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man.. drugs mess you up.. mentally you wont be able to take things for what you once knew, your world is altered, sober people just reinforce how messed up you are.

i smoked weed once nd after i felt like i was talking to myself, i felt real sick before hand..i went upstairs nd my girl was asking wats wrong, i couldnt hear myself think, i would just repeat wat she was sayin nd my heart was beating real fast.. felt like a mental breakdown or something.. i still smoke to this day, but that had me trippin.. i sometimes mumble nd say incoherrent things..im not the same, but i dont need someone classifying me as crazy nd then i start to believe all that crap
Sounds like you had an anxiety attack. It's only a minority of people who experience it, I would say around 5% of smokers. Unfortunately I'm of those few, I had a few anxiety attacks where I thought I was having a heart attack and I couldn't breathe.
Sounds like you had an anxiety attack. It's only a minority of people who experience it, I would say around 5% of smokers. Unfortunately I'm of those few, I had a few anxiety attacks where I thought I was having a heart attack and I couldn't breathe.

Had that my first time truly getting high and stop smoking weed unless I'm drunk
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I'm sensitive as hell to weed. When I was an occasional smoker in high school I would smoke, the high would subside but then I would feel effects of it for days (numbness, could hear my own voice echoing in my head when I talked, I'd be sort of quiet and sad).

Glad I stopped when I did. Just wasn't for me. I have pretty much 2 or 3 close friends that DON'T do drugs. Best friend died of a heroin overdose this past November at age 27. I'm the type of person that believes depending on one's personality, weed can definitely be a gateway. I don't think it's just a coincidence that the majority of kids I grew up around went from heavy weed smokers and then graduated to coke, percs, oc's, heroin, and even crack. Seen family and friends who are addicts steal from family (even sentimental items passed down through generations).

One dude robbed Rite Aid for Oxys at a busy intersection in rush hour traffic. When cops found out who he was and closed in on him at his apartment, he sat on the floor waiting for them and blew his brains out when they entered the apartment.

I have stories for days about f'd up things drugs have made past friends and acquaintances do. For harder drugs (heroin, crack), once you take that first hit, RIP. Damn near impossible to ever be normal again.
In my experience with drugs I've come to understand tht most if not all simply enhance watever feeling you already have . I.E. if your generally a happy person and take drugs your ecstatic , angry then your furious , sad then depressed , etc. I've never seen no one go "insane" but I have seen the amplification of people's already intact emotions .
100% agree. i watched my friend from college go insane back my senior year. it hit so quick, like over the of a week or so. he was a heavy bud smoker. he literally was not the same person i knew for 2 years before. it was so eerie. 

i suspect he was schizophrenic (seemed to display the symptoms) and smoking all the bud he did def did not help. senior year, he rented this really nice apartment and i chilled there then i rolled in one day and the walls were completely covered in paint. he was drawing symbols and maps and stuff saying like he saw these images in his head. he said he cooked up some hash (didnt look like it) but i think he probably cooked something up with a bunch of under the sink type ****. few days later, we went to get some food and he started jumping in front of cars in traffic and yelling they wouldn't hurt him. thankfully he stopped but it was wild. never seen anyone go through that. dude was a really good friend. he withdrew from school and left school two days later so i never got the official story. i tried to keep in touch after he left but one day i texted and got no response. havent heard from him since and this was about 3 years ago. hopefully hes doing well tho.
theres nothing funny about being schizophrenic my brother suffers from that mental illness..its rough forreal dude is the most genuine guy but his illness has put him through hell....ive seen and heard it all..I just hope one day he will be free of it
I got so high once that one could argue I went full ******. Was drooling on my self and everything :rofl:
theres nothing funny about being schizophrenic my brother suffers from that mental illness..its rough forreal dude is the most genuine guy but his illness has put him through hell....ive seen and heard it all..I just hope one day he will be free of it

I've learned a childhood friend of mine has it. Got arrested for going door to door trying to convince people he's Jesus. Got on his knees and begged some random guy to let him take the guy's wife on a date.

Scary stuff man. What can they do about it besides meds? Anything?
The more I get older the more I realize that marijuana can/cannot be a drug along with others like cocaine, etc.

It depends on the person, their personality, the lifestyle they live, temperament....

