Drunk, racist guy gets KO'd in Manhattan...now in serious condition.

"Physically vaporize"
That's JR talk. I'm taking that one with me.
so im supposed to wait for drunk dude to swing on me or my chick? if hes drunk how do i know  what hes goin to do next, or even predict it?  once he got too close, that was it

and he shouldve been arrested too for being drunk out in public
Exactly. Dude should get arrested as well for disordly conduct and other stuff. There should be a law that if 1 person is committing a crime you can arrest the other if they commit one with the same situation.

I would had hit him too, drunk people make stupid decisions. Im not going to sit there and wait to get hit, probably was coming. Drunk dude was a threat
The guy who threw the punch commited a simple assault. Now if the guy who got knocked out dies then you can upgrade those charges to say manslaughter perhaps. As they say Sticks and stones may break my bones (but words will never hurt me). He should have never placed his hands on the individual instead he should have called police and reported this as a hate crime incident which will see the perp land in jail for something so mininmal.
dude was waving his arms, drunk, saying racial slurs, acting violent and the suspect thought the drunk was going to assualt him. The dude was in the right for protecting himself

You dont need to be hit to claim self defense. if some body swings at u, point a gun at you, pick up a bat etc you go to town on the person
Never understood why people would take name calling, racially fueled or not, to heart or even violence. IMO, it shows insecurity. Kind of like how sometimes your friends may take jokes to heart because they know that secretly they're true. I don't care if you're black, white, hispanic, asian, etc. but if you're good at your job, making bank, genuinely happy with your life and where you're going why would you be upset that someone, who doesn't even know you, called you a generic slur? I would just laugh at their ignorance, keep counting my money and keep it moving, but that's just me **Kanye Shrug**
Never understood why people would take name calling, racially fueled or not, to heart or even violence. IMO, it shows insecurity. Kind of like how sometimes your friends may take jokes to heart because they know that secretly they're true. I don't care if you're black, white, hispanic, asian, etc. but if you're good at your job, making bank, genuinely happy with your life and where you're going why would you be upset that someone, who doesn't even know you, called you a generic slur? I would just laugh at their ignorance, keep counting my money and keep it moving, but that's just me **Kanye Shrug**


you're going to let people degrade you? what if you're in front of your son and somebody calls you a LAB *** n____...

or in front of your daughter and say "I bussed into your momb's mouth, no greyhound"

you gonna just count them green backs?

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I never understood why people think their words can't get their *** kicked. Sticks and stones break bones, and your mouth will get you hit with both. There's a reason the 1st Amendment contains the asterisk "you talk too much ****, you're on your own, buddy."


you're going to let people degrade you? what if you're in front of your son and somebody calls you a LAB *** n____...

or in front of your daughter and say "I bussed into your momb's mouth, no greyhound"

you gonna just count them green backs?


Yeah I need a little more than that to fight someone, especially a stranger. What if that same stranger pulls out a weapon? You'll feel like a real toolbox almost losing your life because a person who doesn't even know you said a few words to you. Especially in this era where people rarely fight with their hands or take a L. It's not worth it, what are you proving?
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Never understood why people would take name calling, racially fueled or not, to heart or even violence. IMO, it shows insecurity. Kind of like how sometimes your friends may take jokes to heart because they know that secretly they're true. I don't care if you're black, white, hispanic, asian, etc. but if you're good at your job, making bank, genuinely happy with your life and where you're going why would you be upset that someone, who doesn't even know you, called you a generic slur? I would just laugh at their ignorance, keep counting my money and keep it moving, but that's just me **Kanye Shrug**


you're going to let people degrade you? what if you're in front of your son and somebody calls you a LAB *** n____...

or in front of your daughter and say "I bussed into your momb's mouth, no greyhound"

you gonna just count them green backs?


Would my son or daughter rather just hop in the back of the towncar and head home or would they rather see their father chauffered away in the back of a cop car on his way to jail? >D
Never understood why people would take name calling, racially fueled or not, to heart or even violence. IMO, it shows insecurity. Kind of like how sometimes your friends may take jokes to heart because they know that secretly they're true. I don't care if you're black, white, hispanic, asian, etc. but if you're good at your job, making bank, genuinely happy with your life and where you're going why would you be upset that someone, who doesn't even know you, called you a generic slur? I would just laugh at their ignorance, keep counting my money and keep it moving, but that's just me **Kanye Shrug**


you're going to let people degrade you? what if you're in front of your son and somebody calls you a LAB *** n____...

or in front of your daughter and say "I bussed into your momb's mouth, no greyhound"

you gonna just count them green backs?

