Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Getting swole = clothes never looking as good on me as they did when I was slimmer. Can't do the slim look anymore without being unable to move or without my legs looking like sausages :lol: the only negative aspect of working out :lol: so many looks I want to pull off but it's not worth the discomfort of not even being able to turn my steering wheel properly.
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finally hit my goal weight of 215, down from 240 earlier this year, gotta keep it going through xmas though. Good and bad, my go to navy blazer fits better, no more pulling at the button. bad news time for new jeans and belt :frown: 

Congrats I was 260 and got down to 190.
Thanksgiving pickups

Man, RIP BeezyLocks I had been wondering how he was doing a little bit ago. Remember him posting about being in the hospital, he was a young guy too. My condolences go out to his family and loved ones.
Never ask questions that are easy for others to say “no” to. If the shoeshine vendor were simply to ask, “Wanna shine?” people would rush on by. Instead he makes prospects ask themselves why would they want to look anything less than their very best.
Was looking for the Nas polo(i never found my size smh Large too small) and this was the convo with online chat with dude at nordstrom
[h2]Chat Transcript[/h2]
Thank you for your question! We're connecting you with a specialist.

You have been connected to Nordstrom Live Chat. Kerman W has seen your question and will be with you shortly.

ervwvdca:  kerman what it do playa

Kerman W:  Hi, what's happennin!


Shipley & Halmos

'Broome' Stripe Jersey Polo Item #####88

Kerman W:  That's a pretty smooth polo.

Kerman W:  The Shipley & Halmos
'Broome' Stripe Jersey Polo

ervwvdca:  i need dat in a size XL bro

Kerman W:  Sure!! I'll do a nationwide store search for you.

Kerman W:  If there's one out there, I'll hunt it down! If I see a store that has it, I can call them if they're still open and then have them contact your to ship it directly to you.

Kerman W:  Or if they're on the East coast and are closed, I can give you the store number.

ervwvdca:  awesome bruh

ervwvdca:  ive been looking for that polo a long time man.

ervwvdca:  yea

ervwvdca:  its nick named the nas polo

ervwvdca:  cause nas wore it

Kerman W:  I like it a lot too.

Kerman W:  Aww man, it is indeed completely sold out!

Kerman W:  I checked in 2XL too, which it did come in .. but that's sold out too.

Kerman W:  Where did you see Nas wearin it?

ervwvdca:  it was a pic from some hollywood party

ervwvdca:  https://www.google.com/search?q=nas...rum.net%###Ft%###F####03%###Fnas-polo;###;###

Kerman W:  I love it when celebrities are spotted wearing clothes we carry.

Kerman W:  HAHA, yeah I was google searching it too and came across the same pic.

ervwvdca:  how much does it retail for in store?

Kerman W:  I wish I coulda found it for ya.

Kerman W:  It's 125.00.

I'm sending you to http://shop.nordstrom.com/sr?keyword=672788&origin=keywordsearch&contextualcategoryid=0.

Kerman W:  The other colour is available in XL

Kerman W:  The Navy/Rust/White.

Kerman W:  I like that one too.

ervwvdca:  yeah its cool, but ti aint no nas polo!!

ervwvdca:  u think the nas polo may restock?

Kerman W:  Yeah I do. But it may not be till around the beginning of January though.

Kerman W:  I'd pick up the XL in the Navy/Rust/White though if I were you .. at least get your hands on one of them in XL.

ervwvdca:  true

ervwvdca:  i probably will

Kerman W:  Right on.

ervwvdca:  i'll buy that now and check for the nas polo in january in a XL

ervwvdca:  has XXL ever been online?

Kerman W:  Who knows.. Nas pro'lly has that one too.

Kerman W:  So then you can be seen wearing it before he is, LOL.

ervwvdca:  it seems like its a slim fit

ervwvdca:  haha yeah bro

Kerman W:  Yeah it is.

ervwvdca:  normally a large but I'd stick with XL just in case

Kerman W:  It's fitted around the chest.. I like trim fit. Gives you a sleek look.

Kerman W:  Just make sure you got some abs, lol.

ervwvdca:  yeah man

Kerman W:  I need to lose some weight.. my trim fit shirts are getting tight around my midsection, lol.

Kerman W:  It was awesome chattin with ya. I showed my neighbours the shirt your getting and the one you want that Nas has.. she loves it!

Kerman W:  Have a good night my man!

Thank you for shopping at Nordstrom.

This chat has ended.
Want to start a new one?
damn. none of my customer service interactions go like that.  kerman's a chill dude.
Ive lost over 25Ibs in the past 6 months (2 belt sizes) and im looking for new blue jeans - Ive gone from 36 (more like 37) to a steady 34' and Im looking for something under $150. Not too washed perhaps dark blue or light washed not looking for white blue.

Ive have some good pepe and TR jeans that are still quite fresh but they are hanging on me now cus they are a loose fit.

Im not looking to go super tight nor too baggy I'm thinking something like armani jeans or Gstar - something casual to rock with retro Js or some wingtips.

Suggestions welcome - I hear Levis are making a comeback?
Congrats to you guys dropping the lbs. This is more important than any article of clothing you can buy.

Levi's is a classic brand. They have all tiers, from the cheaper ones sold at Macy's to the higher lines sold at Barneys.

I personally think brands like TR, G-Star, etc. are too busy looking. Mind you, I had the whole R&R and TR jeans with graphic shirts going on in the mid 2000s.

For jeans...Gap is a good choice from cheaper stuff. Peep Adrian's blog on it:

For middle level range, I'd go with APC or Naked and Famous. This will be about $150.

If you are a true denim head, you can get something from Pure Japan Blue or Sugar Cane. Probably over $300 for this.

For denim, definitely go with quality over quantity.

If you want something that's already prewashed, J. Crew is also a good choice. Most can be had for about $100.

For the dudes that partook in the DBSS: post up the gifts!
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