Drug War. LOL.


Jul 18, 2012
[h1]HACKED STRATFOR EMAILS: DEA Told To Back Off From The Brother Of Afghan President Hamid Karzai[/h1]
Michael Kelley [color= rgb(204, 204, 204)]|[/color]  Sep. 18, 2012, 11:13 AM  [color= rgb(204, 204, 204)]|[/color]  [color= rgb(243, 80, 42)]8,702[/color]  [color= rgb(204, 204, 204)]|[/color]  2


Ahmed Wali Karzai

[h3]See Also[/h3]

HACKED STRATFOR EMAILS: Benjamin Netanyahu Was A Stratfor Source From 2007 To 2010

HACKED STRATFOR EMAILS: The US Government Sent Blackwater Veteran To Fight With Rebels In Libya And Syria

HACKED STRATFOR EMAILS: Source Says Several Countries Already Have Forces In Syria
[/td][/tr][/table]Newly released internal emails from the U.S. private security firm Stratfor state that in 2007 the Bush Administration and CIA ordered the Drug Enforcement Agency to back off a major drug trafficking investigation of Afghan President Hamid Karzai's half brother.
Ahmed Wali Karzai was an influential power broker in Afghanistan before he was assassinated  in July 2011.

In June 6, 2007 email, titled "RE: Humint - Afghanistan - Karzai (Strictly Protect - Confidential," Stratfor vice president of intelligence Fred Burton wrote: 

The brother of President Karzai of Afghanistan is under investigation by DEA as a major narcotics trafficker. For political reasons, DEA has been  told to backoff [sic] by the White House and CIA.  DEA is seeing a direct nexus between terrorism and narcotics in Afghanistan with narcotics sales being used to fund jihadist operations.

After a Stratfor analyst asks "how close is karzai to this brother?" Burton replies:

Was described to me as close. Karzai will end up being another Noreiga. 
Off the record --
DEA will proceed and take 'em (both?) down anyway, once this White House disappears. 
As I've said before, every country we have touched, turns to ****.

The crackdown on narcotics in Afghanistan has not yet occurred as opium production rose by about 61 percent  from 2010 to 2011 and continued to rise in 2012  as U.S. troops have patrolled the poppy fields  during this time.

WikiLeaks  has published 2,694  out of what it says is a cache of 5 million internal Stratfor emails (dated between July 2004 and December 2011) obtained by the hacker collective Anonymous  around Christmas.

UPDATE:  As redditor WhoShotJR notes, current and former American officials told the New York Times  in 2009 that Ahmed Karzai received regular payments from the CIA since 2001.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/hack...n-president-hamid-karzai-2012-9#ixzz26rzvMpei
The presidents brother being pursued gives us less leverage in telling the afghan president what we want him to do/cooperate with.

No conspiracy really...its well known how "the lesser of two evils" political compromises go
Should just shoot him in the face. We dont get no coke or tree from there over here anyway.
...conspiracy fact?
Not really a "conspiracy" at this point.

They've long since admitted this back in 2009. We just have more evidence of whats going on.

The funny thing is that drugs are Haram in Islam and the Taliban had stamped them out, plus very few over there really use opium like that anyways...but since we invaded poppy production has skyrocketed. 
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is it true this drug money was laundered through big banks?

Of course it was. :lol:

and did the lack of drug money play a role in the recession?
I don't see how the drug money played a role in the recession. Recessions are results of malinvestments and misallocation of resources.
I don't see how the drug money played a role in the recession. Recessions are results of malinvestments and misallocation of resources.
Do you know how PROFITABLE the drug industry black market is?

All that money is getting laundered some how.

All of it.

Like I said, I don't know if its actually going on, but the theories do raise some interesting questions. 
Do you know how PROFITABLE the drug industry black market is?

All that money is getting laundered some how.

All of it.

Like I said, I don't know if its actually going on, but the theories do raise some interesting questions. 
you don't have to use banks to launder money.

let's say you've got a house worth 80k.  put a deck on it, hot tub, pool, landscaping, granite countertops, crown moulding, automation, green energy fitting, and a few other miscellaneous upgrades, and when the market improves, you've got a house worth immensely more, and you paid cash for these upgrades, mostly materials and labor, which don't have to be bought all at once, keeping the fed out of the paper trail.

add a patio, sunroom, a home theater...  baby you got a mansion.
Do you know how PROFITABLE the drug industry black market is?

All that money is getting laundered some how.

All of it.

Like I said, I don't know if its actually going on, but the theories do raise some interesting questions. 
you don't have to use banks to launder money.

let's say you've got a house worth 80k.  put a deck on it, hot tub, pool, landscaping, granite countertops, crown moulding, automation, green energy fitting, and a few other miscellaneous upgrades, and when the market improves, you've got a house worth immensely more, and you paid cash for these upgrades, mostly materials and labor, which don't have to be bought all at once, keeping the fed out of the paper trail.

add a patio, sunroom, a home theater...  baby you got a mansion.

bruh we are talking about billions of dollars u cant launder serious drug money like that. u talking bout breaking bad money these are huge kingpins and cartels that wash need to wash their money
Long vid, but talks about ties and how drug money is used to fund off the record projects...
Do you know how PROFITABLE the drug industry black market is?

All that money is getting laundered some how.

All of it.

Like I said, I don't know if its actually going on, but the theories do raise some interesting questions. 
you don't have to use banks to launder money.

let's say you've got a house worth 80k.  put a deck on it, hot tub, pool, landscaping, granite countertops, crown moulding, automation, green energy fitting, and a few other miscellaneous upgrades, and when the market improves, you've got a house worth immensely more, and you paid cash for these upgrades, mostly materials and labor, which don't have to be bought all at once, keeping the fed out of the paper trail.

add a patio, sunroom, a home theater...  baby you got a mansion.
HSBC was washing money like they were Tide.

you don't have to use banks to launder money.

let's say you've got a house worth 80k.  put a deck on it, hot tub, pool, landscaping, granite countertops, crown moulding, automation, green energy fitting, and a few other miscellaneous upgrades, and when the market improves, you've got a house worth immensely more, and you paid cash for these upgrades, mostly materials and labor, which don't have to be bought all at once, keeping the fed out of the paper trail.

add a patio, sunroom, a home theater...  baby you got a mansion.


this is why they let drug dealers ball for a while then cut them down. All that property gets seized and becomes property of the government. All things bought with drug money as well.

That's a risky investment to make. To put all your money in home renovations. You're not guaranteed to get your money back.

They wait for you to get as big as you're going to get then they enjoy the spoils.

People picking up ex drug dealers property for a steal
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Main reason I stopped paying my Capital One bill.

I refuse to support an institution so corrupt :nerd:
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