I think people are too quick to say MJ isn't a drug because they've been smoking it so long but people can and will have adverse reactions to it. Doesn't mean people using it are right and doesn't mean those who don't are right either.

Personally, I believe all the drugs we use....and this isn't in the classical sense like MJ, cocaine, heroin....i'm also talking about materialism, gambling, etc...are all a test. can you survive without them?

They can enhance your life...but if push came to shove....can you live without them and still maintain your composure and your will to live a positive life?

Now that I think about it i can see how using drugs can help influence a deeper thought about oneself and your personality traits and what not....thing is that too many people go over the deep end and think certain drugs help enhance their life. I think that drugs are supposed to make you realize things about yourself you need to work on and find that inner well of structure so that you don't need to rely on drugs to get you somewhere. It should lead you to self-sufficiency through opening your mind.

To be honest when I chief up I get super introspective about my faults and it is a buzzkill to realize these things but I know it's something I need to work on to attain a higher freedom in my life.

/new age talk.
I don't do drugs but the only one okay in my book is MJ. People just don't realize how serious prescription meds are :smh:
The more I get older the more I realize that marijuana can/cannot be a drug along with others like cocaine, etc.

It depends on the person, their personality, the lifestyle they live, temperament....

I think people are too quick to say MJ isn't a drug because they've been smoking it so long but people can and will have adverse reactions to it. Doesn't mean people using it are right and doesn't mean those who don't are right either.

Personally, I believe all the drugs we use....and this isn't in the classical sense like MJ, cocaine, heroin....i'm also talking about materialism, gambling, etc...are all a test. can you survive without them?

They can enhance your life...but if push came to shove....can you live without them and still maintain your composure and your will to live a positive life?

Now that I think about it i can see how using drugs can help influence a deeper thought about oneself and your personality traits and what not....thing is that too many people go over the deep end and think certain drugs help enhance their life. I think that drugs are supposed to make you realize things about yourself you need to work on and find that inner well of structure so that you don't need to rely on drugs to get you somewhere. It should lead you to self-sufficiency through opening your mind.

To be honest when I chief up I get super introspective about my faults and it is a buzzkill to realize these things but I know it's something I need to work on to attain a higher freedom in my life.

/new age talk.
Based on my experiences and the highs and lows I've gone through, personally I've found that the best mindset to have is that the drugs aren't supposed to make you do anything. Having that mindset is the only way I can enjoy them now.

I went through a long period where I was smoking 24/7 always trying to "enlighten myself" and open my mind, being real introspective about my life and how I wanted to improve and whatnot. But it got to a point where I was just thinking in circles constantly and I could no longer enjoy my highs. It actually got pretty bad and spilled over into my every day life, I had to leave school for a bit because I was dealing with constant paranoia/anxiety.

I stopped smoking for a while, and that was the best thing I did because it got me back to processing things normally and being able to enjoy life again. I still smoke (not quite as often) but when I do, I just chill out and enjoy it instead of trying to overanalyze every little thing.

In general I feel like if you're the type of person who tends to overanalyze things or has underlying problems, you should stay away from drugs because they will magnify your issues. You gotta learn be comfortable with who you are first, without the drugs.
to everyone commenting about me smoking salvia with a schizophrenic... i truly believed that he wasn't schizophrenic, just thought he was going thru some **** and got prematurely diagnosed(since most doctors are quick to throw out labels)... whenever i would talk to him or chill with him previously, he just seemed like my friend from high school who had some **** on his plate... also, salvia aint that serious folks... it's not like acid or shrooms where you can really lose yourself, its more of just a dazed and confused state of mind for a few minutes....
Yes OP, I do know someone who went "insane" because of drugs.

My biological grandmother is somewhere in Texas in a mental institution, due to her becoming a crack head and selling my mother to my real grandparents for $10 so she could buy more drugs. She then became a prostitute and contracted AIDS.

I wish I was lying when I say i'm just waiting for that phone call. :smh: :frown:

Get your friend off of those drugs fam. And chill out with that saliva **** as well.
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 I personally thought the antidepressants were part of the reason why he was feeling so ****** up because i took a couple one night just to see what the effects were and I felt extremely disconnected from reality, like nothing mattered at all.... 
Can I ask what exactly your thought proces was when you did this?

