Drugdealers or Drug Users ...

I blame the dealer for not lowering the price on that **@...
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Air Kalo

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

drugs should be legalized.
If you don't mind me asking... why?
i dont want to derail the thread

but briefly i think drug legalization would make it safer for drug users in a variety of ways (purity of drugs, less social stigma due to legality, etc) save taxpayers a ton of money [size=+3](a huge % of arrests and prison sentences are due to drug charges)[/size], and would in no way increase the amount of drug use out there (see the prohibition on alcohol in the early 20th century as evidence). not to mention less violence and a whole slew of other benefits. the war on drugs has been a huge failure, time to consider other alternatives.

Exactly why they won't be legalized.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

AntBanks81 wrote:
Users hook other users, dealers don't come over your house saying hey you gotta buy this off me.
Must be nice living in your little fantasy world. You think people try stuff like crack and heroine because "all their friends are doing it?"

WHAAAAATTTTT? Users get put on to drugs by their friends or associates. I've never seen a dealer pull up and just start giving away product for free to non-users. When I smoked weed for the first time, it was because friends had it. I never had a dealer give me a sample like " try this and call me later."

I reject your deposit. Now sign off and think about your statement.

Slap. Did I mention weed? No. You know why? Because I don't consider it a drug. I know you think you have experience with "drugs"because you've smoked weed (ohhhh hardcore
), but I mentioned CRACK AND HEROIN for obvious reasons. You've never been approached by a dealer?That's cool. I bet a lot of us have.

That last sentence was real cute, by the way, even though I know you stole it from somewhere. Why don't you deposit your foot back into your mouth.
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

What drugs are you talking about legalizing? That's a terrible idea. Marijuana and marijuana only.
Everything. If you only legalize trees, then you aren't actually supporting free will or free market.All you're saying is that you want your druthers but other people don't deserve theirs. Of course the initial rise in users would be cataclysmic, butif you look past the first stage of legalization and take prohibition into consideration, it's almost a sure bet that after a certain amount of time, theeffects will reverse and drug use will actually decline DRAMATICALLY. Not to mention, drug related crime might dissipate altogether.
Marijuana definitely should be legalized. Too many of us are arrested for a blunt. I have never personally seen anyone high cause any trouble as opposed tosomeone drunk. And then we have court dates, lawyers fees, probation costs and the negative effects on our employment opportunities. It's all too much fora lil reefer.
To be honest, though I feel all drugs should be legal... to a certain degree, I prefer my weed illegal. I like the undercutting in the hood
. I like theculture of it all actually. If they do weed like cigarettes, then what?!?! @#@+ that, I'm not paying 12.75 + tax for a gram of Reggie Noble
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

AntBanks81 wrote:
Users hook other users, dealers don't come over your house saying hey you gotta buy this off me.
Must be nice living in your little fantasy world. You think people try stuff like crack and heroine because "all their friends are doing it?"

WHAAAAATTTTT? Users get put on to drugs by their friends or associates. I've never seen a dealer pull up and just start giving away product for free to non-users. When I smoked weed for the first time, it was because friends had it. I never had a dealer give me a sample like " try this and call me later."

I reject your deposit. Now sign off and think about your statement.
Slap. Did I mention weed? No. You know why? Because I don't consider it a drug. I know you think you have experience with "drugs" because you've smoked weed (ohhhh hardcore
), but I mentioned CRACK AND HEROIN for obvious reasons. You've never been approached by a dealer? That's cool. I bet a lot of us have.

That last sentence was real cute, by the way, even though I know you stole it from somewhere. Why don't you deposit your foot back into your mouth.

And this folks is how you son somebody.
Too many variables and factors involved for their to be one defenit answer. I swear topics like this are pointless because everyone has thier own opinion andno one will budge from their stance. You argue for hours and didnt accomplish $*!# when you could of been at the gym doin 400lb benchpress. Lol

Anyway... Its users. Cant blame Mcdonalds for the fat person ordering the #1
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

AntBanks81 wrote:
Users hook other users, dealers don't come over your house saying hey you gotta buy this off me.
Must be nice living in your little fantasy world. You think people try stuff like crack and heroine because "all their friends are doing it?"

WHAAAAATTTTT? Users get put on to drugs by their friends or associates. I've never seen a dealer pull up and just start giving away product for free to non-users. When I smoked weed for the first time, it was because friends had it. I never had a dealer give me a sample like " try this and call me later."

