Dudes waiting in the wings for your female aren't unappreciated, just annoying AF.. Is that you?

Mister Meaner

formerly super producer j
Mar 24, 2007
Worst part about these guys is, often enough, they'll forgo other broads showing interest. My girl doesn't allow any flirting, but she's aware of dude intentions, and keeps their conversations at a respectable tone. In fact, homeboy lives out of state, and came back to visit, but she didn't oblige to see him because that would be over stepping boundaries. They were friends even before I knew her, so to ask to dead all contact would be unfair, no?

So if, no, when a relationship hits a rocky patch, does the waiting in the wings type dude have an advantage? Depends on the girl, yes?
when something goes wrong they get the yambs, been like that since the caveman days bruh , I suggest you dead it or dead him
What do you mean by "rocky patch?" Are you talking like a short break, or just the normal bickering/arguments that relationships have? If ol' girl is ready to talk to some other guy based off of what I said in the latter, then you need to dead that ASAP.

*another red-flag....why hasn't your girl put dude in check out of respect to YOU? Hate to sound all DC right now, but if she's aware of his "intentions," why is she even talking to this guy? If she hasn't put her foot down, she's doing nothing but leading him on.
Im not gonna lie, Ive done this before and thats only because theyve shown interest. If your girl isnt giving him the time of day lk you assume, then dont trip he'll eventually get the point OP. Personally I'd step in on dudes and run em off.
Bro, ask her to lose contact. Dudes are so sly and chicks aren't any better. This happened to one of my boys. His chick was telling him that "we're just friends". 8 months later he found out that they had kissed on multiple occasions. He came out laughing though because she hadn't seen the other guys for like 6 months and over that time period she got sprung and when he deaded her, she was devastated.
Don't be jealous and insecure and you will persevere. If you have a fine *** girl, the worst thing you can be is that salty, overprotective, insecure, jealous dude....people will want to smash your chick just based on that a lone and wonder why such a smart, beautiful girl is with such a toolbag. If you are assertive, confident, outgoing and a funny/cool person to be around....even the dudes who may want to smash your girl will end up respecting/liking you and wouldn't even fathom the notion of having ill thoughts of your lady.

Make friends with your enemies....
With things like that, I'd leave it in my girls hands really. If she is stupid and slips up that's on her and she'll be doing me a favor cause that'll just mean she wasn't worth my time to begin with. Like Shuttlesworth said, stay true to yourself.

Do you, and don't sweat these thirsty lames....
But some of these girls like that and as much as they say they "know when someone is trying to hit on them" etc.. they enjoy it and will lead a guy on just to cause they enjoy having thirst buckets all around them as much as they deny it. So if she hasn't cut that off by now, maybe you should be giving shorty another look. Just saying B :pimp:
Worst part about these guys is, often enough, they'll forgo other broads showing interest. My girl doesn't allow any flirting, but she's aware of dude intentions, and keeps their conversations at a respectable tone. In fact, homeboy lives out of state, and came back to visit, but she didn't oblige to see him because that would be over stepping boundaries. They were friends even before I knew her, so to ask to dead all contact would be unfair, no?
So if, no, when a relationship hits a rocky patch, does the waiting in the wings type dude have an advantage? Depends on the girl, yes?

Doesn't matter what his intentions are it matters what her actions are at the end of the day. As long as she respects you and your relationship I wouldn't worry at all. People only do what other people allow them to.
Dead her man...little things like this are a sign of drama in the future.

I've been through it...
Don't be jealous and insecure and you will persevere. If you have a fine *** girl, the worst thing you can be is that salty, overprotective, insecure, jealous dude....people will want to smash your chick just based on that a lone and wonder why such a smart, beautiful girl is with such a toolbag. If you are assertive, confident, outgoing and a funny/cool person to be around....even the dudes who may want to smash your girl will end up respecting/liking you and wouldn't even fathom the notion of having ill thoughts of your lady.
Make friends with your enemies....


DO NOT be the insecure type. Always be upfront and don't play games. And don't be afraid to admit that if you don't trust her - you can't be with her so just end. You'll get more respect for it, your woman (now ex) will look awful while you look like a confident, gentleman - and of course the people will talk and you won't look like the girly man in the situation.
Things like this are overblown. Let's be real here if dukes had enough game to get with your girl then he would be with her now and not you, end of story. These cases like your thread topic are only for girls that have on and off exes or bfs that are creeping on them, who are afraid to have the same thing done to them.
when something goes wrong they get the yambs, been like that since the caveman days bruh , I suggest you dead it or dead him
Maybe but prob not. I've broken some girls down and poked but most of the time it isn't worth all that energy and the girl is just using you for attention..

In 2012 these young girls need constant attention, so she's prob toying with homeboy instead of explicitly telling him off. I do the same it's funny and enjoyable for girls to keep hitting you up even though you're not really interested. If y'all relationship is copacetic and you put in work every time you pipe down your girl than you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Usually dudes are insecure and overprotective because deep down they think their girl can do better than them.
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Your woman, tell her to cut ties off with dude. Nothing further. Forget all of that insecure talk. Speak up or forever hold your peace. You have that right. 8)
Worst part about these guys is, often enough, they'll forgo other broads showing interest. My girl doesn't allow any flirting, but she's aware of dude intentions, and keeps their conversations at a respectable tone. In fact, homeboy lives out of state, and came back to visit, but she didn't oblige to see him because that would be over stepping boundaries. They were friends even before I knew her, so to ask to dead all contact would be unfair, no?

