Dude who pays all his girl's bills sparks debate on Twitter

Serious question - why does he have to be in a relationship? Is he some sort of failure or "less than" because he is single?

He had an interview with Rickey Smiley and they basically asked each other “why are they single”

Both said they want someone, but with stipulations. Time and again on Skip And Shannon, he’s talked about relationships or, what women type of women he sees himself with.

He clearly wants to be in a relationship (I’m basing it off what I’ve seen him say). Now, if he’s just doing it for entertainment purposes, so be it.

But I’ve literally heard him say he’s searching, but still hasn’t found the right one on a number of occasions. If a person is content with being single, they don’t talk like that.

I mean, “employment”, by definition, is asking for something in return. Ijs. The word she’s looking for is “fantasy”. Men should really stop reacting/reposting/responding to this nonsense and just start posting our equivalent.

“A female best friend, that lives a town over, lets me come and go as I please, birth my children and never asks for anything in return. Does such a woman still exist?”

Or even better…

“A woman that cooks, cleans, doesn’t talk back, sleeps with me and ask for nothing in return. Does such a woman exist?” Since we’re being classic.
Bad TEETH and a head full of hair that ain’t yours…. But wants to be taken care of :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Not to mention those silly *** lashes. These women be delusional. Come outside in a whole suit of mascara, 65% not themselves but want me to do everything for them :lol:

Damn. She would probably be the friend. Even with thangs like that.
He had an interview with Rickey Smiley and they basically asked each other “why are they single”

Both said they want someone, but with stipulations. Time and again on Skip And Shannon, he’s talked about relationships or, what women type of women he sees himself with.

He clearly wants to be in a relationship (I’m basing it off what I’ve seen him say). Now, if he’s just doing it for entertainment purposes, so be it.

But I’ve literally heard him say he’s searching, but still hasn’t found the right one on a number of occasions. If a person is content with being single, they don’t talk like that.

Ahhhh I see. Okay, I haven't seen him say any of that but your take makes a lot more sense now.

I mean, “employment”, by definition, is asking for something in return. Ijs. The word she’s looking for is “fantasy”. Men should really stop reacting/reposting/responding to this nonsense and just start posting our equivalent.

“A female best friend, that lives a town over, lets me come and go as I please, birth my children and never asks for anything in return. Does such a woman still exist?”

Or even better…

“A woman that cooks, cleans, doesn’t talk back, sleeps with me and ask for nothing in return. Does such a woman exist?” Since we’re being classic.

Funnily enough, if any man said that on social media he is going to get crucified and called sexist :lol:
Funnily enough, if any man said that on social media he is going to get crucified and called sexist :lol:
Exactly! Call them or anyone out on their hypocrisy so we can start having honest discussions, because that’s the only way any progress is going to be made. Idk but Im really tired of people falling for and then resetting the social media trap for the next person. Now, I don’t have Twitter, so a lot of what I see, I get from here but, do white people to this incendiary takes for likes stuff? Because I mostly see black folks doing it. Idk if thats actually the case or not. Also has anyone’s hot take every improved anyones life in any way whatsoever? Why do we continue to do this?
Exactly! Call them or anyone out on their hypocrisy so we can start having honest discussions, because that’s the only way any progress is going to be made. Idk but Im really tired of people falling for and then resetting the social media trap for the next person. Now, I don’t have Twitter, so a lot of what I see, I get from here but, do white people to this incendiary takes for likes stuff? Because I mostly see black folks doing it. Idk if thats actually the case or not. Also has anyone’s hot take every improved anyones life in any way whatsoever? Why do we continue to do this?
Everybody does the social media bs unfortunately…Just depends what group you follow or interact with, that’s why they call it “black Twitter”

I’ve seen posts in other threads on here with white chicks being goofy, like the one that tweeted about leaving a date cuz the dude ain’t want cheese on his burger or something :lol: :smh: …Overall the outlandish stuff is what gets the most engagement even tho it might not even be sincere or real life, folks get worked up over nothin and fight internet battles
Idk man, maybe because Im a big black man or because Im a military brat and grew up a perpetual new kid, but I do not understand people’s need for pointless attention from strangers. I just cannot wrap my head around it. Could it be because I have hobbies and I don’t need other people to find fulfillment?
Idk man, maybe because Im a big black man or because Im a military brat and grew up a perpetual new kid, but I do not understand people’s need for pointless attention from strangers. I just cannot wrap my head around it. Could it be because I have hobbies and I don’t need other people to find fulfillment?