I reject your deposit. Now sign off and think about your statement.
Slap. Did I mention weed? No. You know why? Because I don't consider it a drug. I know you think you have experience with "drugs" because you've smoked weed (ohhhh hardcore
), but I mentioned CRACK AND HEROIN for obvious reasons. You've never been approached by a dealer? That's cool. I bet a lot of us have.

That last sentence was real cute, by the way, even though I know you stole it from somewhere. Why don't you deposit your foot back into your mouth.

I never said anything about being hardcore, so slap your damn self. Maybe that's your kind of party. The point I was attempting to make was that drugs areshared with people that are comfortable with one another. Once that habit forms (addiction for some), that's when the dealer becomes involved. I knowplenty of them and they don't give it away for free. And if you were approached by a dealer, it's because you appeared weak in their eyes and theypreyed upon you.

Didn't I tell your bum *!@ to sign off. Yes, I quoted Tupac. How about I deposit my foot in your *!@ instead?
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

AntBanks81 wrote:
Users hook other users, dealers don't come over your house saying hey you gotta buy this off me.
Must be nice living in your little fantasy world. You think people try stuff like crack and heroine because "all their friends are doing it?"

WHAAAAATTTTT? Users get put on to drugs by their friends or associates. I've never seen a dealer pull up and just start giving away product for free to non-users. When I smoked weed for the first time, it was because friends had it. I never had a dealer give me a sample like " try this and call me later."

I reject your deposit. Now sign off and think about your statement.
Slap. Did I mention weed? No. You know why? Because I don't consider it a drug. I know you think you have experience with "drugs" because you've smoked weed (ohhhh hardcore
), but I mentioned CRACK AND HEROIN for obvious reasons. You've never been approached by a dealer? That's cool. I bet a lot of us have.

That last sentence was real cute, by the way, even though I know you stole it from somewhere. Why don't you deposit your foot back into your mouth.

I never said anything about being hardcore, so slap your damn self. Maybe that's your kind of party. The point I was attempting to make was that drugs are shared with people that are comfortable with one another. Once that habit forms (addiction for some), that's when the dealer becomes involved. I know plenty of them and they don't give it away for free. And if you were approached by a dealer, it's because you appeared weak in their eyes and they preyed upon you.

Didn't I tell your bum *!@ to sign off. Yes, I quoted Tupac. How about I deposit my foot in your *!@ instead?

Please stop speaking on issues you obviously know nothing about. I already mention (and it's a proven fact) that some drugs can get you hookedafter doing them ONE TIME. You really think people are like, "Hey bro, I just did crack. It's awesome. You should try it." Not really.

Also, being approached by a dealer just means that I've been in some not-so-nice areas. You've obviously never sold drugs. I have, by the way. Notsomething I'm proud of, but something I had to do at the time.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

AntBanks81 wrote:
Users hook other users, dealers don't come over your house saying hey you gotta buy this off me.
Must be nice living in your little fantasy world. You think people try stuff like crack and heroine because "all their friends are doing it?"

WHAAAAATTTTT? Users get put on to drugs by their friends or associates. I've never seen a dealer pull up and just start giving away product for free to non-users. When I smoked weed for the first time, it was because friends had it. I never had a dealer give me a sample like " try this and call me later."

I reject your deposit. Now sign off and think about your statement.
Slap. Did I mention weed? No. You know why? Because I don't consider it a drug. I know you think you have experience with "drugs" because you've smoked weed (ohhhh hardcore
), but I mentioned CRACK AND HEROIN for obvious reasons. You've never been approached by a dealer? That's cool. I bet a lot of us have.

That last sentence was real cute, by the way, even though I know you stole it from somewhere. Why don't you deposit your foot back into your mouth.

Yeah...but dealers never forced anyone to take that hit.
People need to take responsibility for their own **** ups.
Just saying...
Theoretically if all drugs were legal they would simply be demanded at the true equilibrium value. The problem is, with opiates, meth, blah blah blah,heroine derivatives, these are only things necessary to truly numb someone. If they were to be used often, there is a very high chance of a LOT ofpeople dying from it. Have you ever seen A Scanner Darkly? Of course I'm not trying to start any conspiracy crap, but look at LSD, look at whathappens when drugs that haven't been proven to be benign are widely used...