So if, no, when a relationship hits a rocky patch, does the waiting in the wings type dude have an advantage? Depends on the girl, yes?

yes, and yes. been through it, will never risk it again. they (not all of them, I guess :rolleyes) love the attention :smh: either say something to her or dead it.

dude saying if he had enough game to get with her blah blah, FALSE. why be with her if he could smash on the side when he felt like it with no consequence or feelings?
yes, and yes. been through it, will never risk it again. they (not all of them, I guess
) love the attention
either say something to her or dead it.
dude saying if he had enough game to get with her blah blah, FALSE. why be with her if he could smash on the side when he felt like it with no consequence or feelings?
Yo girls don't creep if the relationship is healthy, unless they're dirty so you should be happy cut them loose. On the other hand if a relationship is near its end LOTS of girls will find a new man (rebound whatever) first then break up with the old dude. That doesn't mean the new homeboy broke you guys up, that just means your girl was too insecure to be alone for a sec after breaking up with you. Don't blame that man, blame yourself or it simply wasn't meant to be. Either way your relationship was over. I think you guys are vastly exaggerating how seemingly inevitable the guy friend will smash. I'd say prob 99% of these clowns are terminally friend zone lames being used for attention.

Note: One of my exes let a forever guy friend that was obsessed with her smash after we broke up. I ain't even mad, I was actually embarrassed I was with her for that long because homeboy was a clown, i.e. it confirmed that she wasn't my type Not going to make me all bitter like some of you cats. She jumped back on my D last time I saw her and I just laughed in her face, I'm outta your league sweetheart
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Girls who even entertain that mess will only mean problems in the future.

My boy had this bad chick, she wanted the ring and everything. She would get constant attention (naturally,) and instead of just dismissing it she would act nonchalant and wouldn't check cats unless my boy was there. They moved out to Cali after they graduated, had a baby, and were engaged. Over the last month my boy saw her texting other dudes like "I'm gonna slide through later and let you hit it raw" and ish and he deaded it, now he has to do custody and all that.

My girl, on the other hand, knows better. A lot of the time she'll show me the texts/messages dudes try to get at her with. :lol:

I've definitely been that friend waiting in the wing before, and if things go down hill that friend will be one of the first people that knows. There was this chick that broke up with her man at lunch and was over my crib by dinner... They know the game just as well as the men do. Trust.
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Girls who even entertain that mess will only mean problems in the future.
My boy had this bad chick, she wanted the ring and everything. She would get constant attention (naturally,) and instead of just dismissing it she would act nonchalant and wouldn't check cats unless my boy was there. They moved out to Cali after they graduated, had a baby, and were engaged. Over the last month my boy saw her texting other dudes like "I'm gonna slide through later and let you hit it raw" and ish and he deaded it, now he has to do custody and all that.
My girl, on the other hand, knows better. A lot of the time she'll show me the texts/messages dudes try to get at her with.

I've definitely been that friend waiting in the wing before, and if things go down hill that friend will be one of the first people that knows. There was this chick that broke up with her man at lunch and was over my crib by dinner... They know the game just as well as the men do. Trust.
Real talk, it's just vagina. Like even when I capitalized on some chick I was targeting for a while I would still feel lame as hell, as in like damn that was kinda wack to be talking to a girl for that long just to slam. Some cats are that thirsty for draws they'll text and be there for a girl for like a year or two(!)
.. sorry, but that ain't a good look even if you end up piping. No vagina is worth that kind of dedication, especially from a broad that more or less thought you were wack for however long it took you to finally hit.
Those dudes are the worse. I remember my ex had this one dude at our school that was thirsty as hell for her even when we were going out. i We break up and dude tries to slide in immediately. 2 weeks after we broke up, shorty tells me she's preggo. I lol and tell her keep it moving. Now she's s got a 2 year old with this lame and stay hitting me up about trying to chill. Messe3d up. Nowadays you gotta check em asap/
Those dudes are the worse. I remember my ex had this one dude at our school that was thirsty as hell for her even when we were going out. i We break up and dude tries to slide in immediately. 2 weeks after we broke up, shorty tells me she's preggo. I lol and tell her keep it moving. Now she's s got a 2 year old with this lame and stay hitting me up about trying to chill. Messe3d up. Nowadays you gotta check em asap/

That don't make him the worst. Worked out well for you though. I don't see nothing wrong with dudes putting their bid in if she's accepting them, like if anything pops off, she knows what's good, but don't go hard at her while she's in it.
*another red-flag....why hasn't your girl put dude in check out of respect to YOU? Hate to sound all DC right now, but if she's aware of his "intentions," why is she even talking to this guy? If she hasn't put her foot down, she's doing nothing but leading him on.
I already said she doesn't allow any inkling of flirting when they talk. That is out of respect for me.

BTW, I left the thread open in my browser and she stumbled upon it. She understands how I feel and agreed to dial back their contact. We'll see.
Worst part about these guys is, often enough, they'll forgo other broads showing interest. My girl doesn't allow any flirting, but she's aware of dude intentions, and keeps their conversations at a respectable tone. In fact, homeboy lives out of state, and came back to visit, but she didn't oblige to see him because that would be over stepping boundaries. They were friends even before I knew her, so to ask to dead all contact would be unfair, no?
So if, no, when a relationship hits a rocky patch, does the waiting in the wings type dude have an advantage? Depends on the girl, yes?

I go through this with my chick every damn day, so I can feel you. But no they dont have an advantage unless shes also showing a level of interest. Its annoying.. but do some re-con.. dont just take a broad at her word, or action in front of you..
I already said she doesn't allow any inkling of flirting when they talk. That is out of respect for me.
BTW, I left the thread open in my browser and she stumbled upon it. She understands how I feel and agreed to dial backtheir contact. We'll see.

Thats passive aggressive as hell.. and you lost your position dude.. never look weak in front of your chick.. damn
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