Dressing your age?

I'm 22. Mostly stay in Jeans and tee. But don't yall ever go out? Get some button ups. A suit is good to have too. especially if you are over 25.
I usually wear bottom ups, polos, sweaters, plain pull-over, or simple-colored hoodies most of the time with some regular sized dark jeans. Usually with a pair of dunks or simple Jordans. I only have a few graphic tees for certain occasions but, most of the time I like to dress nice so I even where slacks and a dress shirt every now and then.
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Spring/summer/fall, I'll wear tshirt (solid color or some minimal design), khaki shorts and rainbow sandals. I just make sure the shirt and shorts and clean.
White tee

Gym shorts with the Craig slippers or am 90s

Levi jeans

I have no shorts

Guess I'll go clothes shopping with a pay check one weekend :lol
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