That's kinda my point though
. What's so bad about death? More people die from car accidents, cigarettes, heart failure due to obesity, etc etcthan drug related stuff. Yet, Burger King, Mazda, and Marlboro are still legal. I don't know about you, but when __s start dying from $@!% I tend to leaveit alone. So I say LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! It'll only do us some good, what with the population control aspect of it all. Oh, and before we mentionmotherless kids and fatherless babies, I just want to say that as unfortunate as that may be, that's life. And bleak realities like that set a presidence(sp?) for later generations. Look at slavery. The horror of slavery has shaped the resolve of the modern negro. We hold tight to what we learned as a peopleback then and use it to steer us today. It's the same with the Holocaust. the only difference is, with legalization, nothing would be FORCED upon a certaindemographic. Junkies come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Plus, it would be completely up to the individual to use as they feel.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Theoretically if all drugs were legal they would simply be demanded at the true equilibrium value. The problem is, with opiates, meth, blah blah blah, heroine derivatives, these are only things necessary to truly numb someone. If they were to be used often, there is a very high chance of a LOT of people dying from it. Have you ever seen A Scanner Darkly? Of course I'm not trying to start any conspiracy crap, but look at LSD, look at what happens when drugs that haven't been proven to be benign are widely used...

That's kinda my point though
. What's so bad about death? More people die from car accidents, cigarettes, heart failure due to obesity, etc etc than drug related stuff. Yet, Burger King, Mazda, and Marlboro are still legal. I don't know about you, but when __s start dying from $@!% I tend to leave it alone. So I say LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! It'll only do us some good, what with the population control aspect of it all. Oh, and before we mention motherless kids and fatherless babies, I just want to say that as unfortunate as that may be, that's life. And bleak realities like that set a presidence (sp?) for later generations. Look at slavery. The horror of slavery has shaped the resolve of the modern negro. We hold tight to what we learned as a people back then and use it to steer us today. It's the same with the Holocaust. the only difference is, with legalization, nothing would be FORCED upon a certain demographic. Junkies come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Plus, it would be completely up to the individual to use as they feel.
nah chill with all of that

look at prohibition

alcoho luse actually ROSE slightly

the theory is that drug use probably would not rise with legalization. and those choosing to use drugs would have access to contaminant-free, 100% pure drugs,which means no accidental ODs, no toxic cutting agents/byproducts, etc.
You sound real stupid. You know that you can get hooked doing some drugs (opiates, meth, etc) just once? How would you like it if you made one mistake and it ruined your whole life?
If you smoked meth after it hit hard nation wide in the 90's its not a mistake, you're just an idiot.. If you smoked Crack after the80's you're an idiot.
Btwthe logic you used to try to make dude look bad is hella flawed.. try again.
Originally Posted by sonunox34

You can't blame the dealers. Imagine being a young ghetto kid and trying to attend school while your buddies are copping the best cars/kicks/clothes off of their dope money... of course they are going to want to drop out and slang.
So because the next N got it, I need to go out and hustle so I could get it too?
What would this world be if everyone thought like this?

You sound like the type to praise a rapper.

OP - If you think this issue can be so easily answered you have A LOT to learn.
Originally Posted by FrankDolla

You sound real stupid. You know that you can get hooked doing some drugs (opiates, meth, etc) just once? How would you like it if you made one mistake and it ruined your whole life?
If you smoked meth after it hit hard nation wide in the 90's its not a mistake, you're just an idiot.. If you smoked Crack after the 80's you're an idiot.
Btwthe logic you used to try to make dude look bad is hella flawed.. try again.

You're probably calling a bunch of NT'ers mom, dads, aunts and cousins idiots. People make mistakes, dude. Like, imagine if you committedone crime and you got locked up for it. I wouldn't call you an idiot, people make mistakes.
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Drug dealers wouldnt sell drugs if drug users didnt need drugs

Drug users wouldnt be able to acquire drugs without the dealers

both are to blame but you cant blame them, see what i mean

The only thing really to blame is money. Drug dealers sell drugs for money, drug users use drugs to escape their problems which mostly stem from money issues
Look at how many rich or "well to do" people are abusing drugs.
Originally Posted by seventh letter

Originally Posted by Twig1026

Users...cant hustle something that isn't wanted

Son, they wouldn't be 'users' if it wasn't readily available.
thats a cop out......what i buy is dependent on what i want.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Drug dealers wouldnt sell drugs if drug users didnt need drugs

Drug users wouldnt be able to acquire drugs without the dealers

both are to blame but you cant blame them, see what i mean

The only thing really to blame is money. Drug dealers sell drugs for money, drug users use drugs to escape their problems which mostly stem from money issues
Look at how many rich or "well to do" people are abusing drugs.
This .
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