Dress Code question for job interview?

Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

i interview people all the time at a Biotech company, after all the candidates have interviewed, not once during the round table discussions with the interviewers do we discuss how that person was dressed. all we care about are the people's character, qualifications, their potential and whether they can meet the needs of the position.

that's great that you look at the qualities of the person, but would that be the case if the candidate showed up in jeans and a tee?
^^^Like i said, don't show up in shorts and a t-shirt. dress comfortably but in a professional manner at the same time. it wouldn't matter if you walkin wearing khaki's, long sleeve collar shirt tucked in, casual shoes (not sneakers) or a suit, slacks, shiny dress shoes

people don't get jobs on how well they're dressed. basically, don't look like a scrub or come in looking like you just came from a ball game.

and don't wear cologne. some people may be allergic. once i was interviewing some dude and he must have sprayed the whole bottle on him that day....iwanted the interview to be over ASAP cuz i couldn't stand the smell.
I agree, don't wear cologne. At a law firm, you should probably "dress up", at least for the interview.
But your presentation during the interview is more important than your appearance.
Come on, you no better than that.
And "i dont like shirts, ties and jacket kind of clothing..", is very lame. Grow up.
Originally Posted by infamousod

because if the interviewer is allergic or if they think you're going to spray yourself down everyday they won't want you.

just apply at mcdonalds, they have a casual dress code. grow up.
Yes and No...

It's all about how you apply the cologne. Don't soak yourself in cologne. Just spray a little on your right or left wrist and rub them together thenrub some behind your ears. But if I were you, I would ask the interviewer before the appointment if they are/aren't allergic to any cologne or other typesof fragrances.

EDIT: could someone please post that Suit thread up cause for some reason the General section won't let me get pass the first couple of pages
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