Dream Killa. vol: Time to get realistic?

When my mind and heart shifted to what's more important, discovering and aiming to fulfill my purpose became more important than my selfish dreams.
Its only dream if you dont have a plan...

Getting "realistic" only means giving up on your dreams when you don't have a plan to turn your dreams into reality.

I feel like people say stuff like this only after having seen some "inspirational quotes" type stuff on the internet.

Anyway, It goes without saying that not all dreams/ambitions are made equal. Furthermore, certain dreams are more attainable the others simply because society has been structured to favor some--the road most travelled, so to speak.

Consider this: Mr. A's dream is to be the world greatest neurosurgeon. Mr. B's dream is to be the world's greatest jazz musician.

As I see it, (and I speak from experience), there are more opportunities for Mr. A to realize his dream simply because society favors--unfairly, perhaps--what he brings to the social table. To this regard then, it's easier to plan out and achieve Mr. A's dream. Most importantly, there's always a hand there to offer help and guidance.

The same doesn't apply for Mr. B. The road less traveled is often a lonely journey. Some are lucky enough to meet those who are willing to offer guidance, but luck is a fickle mistress. Incremental plans aint never hurt no one, but for Mr.B to realize his dream, his needs equal amounts of opportunity and luck--and these you just can't plan for.

But that's just me.


Fear of failure, b?

That is the longest, most elaborate, drawn out excuse I've ever seen.

Failing > wondering what if >>>>>>> realizing you settled with something "safe" and being unhappy.
plz dont do this​

why, I have always had a fascination with getting slugged up...Besides, in life, there are times one must burn the boats. It's do or die with me, and I won't settle living day to day in obscurity. No one is going to give me a map, I have to make my own path. I believe in myself to create my own destiny, I don't fear failure. I have power in Christ who strengthens me.
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Crack 60k/yr, eventually get my PhD and force everyone to call me Doctor, remain childless bachelor, travel the world while young.

Enough to live comfortably where money is never an issue, a nice home, and a job I either love or can stand and I'd be satisfied with my life.

Money isn't everything.
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