by non-Muslims that are absolutely terrible but never constituted as terrorism - more people have died trying to cross the Mexican border into America since 1995 than those killed in the 9/11 attacks, so where's the "American extremism" label? i understand it's two different issues, but it's still one group of people killing another, something which Muslims are being unfortunately associated with these days. We can't forget, it may be for Muslim extremists, but today EVERY Muslim is generalized as an extremest in a lot of peoples' minds which is why if these drawings are intended to "flex [american] muscles... towards muslim extremists" than really, it goes towards flexing muscles at all Muslims

sorry, i was a double major, one of them being sociology in which i focused specifically on racism and social inequality, so im just used long arguements about stuff similar to this 

no disrepect intended towards you or your views

edit: you cant tell people to "lighten up" - people should know by now that religion and non-religion (athiests) is/are the most sensitive issue in the world, the smallest thing will create the biggest issue if religion is at the center - telling people to "just lighten up" means discrediting their strongest beliefs and their faith, which most people arent willing to do
These dudes are cowards, spare me the we won't back down nonsense.  
Anton, you better have no beef when dudes start dropping n bombs around you just to express their freedom of speech and prove it's only a word.  It's all good until you're the one getting shi** on.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

What's the purpose of these pictures and this thread?

You posted pictures you acknowledge are offensive but you try to deflect blame from yourself by saying you didn't draw them. By promoting these images and this kind of behaviour, you are just as guilty of being offensive and inflammatory as the people who drew these images.

I am all for freedom of speech as long as its constructive. There is nothing constructive about drawing pictures that have no other purpose but to piss people off.
So, essentially, you're not for free speech then?
OP you're an Idiot, along with the people co-signing this non-sense......The whole "bring it on" mentality screams ignorance .....real talk.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Muslims need to lighten up
I don't think anyone has the right to tell another how to follow their faith. Generalizing all of them doesn't help either
Originally Posted by bighead2205

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

What's the purpose of these pictures and this thread?

You posted pictures you acknowledge are offensive but you try to deflect blame from yourself by saying you didn't draw them. By promoting these images and this kind of behaviour, you are just as guilty of being offensive and inflammatory as the people who drew these images.

I am all for freedom of speech as long as its constructive. There is nothing constructive about drawing pictures that have no other purpose but to piss people off.
So, essentially, you're not for free speech then?
Are you for inflamatory rhetotic such as what is produced by the KKK? Do you think these people have a right to say whatever they want just to rile people up?
As a Muslim, you should all know that you're not challenging fringe Muslim extremists, and you are not provoking them, instead you are offending every Muslim unnecessarily. To everyone who thinks Muslims should "lighten up", we will not, and we refuse to. Why? Because we take our Islam seriously, and believe it to be the true religion perfected and protected by God. Therefore, we will protect the sanctity of our religion so long as we do not violate the very beliefs we claim to protect. We cannot answer the questions that arise about why Catholics, other Christians, Jews, or Hindus do not speak out against the mockery of their religion as loudly as we do. It is not our place. However, please understand Islam does not condone violence in such matters at hand, but requires us to speak for the truth, the oppressed, and against those who do injustice.....such a matter as "Draw Muhammad Day" calls for action on our part to uphold the dignity of our religion....cause we all know that your participation and advocation for such events does attack the dignity and sacredness of our beliefs.Furthermore, we similarly find it offensive when other prophets are depicted in an offensive matter, such as Jesus, Moses, and the like (peace be upon them). As for those who claim Islam to be sexist, or immoral and unjust, i urge you to seek more knowledge about Islam from Muslims before attacking the beliefs or the Prophet (peace be upon him)....because as of now, you sound woefully ignorant. Feel free to ask me questions if you'd like.
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Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

These dudes are cowards, spare me the we won't back down nonsense.
So FAYBAN, are you going to keep complaining or tell me your perspective on the intentions of these participants of Draw Muhammad Day?

If not, spare me the complaining.

What is there to talk about?  Am I supposed to admonish extremists when some arrogant free speech advocates are intentionally offending them?  This isn't a real issue worth having a conversation about.  
You can make fun of christians, catholics, jews, hindus, buddhists, etc. but not the muslim religion?
Come on, now. There should be no religion that is safe, when it's for comedy.
I couldn't careless if it's offensive to those people. It's hilarious. People said the same thing about George Carlin, Family Guy, etc... Cry me a river.
Originally Posted by BeautifulStruggle1223

As a Muslim, you should all know that you're not challenging fringe Muslim extremists, and you are not provoking them, instead you are offending every Muslim unnecessarily.

To everyone who thinks Muslims should "lighten up", we will not, and we refuse to. Why? Because we take our Islam seriously, and believe it to be the true religion perfected and protected by God. Therefore, we will protect the sanctity of our religion so long as we do not violate the very beliefs we claim to protect. We cannot answer the questions that arise about why Catholics, other Christians, Jews, or Hindus do not speak out against the mockery of their religion as loudly as we do. It is not our place. However, please understand Islam does not condone violence in such matters at hand, but requires us to speak for the truth, the oppressed, and against those who do injustice.....such a matter as "Draw Muhammad Day" calls for action on our part to uphold the dignity of our religion....cause we all know that your participation and advocation for such events does attack the dignity and sacredness of our beliefs.

Furthermore, we similarly find it offensive when other prophets are depicted in an offensive matter, such as Jesus, Moses, and the like (peace be upon them).

As for those who claim Islam to be sexist, or immoral and unjust, i urge you to seek more knowledge about Islam from Muslims before attacking the beliefs or the Prophet (peace be upon him)....because as of now, you sound woefully ignorant. Feel free to ask me questions if you'd like.

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I am a Muslim as well. However, what people do is between them and their Lord. We shouldn't take heed to what these people do because that is what fuels them. We Muslims are better off ignoring this disrespect, because what they do as individuals will have nothing to do with us, and vice versa.
Anton, you my dude and all... but real talk...

What the hell were you trying to accomplish with this thread? Like, really, what direction did you see this thing going in?
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