Ducktales remastered!!, releases on PSN August 13th, 14.99, XBLA gets it a month later

I'm surprised that Capcom is making this. I would never expect them to do a game like this. So let's see, they are releasing this game, ANOTHER update to SSFIV AE in the works right now, but no patch or update for UMVC3 :smh: Oh, Capcom



All other forms of copped the kids are saying these days.

Oh my god :wow:

que the can't wait .gif
They need to do this to a lot of classics.

The first couple of Zelda's
Earthworm Jim
Double Dragon

Countless more...

This is a good start though.
i don't even care about the game, but MANNN..

hearing that song gave me chills and made me feel emotional.

80's babies FTW!!!
They need to do this to a lot of classics.

The first couple of Zelda's
Earthworm Jim
Double Dragon

Countless more...

This is a good start though.

cue denzel my man gif

and aladdin
and maui mallard
Just sang along. New favorite Youtube video until I get this in my hands 
:smokin One of my favorite games as a kid.

*wants the OG TMNT game next*
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Will be getting this on my Wii U.
I love that Wayforward is doing the game, love their style.

Hope this game is successful an leads to Wayforward doing more retro games cause I wanna see a remastered version of Lion King for the SEGA Genesis.
For now I'm not going to get too excited. Last retro remake that got me hyped was Turtles in Time and we all know how that turned out. But I am pleased to see this come out of left field. 
The game itself looks trash. They need to remake Megaman before this trash.

On another note, I swear I was smiling hard throughout the theme song. Childhood memories.
I'm surprised that Capcom is making this. I would never expect them to do a game like this. So let's see, they are releasing this game, ANOTHER update to SSFIV AE in the works right now, but no patch or update for UMVC3 :smh: Oh, Capcom


I love ducktales and when they did this man still cracks me up

Wayforward need to get on the Rescue Rangers remake.....yall aint heard me man........
Everytime they do this the remastered version is underwhelming and its always for the same reason, the character movement. For some reason they always feel the need to dramatically lower the character movement and IDK why. Please dont ruin this.

What they did to Turtles in Time
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