Dude who pays all his girl's bills sparks debate on Twitter

It’s the slippery slope you play when you get into relationships with people with debt. If / as you get more committed and emotionally invested in them it’s hard not to want to to help. That can be 1 month, 3 months etc. Much easier to not get into that situation than be cold hearted and not be helping out once you’re in it. Girls are especially good at taking advantage it too as asking for help seems to come a lot more naturally to them. I’d have to be on my death bed before i asked for help lol and even then i’d probably rather just die on the sword.
I’m not paying all that for anyone I’m not married to, but that’s just me. Especially after 10 months. More power to him, but he’s wildin. :lol:

I will say it’s dope that she used her funds to pay off her debts. It’d be tempting to just coast and enjoy the free ride, but it sounds like she’s being smart financially so kudos to her.
Been slowing cleaning up my twitter so I'm glad this never came across my TL

Maybe I'm missing somethin but from what I've read she works and paid off her student loans but doesn't pay bills/contribute to the household bills.

That's a lot going on for a 10 month relationship and males who use the phrase "love that for __" can't be trusted.

It's funny when people but their business out there then get defensive/sassy when people get critical and or ask questions. He got the attention he wanted.

Of course she does :lol:

I mean shes hot. More power to him I guess. Couldnt have been me.
Another question - how long into a relationship is it acceptable to be paying all of your partner's bills?

The tweet says that her having the stability to tackle her loans, credit, etc has happened within 10 months. So he didn't start assisting at the 10 month mark, he's been doing this for months.

Did bro just decide to start paying her bills 4 months in?

For someone who doesn't have an opinion either way... you're really trying to wrap your head around this situation. :lol:
Watched my mom get off or behind and work 35+ years straight. No complaints. Paid off cars and a mortgage.

I’d never take care of a woman, after seeing my mom, aunt, and grandmother grind it out for decades. My grandmother has had the same job for 54 years. Since 1969.

But my aunt on the other hand, who hasn’t worked since the early 80s disrespects my uncle all the time.

It’s a matter of preference but I’d never take care of a woman. It has to be equal or I want no parts. Everyone’s experiences are different though.

I’d be disrespecting my mother if I let some woman just live off of me without contributing. If we aren’t equally yoked, I’m good
Dude has grey in his beard so, he’s got to be 35-45. I wonder if he has kids :lol: :lol: :lol:

If she graduated in 2018, she’s got to be in her mid 20s
It’s really not that deep if you can afford it.

Also, it’s social media.

Married people understand that there are a lot of contributions to a household aside from “paying all the bills.” Especially if you have children. I’d venture to say paying all the bills is actually a bit easier than the rest of it.
Eh I don’t think a relationship should be built on money, and that seems to be this guys MO. “I’ll provide for you girl. “

Now obviously I don’t mind if the bread winner pays for a lot of stuff but I’d also be like is that why your staying?

If he stopped paying for everything tomorrow, is the relationship strong enough otherwise?
Nothing wrong with that, though it seems a bit one-sided and excessive for a relatively short relationship.
If anything, the guy's a clown for putting that on social media. It comes off as very 'wow look at me guys I'm so successful and caring, please praise me'
Watched my mom get off or behind and work 35+ years straight. No complaints. Paid off cars and a mortgage.

I’d never take care of a woman, after seeing my mom, aunt, and grandmother grind it out for decades. My grandmother has had the same job for 54 years. Since 1969.

But my aunt on the other hand, who hasn’t worked since the early 80s disrespects my uncle all the time.

It’s a matter of preference but I’d never take care of a woman. It has to be equal or I want no parts. Everyone’s experiences are different though.

I’d be disrespecting my mother if I let some woman just live off of me without contributing. If we aren’t equally yoked, I’m good
Me and my girl split everything, every now and then i treat her or get her something nice And vice versa for special occasions birthdays Etc.. No drama no fuss nothing. Makes it easier for the both of us and allows us to travel more. I don’t know why people make it so complicated.

Not knocking those who take care of their significant others or handle the majority of the bills but i personally feel when **** hits the fan and arguing, that is something that can possibly be brought up and make the situation even uglier.
10 months???????????

Nope, this is not ok. This man is pandering to the internet and messing up the market so he can get side yambs.

It's basically insider trading. I need an SEC investigation into this man right now. Can Elon terminate his account?
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Fam knows what he is doing by posting this stuff.

Trying to get that social media money.

Do a few runs on podcasts, end up with a show on OWN if he plays it right :lol:

Man is full of **** :rofl:

Running that Derrick Jaxn playbook. Nothing will get you unwavering women followers on the internet like being an open trick.

I haven't even checked the quote tweets and I already know what the responses look like it's just a bunch of "PERIOD", "This is why I WON'T SETTLE ", "THIS IS A REAL MAN".

Dude is a terrorist and that tweet needs to come with one of those disclaimers at the bottom verifying it's legitimacy.
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Im thinking that is his way of flexing. He's gotta be well into six figures (150 - 200+) to pull this off. If that's the case, he probably like the top 5% of black men, $ wise. This is not normal at all. Its a little more common with white folks and its part of old WASP culture. Im willing to bet most partnerships are dual-income, even with ivy league educated couples. I just don't know if It's worth it to have her at home all day not having a purpose besides pine sol, vacuums, paw patrol and crayons. You could hire a nanny and / or maid to do all of that. So whats her worth really? I love the idea of investing in a women, but a housewife doesn't seem like an investment.

Oh and if she has a job and doesn't spend any of her money, that's probably worse that being a housewife.
Im thinking that is his way of flexing. He's gotta be well into six figures (150 - 200+) to pull this off. If that's the case, he probably like the top 5% of black men, $ wise. This is not normal at all. Its a little more common with white folks and its part of old WASP culture. Im willing to bet most partnerships are dual-income, even with ivy league educated couples. I just don't know if It's worth it to have her at home all day not having a purpose besides pine sol, vacuums, paw patrol and crayons. You could hire a nanny and / or maid to do all of that. So whats her worth really? I love the idea of investing in a women, but a housewife doesn't seem like an investment.

Man if you make 150-200k as a black man you're top 1 percent it's probably less than that which is why him spitting this rhetoric online mainly to black women is nasty work. It 's one thing if they were married with kids, cool I get it that's what you're supposed to do.

But girlfriend???? No hard commitment??? 10 months????
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l just don't know if It's worth it to have her at home all day not having a purpose besides pine sol, vacuums, paw patrol and crayons. You could hire a nanny and / or maid to do all of that. So whats her worth really? I love the idea of investing in a women, but a housewife doesn't seem like an investment.

I mean this is actually quantifiable. A full time nanny and a full time maid are not inexpensive at all. A lot of live-in nannies actually negotiate cars into their agreements. A lot of stay at home spouses also cook. So add in the cost of a full-time or even part-time chef.

If the significant other would make less than the total cost of all that in the market, it seems like a great investment. Simply from a numbers perspective. Not to mention the priceless time with children that an outside nanny/maid/chef can’t really replace.
I don't like the idea of investing in a woman. Gives me the impression somebody is your property. That'll always rub me the wrong way.

Let this man have his fun. Like I said, don't get mad if she leaves you for another guy though.
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