drug test - didn't get positive or negative vol. how could that happen?

Jun 19, 2006
So i took a drug test yesterday and my company called me today to retake the drug test because "the results were neither negative or positive." So myemployer is asking me to retake it next week.This never happened to be before but does this mean I might have THC in my system? I haven't smoked in 5months(like only one time) but i was in a room where there were people smoking weed a few days ago. Could second hand smoke affect my drug test?

Has this happened to anyone? For some reason, i think there is THC in my system but they giving me another shot
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

possibly your urine was too diluted...did you drink a lot of water the day you tested?

What he said. Did you freak out about failing and drink massive amounts of water before you took the test?
yeah i did drink like 3 bottles of water before the test. i'm retaking it next week. should i not drink so much water then?
i'm not lol. i was worried that since my roommates always smoke weed in my room that second hand smoke might affect my drug test.
Just retake the test.

if you didn't smoke, then don't worry.

and obviously, you know you are taking the test again next week so don't hang around THC smoke filled rooms.
Originally Posted by xanadu one

Just retake the test.

if you didn't smoke, then don't worry.

and obviously, you know you are taking the test again next week so don't hang around THC smoke filled rooms.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Maybe it was female urine
Originally Posted by MadFreshYo

How long does it take for weed to pass through your system anyway??

i think weed is 24hrs
and alcohol is 48 if im not mistaken
Originally Posted by Pmighty

Originally Posted by MadFreshYo

How long does it take for weed to pass through your system anyway??

i think weed is 24hrs
and alcohol is 48 if im not mistaken
negative. ive been told with normal water intake and a lil exercise (to flush out your system) it takes about 2 weeks.
Originally Posted by MilitaryIV

Originally Posted by Pmighty

Originally Posted by MadFreshYo

How long does it take for weed to pass through your system anyway??

i think weed is 24hrs
and alcohol is 48 if im not mistaken
negative. ive been told with normal water intake and a lil exercise (to flush out your system) it takes about 2 weeks.

that sounds about right
yup 2 weeks, but tthats from burnin 1 time. if you smoke a lot, frequently....it'll take longer to get it all out. same thing happen to me duringprobation, they said it wasn't urine and almost violated me on the spot. lucky my po was feeling nice and gave me another shot. good luck.
1. you won't test positive from second hand smoke.
2. i've seen people test positive 30 days after their last use of cannabis. frequency, amount of use and body fat are factors.
3. urine sample need only be a few drops depending on the testing method.
Weed stays in your system up to 30-45 days depending on how much you blaze.

Drinking all that water messed up your test.
how bout for oral test, i took one on tuesday and didnt piff for some where like 24 - 36 hrs before the test? will i test positive i drank mad water
I don't know about two weeks, only took me three days and thats from an everyday user. Got the proof too, all you gotta do is obviously drink lots ofwater, not OD lots but get water whenever you can instead of soda or juices. If you know your gonna take a test soon NO FATTY FOODS it helps. Lastly Niacin, Ihave no clue if the things actually work but they make you itch and burn something serious (no std). I was an everyday user and was baked when I found out Ihad a test on Monday, this was Thursday mind you. On top of that last thing I had was some of the purplest kush I had ever seen in my life. Took the test firstthing Monday morning with my own urine(felt I had to add that) and passed with flying colors. Have any questions let me know.
Anyone here do a saliva test? I have one on Monday and the last time I blazed was... last month.
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