Main character syndrome. It's a sick disease.
I’ve seen posts in other threads on here with white chicks being goofy, like the one that tweeted about leaving a date cuz the dude ain’t want cheese on his burger or something :lol: :smh: …Overall the outlandish stuff is what gets the most engagement even tho it might not even be sincere or real life, folks get worked up over nothin and fight internet battles

Man, I don't know if you are referencing the same post or the race of this girl but I definitely remember a post of a tweet/screencap where a girl was shaming a dude as being not manly because of his drink choice on their date :lol: It wasn't even anything egregious either, just another woman being on her high horse on social media. The entitlement in 2023 is real and it is problematic. It just complicates everything
This subject is getting old. At the end of the day people should do what works for them and their household and keep it moving. Nobody cares what you do or don't do for your man/woman. That's your business, keep it to yourself .

Quote tweets are pretty funny

Male bestfriend? What delusional world is this woman living in? That was never a thing. Sounds more like a simp hanging around , while she uses him for everything she can get.
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Everybody does the social media bs unfortunately…Just depends what group you follow or interact with, that’s why they call it “black Twitter”

I’ve seen posts in other threads on here with white chicks being goofy, like the one that tweeted about leaving a date cuz the dude ain’t want cheese on his burger or something :lol: :smh: …Overall the outlandish stuff is what gets the most engagement even tho it might not even be sincere or real life, folks get worked up over nothin and fight internet battles
Yeah one of the recent ones said this was her actual job. Folks are getting paid to stage scenarios and rile up engagement. I wish dudes would chill on bringing that stuff here.
Yeah one of the recent ones said this was her actual job. Folks are getting paid to stage scenarios and rile up engagement. I wish dudes would chill on bringing that stuff here.
I feel like more people need to know about this occupation. Or is this the job people are trying to land posting this stuff?
. Nobody cares what you do or don't do for your man/woman. That's your business, keep it to yourself .

The problem is, the modern day individual DOES care. Millennials/Gen Z have grown up over sharing, or observing the everyday activities of their peers.

There’s literally a generation of children and young adults who are use to sharing their lives and daily activities.

Most of us older heads grew up with things being in-house. It’s the complete opposite now.

I agree with you because I myself am 35, but person aged 18-26, not so much.

They’re use to seeing people post their vacations, material possessions, outings with their significant others, vlogs, etc. it’s normalized behavior that they subscribe to on the daily.

So their reality is a bit more skewed. They grow up wanting that lifestyle by any means.

You can tell a person “Hey, I went wine tasting with my girl, I also bought a new Benz” their first response might be “why didn’t you post it on the Gram?”
Yeah one of the recent ones said this was her actual job. Folks are getting paid to stage scenarios and rile up engagement. I wish dudes would chill on bringing that stuff here.

EYE post them for laughs for the most part.
Very few of them can spark actual convo.

Man you gotta take those Twitter relationship threads as folks just trying to stir stuff up.
I don't believe a vast majority of those folks operate in the way they present in those threads.
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You can tell a person “Hey, I went wine tasting with my girl, I also bought a new Benz” their first response might be “why didn’t you post it on the Gram?”
You know what thats about. “Post it on the gram so I can get my hateful thoughts out, press a button and never have to actually address it.”
I agree with you because I myself am 35, but person aged 18-26, not so much.

They’re use to seeing people post their vacations, material possessions, outings with their significant others, vlogs, etc. it’s normalized behavior that they subscribe to on the daily.

I think some folks in their early 30s do this too particularly when it comes to vacations and outings with their significant others. Same with some material possessions too. I just don't need the entire world what I am doing. I would send pics via text to my family, someone who asked about that specific event or in group chats but there is no reason to blast it out to the entire world. No idea why everyone needs to know where I am, what I am eating, etc.
EYE post them for laughs for the most part.
Very few of them can spark actual convo.

Man you gotta take those Twitter relationship threads as folks just trying to stir stuff up.
I don't believe a vast majority of those folks operate in the way they present in those threads.

Fax, all this is just posted for laughs. It ain't that deep, people obviously tweet this stuff for attention and engagement. I like reading the funny responses.
This subject is getting old. At the end of the day people should do what works for them and their household and keep it moving. Nobody cares what you do or don't do for your man/woman. That's your business, keep it to yourself .

Male bestfriend? What delusional world is this woman living in? That was never a thing. Sounds more like a simp hanging around , while she uses him for everything she can get.
Yeah, it basically is. Especially if that dude is single. Had a friend like this and was straight up delusional.
Especially if that dude is single. Had a friend like this and was straight up delusional.

This. I had a situation like this my second year after graduating college. I got a girl who graduated the year after me a job at my company (company had 6 figures employees and our site had 4,000 folks so it's not like we worked together). So she didn't know anyone else in the area and my circle in the area was small but just reached a point where it was OD.

I wasn't delusional but after awhile I had to let it be known that I wasn't with spending all that time together if we weren't going to be in a relationship. She ended up saying nah and we both went our separate. It actually wasn't even spending a lot money (also I had a strong idea of what she was making because I got her hired and her family was loaded) but I hate to say it, I was more concerned about wasting time and energy.

Can't be doing all that "extra" stuff that I would be annoyed if my girlfriend asked me to do for a girl I'm not even in a relationship with :lol:
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