Dwight Howard averaged 21 points, 14 rebounds and 2 blocks last year

Aug 29, 2007
How on earth can he outdo that this year? Those are ungodly numbers for somebody who's still playing on strength/athleticism.
He could average 22/15/3

Once he figures out what the hell he's doing, he's going to be a top 3 player in the league.
what ever happened to emeka okafor?
....while shooting 60 percent from the field. He was a dominate force on the defensive end, and was hard to be stopped on the offensive end. Expect even betterfrom Dwight Howard this year. He has yet to miss a game in his NBA career and is a big, strong, physical player. He commands double teams and manages to stillscore. Dwight may have to work on his free throw shooting which is one of his few weaknesses. Dwight will lead the Magic to the playoffs once again, but thistime he will go farther than many will think.
"He's got the whole package of skills-athleticism, basketball IQ, foundation."
-Former Magic head coach Johnny Davis
If he were more aggressive and more focused, he could put up Shaq-like numbers.

He definitely hasn't peaked though. It's hard to say that a man that averages 20/15 hasn't peaked yet, but he hasn't.

Also, don't worry about Emeka, he'll be okay.
i've always said, once he finds out that post offense is more than put backs and dunks, figures out footwork, and learns how to play the game in all theangles, he will be literally, unstoppable.
he can average 29 15 and 3. If he just gets his freethrows down and develops some what of a post game. Everytime he catches the ball his first instinct is todunk
He really has no reason to get better with the addition of Mickael Pietrus. Championship is pretty much a lock for them already.
honestly the sky is the limit for this guy...................
1. there are 3 good TRUE centers..... Howard, Bynum and Oden....2 live in the west
2. this guys athleticism is OFF THE CHARTS.
3. He is the only rebounder/ and its only stopper.

i could see a 23-4pts, 20rebs, 3-4 blocks season....... foul trouble and injuries will stop this from happening
just think if he had a better pg. i read somewhere he was working on his mid range jumpshot....i dont ever want to see him shooting jumpers
Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

1. there are 3 good TRUE centers..... Howard, Bynum and Oden....2 live in the west
How are we giving this dude this type of acclaim already?

I read throughout that whole Derrick Rose being the most athletic pass first PG ever and people KILLED dude saying he how could he make that claim and hehadn't played a regular season game yet.

Meanwhile, everyone here seems to think Greg Oden is already a big time player. I don't get it.
InMyMind, I think you can say the same thing with Bynum that people are saying with Oden. He's very good defensively, and he can grab boards/score aroundthe basket, but he hasn't been consistent enough and stayed healthy to give him that acclaim either. I don't doubt the kid, but he only put up GOOD(not great, GOOD) numbers for half of a season last year before getting injured. He definitely has the potential to be something great, but I can't put himin the same category as Dwight right now. There are only two great centers right now, that's Dwight and Yao. Yao is always injury prone, and Dwighthasn't finished developing.

Horford has a chance to join that list. He's VERY consistent and durable, two things you NEED out of your Center.
oden is legit defensively, but the ewing comparisons are outta control

dood isnt even the best big man on his team
ABout Oden, i agree with you InMyMind...... but if i leave him out then i get "flamed" for not putting him up so i'll give him the benefit of thedoubt

i forgot about Yao, but he's really a PF trapped in a C body!
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