Would my son or daughter rather just hop in the back of the towncar and head home or would they rather see their father chauffered away in the back of a cop car on his way to jail?
This.  I'm not putting my safety, my children's safety, or my future on the line in order to dish out some street justice to an idiot.  I have a little too much going for me to throw it all away on someone I couldn't care less about.

I don't even...

won't convince people otherwise... just hope y'all are never in a position where someone disrespects you and you don't check it...

ESPECIALLY in front of your lady. :x

it'd be a wrap for her respect in you

(waits for some response like 1. my lady is smart enough to know or 2. she must not be the one for me)

and checking it =\= punching... but it doesn't exclude it...

I don't even...

won't convince people otherwise... just hope y'all are never in a position where someone disrespects you and you don't check it...

ESPECIALLY in front of your lady.

it'd be a wrap for her respect in you

(waits for some response like 1. my lady is smart enough to know or 2. she must not be the one for me)

and checking it =\= punching... but it doesn't exclude it...
my safety, the safety of those I care about and my future> honor and others' perception of me.
I would've wrecked homie and dealt with the cost. The laws weren't created with us in mind and the system is working fine. :smh: |I

I don't even...

won't convince people otherwise... just hope y'all are never in a position where someone disrespects you and you don't check it...

ESPECIALLY in front of your lady. :x

it'd be a wrap for her respect in you

(waits for some response like 1. my lady is smart enough to know or 2. she must not be the one for me)

and checking it =\= punching... but it doesn't exclude it...

I'm probably being a bit dramatic and exaggerating when I say that I'd simply keep it moving. I would certainly feel compelled to reply and I likely would, in a reasonable manner, but any sober person knows you can't reason with drunk, especially not at this guy's level of intoxication. So you're saying my yamb is going to lose respect for me because a drunk idiot, who is complaining about his mid-life crisis, made some uncivilized remarks to us while we're sharing a 12 ounce Wagyu ribeye and sipping Vueve Cliquout and I chose to address the situation in a civilized manner? She's going to leave me because I made a decision with our safety in mind? If you're willing to mortgage your future on a heat of moment, poorly thought out decision then that's on you.
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I don't even...

won't convince people otherwise... just hope y'all are never in a position where someone disrespects you and you don't check it...

ESPECIALLY in front of your lady. :x

it'd be a wrap for her respect in you

(waits for some response like 1. my lady is smart enough to know or 2. she must not be the one for me)

and checking it =\= punching... but it doesn't exclude it...

I'm probably being a bit dramatic and exaggerating when I say that I'd simply keep it moving. I would certainly feel compelled to reply and I likely would, in a reasonable manner, but any sober person knows you can't reason with drunk, especially not at this guy's level of intoxication. So you're saying my yamb is going to lose respect for me because a drunk idiot, who is complaining about his mid-life crisis, made some uncivilized remarks to us while we're sharing a 12 ounce Wagyu ribeye and sipping Vueve Cliquout and I chose to address the situation in a civilized manner? She's going to leave me because I made a decision with our safety in mind? If you're willing to mortgage your future on a heat of moment, poorly thought out decision then that's on you.

i'm a mid 20s black dude closing in on a 6 figure salary in 3 years... i can PROMISE you that i think logically cuz any mistake i make, i can lose it. hell, any mistake that i DONT make, i can still lose it...

and it will be much harder for me to gain it back.

i'm glad you spoke on exaggeration and extremes because sometimes, we use those to get our points across.

all i'm saying is, i'm not having some guy hurl racist remarks at me in front of my children or wife and not do anything about it...

again, checking =/= punching the guy. but there's a reason why people feel comfortable to disrespect black people like that... b/c they think its ok and can get away w/ it.. naw, famb...

i guess we're just different guys. i am in no way a fighter... i dont pick random fights, or punch whoever steps on my toes... but i'll be dambed if i'll let that slide. and that applies to when i deal w/ women, work, friends, or whatever. you're gonna respect me. racist stuff is not allowed.
I don't think anyone said they wouldn't say something, plenty of people said they wouldn't have put their hands on him though
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