Really though... Taking more than one  antidepressant  when you don't even have an illness. Were you really expecting anything else to happen? Those pills are serious stuff.
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The more I get older the more I realize that marijuana can/cannot be a drug along with others like cocaine, etc.

It depends on the person, their personality, the lifestyle they live, temperament....

I think people are too quick to say MJ isn't a drug because they've been smoking it so long but people can and will have adverse reactions to it. Doesn't mean people using it are right and doesn't mean those who don't are right either.

Personally, I believe all the drugs we use....and this isn't in the classical sense like MJ, cocaine, heroin....i'm also talking about materialism, gambling, etc...are all a test. can you survive without them?

They can enhance your life...but if push came to shove....can you live without them and still maintain your composure and your will to live a positive life?

Now that I think about it i can see how using drugs can help influence a deeper thought about oneself and your personality traits and what not....thing is that too many people go over the deep end and think certain drugs help enhance their life. I think that drugs are supposed to make you realize things about yourself you need to work on and find that inner well of structure so that you don't need to rely on drugs to get you somewhere. It should lead you to self-sufficiency through opening your mind.

To be honest when I chief up I get super introspective about my faults and it is a buzzkill to realize these things but I know it's something I need to work on to attain a higher freedom in my life.

/new age talk.
Based on my experiences and the highs and lows I've gone through, personally I've found that the best mindset to have is that the drugs aren't supposed to make you do anything. Having that mindset is the only way I can enjoy them now.

I went through a long period where I was smoking 24/7 always trying to "enlighten myself" and open my mind, being real introspective about my life and how I wanted to improve and whatnot. But it got to a point where I was just thinking in circles constantly and I could no longer enjoy my highs. It actually got pretty bad and spilled over into my every day life, I had to leave school for a bit because I was dealing with constant paranoia/anxiety.

I stopped smoking for a while, and that was the best thing I did because it got me back to processing things normally and being able to enjoy life again. I still smoke (not quite as often) but when I do, I just chill out and enjoy it instead of trying to overanalyze every little thing.

In general I feel like if you're the type of person who tends to overanalyze things or has underlying problems, you should stay away from drugs because they will magnify your issues. You gotta learn be comfortable with who you are first, without the drugs.

well I was never a 24/7 smoker. I was more of a nighttime smoker. But like I said...people are gonna have different reactions to chiefing up. I saw my introspection as a way to get better at things I was suppressing. Everyone is gonna have their own interpretations of things such as MJ. My thing was being able to control my high and use it to benefit me in some way. If your smoking and it's only causing you paranoia/anxiety then your only options are stopping or learning how to deal with it and see if it can benefit you in some way.

some people never get past that stage of stopping to suppress flaws about themselves therefore they view certain drugs as being a catalyst to even more opression from their flaws or go over the deep end. There are so many variables to using drugs.

Basically if you can't handle your **** you should seek other paths.
Can I ask what exactly your thought proces was when you did this?
Really though... Taking more than one antidepressant when you don't even have an illness. Were you really expecting anything else to happen? Those pills are serious stuff.

Was wondering this this too. Taking an anti-depressant "just to see what happens?" NOT a good idea. Taking anything for experimental purposes is probably a bad idea. OP, no offense but you need to smarten up a little. Giving your friend with mental/emotional issues a psychoactive drug and popping anti-depressants come on dude.
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I nearly went insane when I smoked weed last August. It was bad. At at the same time I had a lot of things going on that caused me grief and I was mentally unstable for a while. Haven't smoked since September and don't plan on doing so anytime soon. I'm fine now and have been doing a lot better in school.

If you're in high school reading this thread, you should probably stay away from drugs. There are some people you meet thru the drug scene that just aren't good people to be around... nearly got t-boned by a mack truck while riding in my friends car while cruising. We would have died for sure.
I took them with the intention of trying to get a glimpse of where my boy was coming from it dealing with... I'm not stupid I wouldn't have done it to feel "high" or whatever, just wanted to see what exactly it was doing to my friend( I wasn't thinking about the fact that ssris take a couple weeks to start affecting your body in a positive manner). And I did not bring salvia and offer it to him. He had gotten it on his own
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