Dude touches your girls @+@. Does it GO DOWN? VOL. True Story

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

You should have shot him. Next time they will be sexing it up


Yea you did the right thing
Yeah dude gets a pass, but next time if the dude gets outta bounds its a wrap
Originally Posted by ripfan816

Originally Posted by The Harlem Shake

At this party yesterday that my GF asked me to go to so ofcourse ima go for her. Saw hella people I used to know back in my childhood days. Talk to all of em let em know who my girl is. So night goes on and my girl comes up to me and goes babe I gotta tell you something but you gotta promise you wont do anything. She goes should I tell you now or after I chose now. She tells me one of my boys from BACK in the day who knew she was my girl grabbed her @$* and my girl (who can handle herself) goes "ohh helllll no. you must be trippin i gotta man" and he walked away hella quick. I got STONE FACED when she told me. 1. He was my boy. 2. He was drunk. 3. You already know. So her best friends tell me dont worry you know she can handle herself. Hes drunk. Just drop it. So I just sat down and didnt do anything about it upon her request. Later he comes up to her trying to apologize and she goes its not me you need to apologize to its my man. So he does and its squashed.

I went home asking myself. Should i have gotten up and done something or is what I did and trusting my girl and knowing that she told him off the good thing to do?

If he was drunk let it slide............

This time
Word, people don't act themselves when they're drunk. Girls become sleezy and guys only want to get some, no matter if it's a girlwith a man. If it happens next time though there's no excuse, he should know to control himself with that girl the next time.
Gropping a Females Butt is disrespectful in-its-self...so Gropping YOUR females Butt is 100x worse...Drunk or not...
Originally Posted by tmukg21

Let it ride fam; violence is not needed
dude was intoxicated and his decisions were slurred so let him live, violence is not the way and he apologized to you like a real man.
Good move, dude was drunk, not a good look. He was out of line, but he didn't have sex with your broad (to your knowledge), so you're fine.
If it happens again, then he catches the eye-jam.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by kick master skiz

You did the right thing, violence is never the answer.


So what if 5-6 drunk dudes grab your Females Butt...you gonna let all them dudes slide? Your female is gonna give you the
face when yall leave....
Originally Posted by DjMystery2003

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Nah fam, this was a test from your girl and you failed miserably. She wanted to see if you would defend her honor and you let logic lead you in the wrong direction. Dont be surprised if you find her spreading for homeboy in question.

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Nahhh i'm just playing fam, lol. You handled the situation like you were supposed to. Dont mind my earlier response, I'm just bored and just wanted to do a "hidden message" : )[/color]
Hes kinda right on this. You should of confronted him about it. Not with your fist but you should of talked to him.
yeah, you shouldve initiated the convo, instead of waiting for him to come apologize
Dude needs smacked for disrespecting a female like that - what's with dudes thinking it's okay to be touching a girl they don't even know likethat? i'm not one for violence at all, especially over something this simple.. but it seems like guys who go touching strangers like this need to learnwhat's up. You don't touch a female you don't know without a clear indication that she's cool with it - these are the types of dudes who turninto rapists, i believe.. because they think they have to be told no for something to be wrong, rather than just knowing it's wrong because theyhaven't been indicated that yes this is okay.

I mean - it's whatever.. i'm not so upset that he touched your girl, just that guys like him exist who think they can touch any girl like it's apickup line or something.
When I asked her later that night if she would have wanted me to do something to em she said.

No because it would show I was insecure and didnt trust her and she said it shows weakness.

SO Shes coo with what happened and how it played out but now im lyin down like @#@#, I should atleast got up n talked to em...
Originally Posted by The Harlem Shake

When I asked her later that night if she would have wanted me to do something to em she said.

No because it would show I was insecure and didnt trust her and she said it shows weakness.

SO Shes coo with what happened and how it played out but now im lyin down like @#@#, I should atleast got up n talked to em...

How does that show insecurity? You putting a dude in his place forgropping her butt should make her feel like a queen...

Now if you punched buddy for talking to her...THATS insecure....
Well he was drunk so just let it go.

If he wasnt, then that'll be another story.

oh and, pics you ignorant fool.
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by The Harlem Shake

When I asked her later that night if she would have wanted me to do something to em she said.

No because it would show I was insecure and didnt trust her and she said it shows weakness.

SO Shes coo with what happened and how it played out but now im lyin down like @#@#, I should atleast got up n talked to em...

How does that show insecurity? You putting a dude in his place for gropping her butt should make her feel like a queen...

Now if you punched buddy for talking to her...THATS insecure....
Because she doesn't take it as anything more than a guy making a pass at her, albeit a slightly more inappropriate one.

Believe it or not kids, girls hate jealousy in guys. And for you to throw hands with some guy who used to be your friend because he made a drunken error showsthat not only are you a pety, jealous individual, but that you don't believe she can take care of hersel either.. and that you're probably extremelyinsecure about your standing with her.

If you were confident in your status with your girl, you would roll with it and just let it slide when she told you to, like this guy did.

The only reason this guy deserves to get smacked is because he's a creep-+%+ %%+%**+%!@%# that thinks it's cool to grope girls he doesn't know. But that could be taken care of by any guy in the room with enough reason in him to know right and wrong.
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